"Who Hath Ears to Hear, Let Him Hear"

March 20–26

FAIR Faithful Resources for Come, Follow Me 2023 March 20–26 Matthew 13; Luke 8; 13 “Who Hath Ears to Hear, Let Him Hear.” Find answers to difficult questions to help you in your learning and teaching. Here is a collection of reliable resources to supplement your study of Matthew 13; Luke 8; 13. FAIR Resources link to relevant questions which have been answered on the FAIR website. Under Church Resources you’ll find links to the different Come, Follow Me manuals, as well as other helpful links as applicable. Other Resources link to resources outside of FAIR that are trustworthy and helpful.
Main points to ponder
Jesus taught using parables – simple stories used to illustrate a moral or spiritual lesson. Learn more about parables and how to approach them:
- Parables of Jesus: The Priceless Parables
- Ensign, Jan 2003, Frank F. Judd Jr.
- Parables, Bible Dictionary
- BYU Scholar Shares 4 Keys for Understanding the Savior’s New Testament Parables
- New Testament Seminary Student Study Guide
- Talmage, Jesus the Christ, Chapter 19, He Spake Many Things Unto Them in Parables
Why is it that sometimes our hearts are receptive to truth, while at other times we’re tempted to resist it? Consider Matthew 13:3–23; Luke 8:4–15; 13:6–9; see also Mosiah 2:9; Alma 12:10–11; 32:28–43; Dallin H. Oaks, “The Parable of the Sower.”
How does the Savior’s treatment and relationship with women in the New Testament reinforce that women are not loved any less than men? Consider these scriptures Luke 8:1–3 and source Interpreter, Jesus Christ’s Interactions with the Women of the New Testament Mary Jane Woodger.

Faithful Resources on the FAIR website:
- FairMormon Conference Podcast #55 – John W. & Jeannie Welch, “Parables of Jesus Revealing the Plan of Salvation” – podcast
- Parables of Jesus Revealing the Plan of Salvation – John and Jeannie Welch -YouTube
- Parables of Jesus Revealing the Plan of Salvation – transcript
- The Atonement and the Prodigal Son
- Christ’s Emancipation of Women in the New Testament
- “Daughters of Christ”: Finding Language to Talk about Women and Priesthood
Resources on the Church website:
Parable of the Sower (Matthew 13:1-23)
Jesus Declares the Parable of the Wheat and the Tares (Matthew 13:36-43)
The Kingdom of Heaven (Matthew 13:44-51)
Jesus Declares the Parable of the Wheat & Tares, Mustard Seed, and Leaven (Matthew 13)
Faithful Resources from other reliable websites:
Come, Follow Me Study and Teaching Helps — Lesson 13: March 20–26, Jonn Claybaugh
The Parable of the Sower, Hales Swift
The Sower, a poem by Hales Swift
Of Soils and Souls: The Parable of the Sower, Jared M. Halverson
Names of the Parables, Thomas A. Wayment
Come Follow Me – Matthew 13; Luke 8, 13, Book of Mormon Central Archive
Come Follow Me 2019: Matthew 13; Luke 8, 13, Book of Mormon Central
Come Follow Me – Matthew 13; Luke 8, 13, Book of Mormon Central Archive
Come Follow Me –Podcast 12–“Who Hath Ears to Hear, Let Him Hear”, Matthew 13: Luke 8: 13, Meridian Magazine
Matthew 13; Luke 8, 13, BYU Studies
“Come, Follow Me” March 18–24: “Who Hath Ears to Hear, Let Him Hear”, LDS Living
Tyler Griffin & Taylor Halverson Matthew 13; Luke 8; 13 | Mar 20 – Mar 26 | Come Follow Me Insights
Lynne Hilton Wilson Matthew 13, Luke 8, 13: New Testament with Lynne Wilson (Come, Follow Me)
John Hilton III The Women Provided for Jesus (Come, Follow Me: Luke 8)
Women Read Scripture Matthew 13; Luke 8 & 13 | Mar 20-26 | Come Follow Me
Follow Him Podcast Matt 13; Luke 8; 13 Part 1 • Dr. Daniel Becerra
Follow Him Podcast Matt 13; Luke 8; 13 Part 2 • Dr. Daniel Becerra
The Scriptures Are Real Josh Matson on Parables and Gaining from them (week of March 20, only episode this week)

Matt 13: 3 – 9; Luke 8: 4-8: Parable of the Sower
- Truths from the Savior’s Parables in Matthew 13, from Teaching of the Prophet Joseph Smith
- Bible Videos, the Parable of the Sower
24-30: Wheat and tares growing together
- “Section 86, The Parable of the Wheat and the Tares,” Doctrine and Covenants Student Manual (2002), 189–92
- Chart with Summary of Parables on the Gathering from Matthew 13
Matthew 31-32; Luke 13: 18-19: Parable of the Mustard seed
- Parables of Jesus: Prophecy for Our Day By Elder Carl B. Pratt, Ensign, January 2003
- (Note, this article also talks about the leaven -vs.33, and the pearl of great price vs.44. )
- Ensign, March 2014, The Mustard Seed
Luke 8: 22-25: Savior stills the storm
Luke 40 – 56: Jesus Heals Jairus’ daughter/ woman with issue of blood
Short Clips from The Chosen
See this page for tips on teaching with “The Chosen.”
Luke 11:1-4 The Lord’s Prayer
Matthew 11:2-19, Jesus speaks with the messengers of John the Baptist
Matthew 11:25-30, Jesus teaches, “I will give you rest.”
Matthew 12:1-8, Jesus Plucks Grain on the Sabbath
Matthew 12:9-13, Jesus Heals a Man with a Withered Hand
Short Clips from Seeking Jesus
Short clips from the “Seeking Jesus Course” (John Hilton III) connected to this week’s readings.
“Who Hath Ears to Hear, Let Him Hear”
“Who hath ears to hear, let him hear.”1 In the parable of the sower we learn that we should examine our hearts to discover whether we are giving our testimony of the gospel a way to flourish. In order to do this we must have humble hearts and continue to trust in God.
Wilford Woodruff wrote in a letter to John Taylor and George Q. Cannon, “As to the infirmities of the body, I expect them, I have them. As to the infirmities of the spirit, I would to God I had less of them. I wish I had been a better man and done more good. But notwithstanding all the imperfections of my nature, I rejoice in God.”2 He showed a great example of humbling his heart to plant and nourish his seed of testimony. In his life Wilford overcame spiritual afflictions with the help of the Lord. As he continued to trust in the Lord and humble himself, he overcame his afflictions. I know that as we follow Wilford Woodruff’s example, we can overcome our physical and spiritual afflictions, and our hearts will become open to hear the word of the Lord.
- Matthew 13:9.
- Letter to John Taylor and George Q. Cannon, September 23, 1886, pp. 3–4, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/letter/1886-09-23.

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