2024 April General Conference, Sunday Morning Session
Covenants and Responsibilities
Elder Dallin H. Oaks
First Counselor in the First Presidency
Summary [Read more…] about Consider Conference: “Covenants and Responsibilities”
by FAIR Staff
2024 April General Conference, Sunday Morning Session
Covenants and Responsibilities
Elder Dallin H. Oaks
First Counselor in the First Presidency
Summary [Read more…] about Consider Conference: “Covenants and Responsibilities”
Diese Liste von verfügbaren Ressourcen wurde erstellt, um die Fehlinformationen in der kürzlich veröffentlichten Abhandlung von Francois Radzik mit dem Titel „13 Thesen: Die Irreführung durch die Kirche Jesu Christi der Heiligen der Letzten Tage, die Mormonen“ besser einordnen und klarstellen zu können. Leser, die mit den von der Kirche bereits veröffentlichten korrekten Informationen sowie mit den üblichen Taktiken der Fehlinformation vertraut sind, werden die Verzerrungen in dieser Abhandlung erkennen. Wie bei den meisten Angriffen auf die Kirche heutzutage ist das einzig Neue die Verpackung.
von Keith Erekson
1) Wissen über Gott wird Zeile um Zeile offenbart
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by Mike Parker
(Mike Parker is a long-time FAIR member who has graciously allowed us to use materials he originally prepared for the Hurricane Utah Adult Religion Class. The scripture passages covered in his lessons don’t conform exactly to the Come, Follow Me reading schedule, so they will be shared here where they fit best. This post will cover the content for the next two weeks.)
Class Notes [Read more…] about Come, Follow Me with FAIR – Alma 36–42 – Mike Parker
by FAIR Staff
2024 April General Conference, Saturday Morning Session
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland
Acting President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
Summary [Read more…] about Consider Conference: “Motions of a Hidden Fire”
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by Autumn Dickson
There was a period in my life where my stress levels grew to problematic levels that were consuming me. I was experiencing some postpartum depression, and that was combined with responsibilities that threatened to drown me. I was tired all of the time. I was waking up at the crack of dawn with a toddler (after waking up with the baby throughout the night), and I would move from task to task to task to task until as late as 10:00 pm. This was compounded by health problems that I started experiencing. For weeks on end (maybe even a few months), it felt like there wasn’t a reprieve. There wasn’t any time to pull my head above water for a breath. Conner was swamped with his own work, and so we were both just surviving. [Read more…] about Come, Follow Me with FAIR – Alma 36–38 – Autumn Dickson
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by Autumn Dickson
This week, we find the well-known sermon taught by Alma about planting a seed of faith and nourishing the tree. Alma is approached by the poorer class of people who have been cast out of the synagogues because of their coarse clothing. Alma then begins to preach unto them, teaching them about worship and belief. Here is the beginning of the analogy he teaches to the people. [Read more…] about Come, Follow Me with FAIR – Alma 32–35 – Autumn Dickson
by FAIR Staff
2024 April General Conference, Saturday Afternoon Session
“Be Still, and Know That I Am God”
Elder David A. Bednar
Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
Main Points [Read more…] about Consider Conference: “Be Still, and Know That I Am God”
by FAIR Staff
2024 April General Conference, Saturday Afternoon Session
Elder Massimo De Feo
Of the Seventy
Main Points [Read more…] about Consider Conference: Rise! He Calleth Thee
This list of existing resources was compiled to provide a more complete and accurate context for the misinformation in a paper recently published in German by Francois Radzik called “13 Theses: The deception of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the Mormons.” Readers who are familiar with correct information already published by the Church, as well as with common tactics of misinformation, will discern the distortions in this paper. As with most attacks on the Church today, the only thing new is the packaging.
by Keith Erekson
1) Knowledge of God Revealed Line Upon Line
[Read more…] about Rehashed Questions, Ready Answers: Addressing Radzik and His 13 Theses
by FAIR Staff
2024 April General Conference, Sunday Morning Session
Elder D. Todd Christofferson
Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
Main Points [Read more…] about Consider Conference: The Testimony of Jesus
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