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Evidences Supporting the Restoration of the Gospel

We can't have full knowledge all at once. We must start by believing; then afterwards we may be led on to master the evidence for ourselves.

—Thomas Aquinas

Gold plates church image 1.jpg

Book of Mormon

Evidences which support the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon

Book of abraham main page icon 1.jpg

Book of Abraham

Evidences which support the truthfulness of the Book of Abraham

First vision church image 1.jpg

First Vision

Evidences which support the reality of the First Vision

Witnesses church image 2.jpg

Witnesses of the Restoration

Evidences which support the veracity of the accounts of witnesses of the Restoration of the Gospel

Angel moroni on provo city center temple small.jpg


Evidences which support the use of temples

Jospeph smith 1.jpg

Joseph Smith, Jr.

Evidences which support Joseph Smith, Jr. as the prophet of the restoration