“That we henceforth be no more children tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine by the sleight of men and cunning craftiness whereby they lie in wait to deceive.” (Ephesians 4:14) |
In early 1980 Robert L. Brown noticed that there was quite a bit of anti-Mormon activity occurring in his community. He thought it was odd that people could make a living as professional anti-Mormons and prosper by finding fault with the LDS faith. Rather than take things lying down, Brother Brown decided to investigate the claims being made by these naysayers, as well as to check out their credentials and backgrounds. His research is documented in four volumes, collectively entitled They Lie In Wait to Deceive.
Each volume of They Lie In Wait to Deceive focuses on different professional anti-Mormons. Most of these individuals are still writing their venomous materials, and many of them are now augmenting their living by publishing on the Internet. The different volumes provide the following information:
- Volume 1. A detailed look at the antics of “Dr.” or “Prof.” Dee Jay Nelson and his crusade against the Book of Abraham, as well as some enlightening information about the work of Jerald and Sandra Tanner.
- Volume 2. Learn the truth behind well-known anti-Mormons such as “Dr.” Walter Martin, Wayne Cowdrey, Howard Davis, and Donald Scales.
- Volume 3. This is the magnum opus on the works of the late “Dr.” Walter Martin, a radio personality who would often use his pulpit to denegrate and deride the LDS faith.
- Volume 4. Focuses on the efforts of professional anti-Mormons such as Ed Decker, Richard Baer, “Dr.” Richard Fales, “Dr.” Charles Crane, and “Dr.” John L. Smith. Also includes additional information on Jerald and Sandra Tanner.
Collectively these volumes shine a bright light into the corners that anti-Mormons would rather leave in the dark. You learn how these individuals work to obstruct and distort the truth. Robert and Rosemary Brown even reproduce their source documents so you don’t have to take only their word for what they uncover.
FAIR is the exclusive distributor of They Lie In Wait to Deceive. You can find out more about each volume by clicking on the volume names in the list above, or on the book covers to the right. The detailed information for each volume includes a complete Table of Contents, a downloadable version of the book, and information on how you can purchase your own copy of these timeless classics.
If you have been faced with materials published to latter-day anti-Mormons, you owe it to yourself (or perhaps someone you love) to review the information convincingly presented in They Lie In Wait to Deceive.
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