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In this special episode, Sarah Allen and Zachary Wright host a panel discussion on the question “Are Prophets Infallible?”
Panel participants:
- Don Bradley:
- Ben Spackman:
- J. Max Wilson:
Pres. Russell M. Nelson on prophetic fallibility:
From time to time, I hear people speculate on the question “When does the prophet speak as a prophet, or when does he speak otherwise?” This query seems curious to me, as if one were presumptuous enough to sit in judgment on a prophet. To one asking such a question, my observation may be of interest. In my close associations with President Kimball spanning two decades and the spectrum from suffering to sublimity, I have never been forced to that question. The only question I have faced has been “How can I be more like him?” His saintly life has truly been an inspiration to me, for I have watched him carefully in virtually all circumstances to which one may be subjected. Nothing could bless me and my family more that for us to strive toward the degree of perfection and self-mastery he has achieved. I know that this man, as his predecessors, has been prepared, blessed, inspired, and preserved to preside over the Church as a living prophet. I know that he is directed by the Lord. I have seen it, and I have felt it. I know that Spencer W. Kimball teaches and testifies as a prophet, that he has suffered as have other prophets, that he serves as a prophet. He receives and responds to revelation as a prophet. He has the courage of a prophet, the kindness and concern of a prophet. He has been blessed as a prophet, as he does bless as a prophet. He lives as a prophet and will die as have other prophets, sealing his testimony that God lives, that Jesus is the Christ and the head of his church.