“The Lord Raised Up a Deliverer”
Why are there no women prophets in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints today?
Question: Does the Bible endorse human sacrifice?
Can imperfect scriptures lead to God?
Question: How do Latter-day Saints view miracles in other faiths?
Question: Why do modern prophets not seem “like” the Bible’s prophets?
Come, Follow Me Study and Teaching Helps — Lesson 23: Judges 2–4; 6–8; 13–16, Jonn Claybaugh
Audio Roundtable: Come, Follow Me Old Testament Lesson 23 (Judges 2–4; 6–8; 13–16)
Come Follow Me Insights – Judges: Samson
The Apostasy Cycle in the Book of Judges (Week 23, Part 1/5) Judges | May 30 – June 5
The Pride Cycle in the Book of Judges (Week 23, Part 2/5) Judges | May 30 – June 5
The Story of Gideon in the Bible (Week 23, Part 3/5) Judges | May 30 – June 5
The Origin Story of Samson in the Bible (Week 23, Part 4/5) Judges | May 30 – June 5
The Story of Samson in the Bible (Week 23, Part 5/5) Judges | May 30 – June 5
v BYU Studies
BYU Religious Education Discussions on the Old Testament: Judges–Part 1: Judg. 1-12
BYU Religious Education Discussions on the Old Testament: Judges–Part 2: Judg. 13-Ruth 4
Bible archeology Joshua and conquest of Canaan Jericho Hazor and Ai
The Scriptures are Real – Jeff Chadwick on the Book of Judges
The Scriptures are Real – Judges Shortcast Part 1: Overview and Lessons from Deborah
Follow HIM Dr. Dana M. Pike “THE LORD RAISED UP A DELIVERER” – Part 1, Part 2, Youth
Deborah and Book of Judges, Kristin E. Litchamn, Ensign, January 1990
The Sword of the Lord and of Gideon, Elder Manfred H. Schutze, Ensign, April 2002
Come, Follow Me—For Individuals and Families
We all know what it’s like to make a mistake, feel bad about it, and then repent and resolve to change our ways. But in some cases we forget our earlier resolve, and, when we face temptation, we may find ourselves making the mistake again. This tragic pattern is typical of the Israelites’ experiences described in the book of Judges. Influenced by the beliefs and worship practices of the Canaanites—whom they were supposed to drive out of the land—the Israelites broke their covenants with the Lord and turned away from worshipping Him. As a result, they lost His protection and fell into captivity. And yet each time this happened, the Lord gave them the chance to repent and raised up a deliverer, a military leader called a “judge.” Not all of the judges in the book of Judges were righteous, but some of them exercised great faith in delivering the children of Israel and restoring them to their covenant relationship with the Lord. These stories remind us that no matter what has led us away from Jesus Christ, He is the Redeemer of Israel and is always willing to deliver us and welcome us back to Him.
For an overview of the book of Judges, see “Judges, book of” in the Bible Dictionary.