Are we truly ready for the Savior’s return? President Russell M. Nelson’s recent General Conference talk, The Lord Jesus Christ Will Come Again, challenges us to examine our discipleship and deepen our spiritual preparation. As the world grows more complex and faith questions arise, President Nelson offers guidance for navigating today’s uncertainties with hope and dedication. His focus on temple worship, gathering Israel, and the powerful role of the Atonement speaks directly to those who may wonder, How do we hold fast to our faith in a turbulent world? [Read more…] about Preparing for the Second Coming: Insights on Faith, Hope, and Temple Worship
Come, Follow Me with FAIR – Moroni 10 – Autumn Dickson
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Belief to Knowledge
by Autumn Dickson
This week, we are left with the final testimony given in The Book of Mormon. Moroni testifies of The Book of Mormon, spiritual gifts, and Christ’s ability to perfect us. Moroni also speaks about revelation. He talks about how to know whether The Book of Mormon is true (as well as the truth of all things), and he also speaks about the role of the Holy Ghost in this process. [Read more…] about Come, Follow Me with FAIR – Moroni 10 – Autumn Dickson
Trusting God’s Boundaries: Faithfully Navigating Modern Challenges
Can faith and trust in God’s guidance coexist with personal doubts?
Elder David P. Homer’s recent General Conference address, “Trusting Our Father,” explores a fundamental question: How can we fully trust God’s will, even when it challenges our own understanding? Drawing on historical and scriptural examples, Elder Homer emphasizes that God’s boundaries are eternal and defined by His love for us. As we seek to understand these divine truths, this talk offers valuable insights for those facing doubts or challenges to their faith. [Read more…] about Trusting God’s Boundaries: Faithfully Navigating Modern Challenges
Asking Big Questions: How Can I Know if I’m Being Guided by the Holy Ghost?
by Lyndie Jackson
The “Asking Big Questions” series is made in cooperation with the Wilford Woodruff Papers Project.
With conflicting voices coming at us from all sides, we can find comfort knowing that we have the gift of the Holy Ghost to guide us. As we partake of the sacrament each week, we are promised that we can “always have his Spirit to be with [us]” (Moroni 4:3). What an amazing promise and privilege to be permitted the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost!
Wilford Woodruff counseled, “Every man should get the Spirit of God and then follow its dictates. This is revelation. It [doesn’t] make any difference what the Spirit tells you to do, it will never tell you to do anything that is wrong.”
Seeking Divine Guidance: Finding Answers to Spiritual Questions in an Age of Doubt
How can we find answers to spiritual questions in a world full of doubt and uncertainty? For many, questions about the gospel, Church history, and personal faith can be complex and emotionally charged. Sister Tracy Y. Browning’s talk, “Seeking Answers to Spiritual Questions,” offers profound insights into navigating spiritual curiosity with patience, trust, and a willingness to follow God’s guidance, even when answers seem elusive. [Read more…] about Seeking Divine Guidance: Finding Answers to Spiritual Questions in an Age of Doubt
Asking Big Questions: What Can I Do to Prepare to Receive Personal Revelation at General Conference?
by Scott Hansen
The “Asking Big Questions” series is made in cooperation with the Wilford Woodruff Papers Project.
The closest scriptural parallel we have to modern-day general conference is found in the Book of Mosiah. People who gathered to hear the words of King Benjamin “pitched their tents round about the temple, every man having his tent with the door thereof towards the temple, that thereby they might remain in their tents and hear the words which King Benjamin should speak unto them” (Mosiah 2:6). Each April and October, we do our best impersonation by remaining in our pajamas with our attention fixed on the television screen. All kidding aside, this multi-day sermon recorded in the Book of Mormon was a pivotal moment in the lives of everyone in attendance. What can we do to make general conference a pivotal moment in our lives? Here are three ideas:
Aufgewärmte Fragen, bereitstehende Antworten: Sich mit Radzik und seinen 13 Thesen auseinandersetzen
Diese Liste von verfügbaren Ressourcen wurde erstellt, um die Fehlinformationen in der kürzlich veröffentlichten Abhandlung von Francois Radzik mit dem Titel „13 Thesen: Die Irreführung durch die Kirche Jesu Christi der Heiligen der Letzten Tage, die Mormonen“ besser einordnen und klarstellen zu können. Leser, die mit den von der Kirche bereits veröffentlichten korrekten Informationen sowie mit den üblichen Taktiken der Fehlinformation vertraut sind, werden die Verzerrungen in dieser Abhandlung erkennen. Wie bei den meisten Angriffen auf die Kirche heutzutage ist das einzig Neue die Verpackung.
Nützliche Informationsquellen
von Keith Erekson
1) Wissen über Gott wird Zeile um Zeile offenbart
- Vorträge über Theologie („Vorlesungen über den Glauben“) (Themen im Zusammenhang mit der Geschichte der Kirche)
- King-Follett-Rede (Themen im Zusammenhang mit der Geschichte der Kirche)
- Wie Gott werden (Abhandlungen zu Evangeliumsthemen)
- Veränderung ist in Ordnung (siehe 2 Nephi 28:30; 29:9; Lehre und Bündnisse 61:20; 9. Glaubensartikel)
Consider Conference: “Motions of a Hidden Fire”
2024 April General Conference, Saturday Morning Session
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland
Acting President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
Summary [Read more…] about Consider Conference: “Motions of a Hidden Fire”
Rehashed Questions, Ready Answers: Addressing Radzik and His 13 Theses
This list of existing resources was compiled to provide a more complete and accurate context for the misinformation in a paper recently published in German by Francois Radzik called “13 Theses: The deception of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the Mormons.” Readers who are familiar with correct information already published by the Church, as well as with common tactics of misinformation, will discern the distortions in this paper. As with most attacks on the Church today, the only thing new is the packaging.
Helpful Sources of Information
by Keith Erekson
1) Knowledge of God Revealed Line Upon Line
- Lecture on Theology (“Lectures on Faith”) (Church History Topics)
- King Follett Discourse (Church History Topics)
- Becoming Like God (Gospel Topic Essays)
- Change is okay (see 2 Nephi 28:30; 29:9; Doctrine and Covenants 61:20; Article of Faith 9)
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Asking Big Questions: Why Does the Church Change?
by Scott Hansen
The “Asking Big Questions” series is made in cooperation with the Wilford Woodruff Papers Project.
In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we believe “that God has revealed” and “will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God” (Articles of Faith 1:9). However, change can be unsettling after we have already gotten into a routine. Ordinances, policies, and procedures serve as a mechanism for us to have spiritual experiences. When these things change, it can be hard. So, why do Church policies and procedures change? Here are three reasons: