Source:BoM:References to Jershon as a land of inheritance

The Book of Mormon refers to "Jershon" as a place of inheritance

Parent page: Book of Mormon Names

The Book of Mormon refers to "Jershon" as a place of inheritance

KnoWhy #134: Why Was Jershon Called A Land Of Inheritance?, Book of Mormon Central (Video)

Joseph Smith could not have found the Book of Mormon name Jershon in the Bible, yet, "the name, though not found in the Bible, has an authentic Hebrew origin, the root *YRŠ meaning “to inherit,” with the suffix -ôn that denotes place-names, and may have the meaning 'place of inheritance.'" [1] This fits perfectly with the use of this name in the Book of Mormon to designate a place of inheritance:

Alma 27:22:

22 And it came to pass that the voice of the people came, saying: Behold, we will give up the land of Jershon, which is on the east by the sea, which joins the land Bountiful, which is on the south of the land Bountiful; and this land Jershon is the land which we will give unto our brethren for an inheritance.

Alma 27:24:

24 And now behold, this will we do unto our brethren, that they may inherit the land Jershon; and we will guard them from their enemies with our armies, on condition that they will give us a portion of their substance to assist us that we may maintain our armies.

Alma 35:14

14 And Alma, and Ammon, and their brethren, and also the two sons of Alma returned to the land of Zarahemla, after having been instruments in the hands of God of bringing many of the Zoramites to repentance; and as many as were brought to repentance were driven out of their land; but they have lands for their inheritance in the land of Jershon, and they have taken up arms to defend themselves, and their wives, and children, and their lands.


  1. Jump up Stephen D. Ricks, "A Nickname and a Slam Dunk: Notes on the Book of Mormon Names Zeezrom and Jershon," Interpreter: A Journal of Mormon Scripture 8 (2014): 191-194.