The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has attracted critics from its earliest days. These pictures provide a small glimpse at the efforts of some critics of the Church. These pictures were taken October 4-5, 2003, in Salt Lake City, during an LDS General Conference. Protesters positioned themselves all around Temple Square and along the west side of the Conference Center. These pictures were taken by Allen Wyatt.
Under each picture you will find some comments by the photographer, as well as some links that provide additional information that explain the sensationalistic claims of the protesters.
We allow all people to worship who, where, or what they may–and trust the reader can determine if picketing a sacred edifice during worship services is Christian behavior.
Why Trust in “Burnings in the Bosom”?
Protesters routinely wave around LDS temple garments and ridicule the LDS for wearing
“magic underwear.” This is a reference to temple garments, which some devout
Mormons wear.
Why Do Some LDS Wear Temple Garments?
The LDS consider Joseph Smith to be a true prophet of God. All true prophets lead
people to Christ, despite the claims on this sign. It is ironic that one ancient
prophet (Moses) led people out of slavery, but a modern prophet (Joseph Smith) is
accused of leading them into slavery.
What Do Mormons Think of Jesus Christ?
What Do Mormons Think of Joseph Smith?
What Do Mormons Think About the Bible?
Jesus taught wisely when He said we should beware of false teachers.
These protesters believe that LDS prophets are false teachers.
What do Mormons Believe About Prophets?
The protester at the left sarcastically refers to “The Gold Plates of Moron” instead of “Mormon.”
Some protesters, such as the one on the right, believe you can get to heaven simply by
professing belief in Jesus Christ and having faith. Others believe that you must do good
works to make it to heaven. Like so many others, this protester takes exception with the
LDS belief in doing good works, but ignores our belief in the saving grace of God.
What Do the LDS Believe About the Book of Mormon?
What Do Mormons Believe Concerning Faith, Grace, and Works?
What Do Mormons Believe About the Atonement of Jesus Christ?
Some protesters believe that only the King James Version of the Bible is correct. According
to them, other translations (such as the New Interational Version and New King James Version)
are Satan’s books, along with the Book of Mormon.
Do the LDS Believe that Any One Bible Version is Inerrant?
This protester believes that “LDS” means “Liars, Deceivers, and Seducers.” Notice the
megaphone he is holding, and the garments hanging off his left hip. Also notice the counter
protesters at the right side of the picture, holding a sign that reads “Joseph Smith: True
Prophet of God.”
Why Do Anti-Mormons Attack the Church?
This protester believes it is only a matter of time before the LDS accepts gay marriages.
What Do Mormons Believe About Homosexuality?