Criticism of Mormonism/Video/Search for the Truth DVD/A New Beginning

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<metadesc>Jesus Christ/Joseph Smith Search for the Truth DVD Good News for Mormons</metadesc>

Special Features: A New Beginning
We appreciate the testimonies of Jesus that are expressed in this clip, and we wish the people the best in their search for a better relationship with Christ. LDS have never believed that other faiths cannot bring believers to a relationship with Christ. The truth that can be found in other denominations is valuable and useful as people seek to understand the things of God. LDS believe that there is a great deal more to be found with a correct understanding of doctrines of the restored gospel. We invite all serious Christians to examine the doctrines of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to see how their relationship with Christ can be enriched further by a full understanding of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

We are saddened, however, that the individuals found in this video use their time and energy in an attempt to attack the faith of the Latter-day Saints, which can only result in bringing people away from Jesus Christ and His gospel. It is especially troubling that they have participated in making this DVD, which contains so many false claims that the actual beliefs of the LDS Church are hardly recognizable. Jesus' apostles were troubled by some who did not follow Jesus with them, and said:

Master, we saw one casting out devils in thy name; and we forbad him, because he followeth not with us. (Luke 9:49)
What did Jesus say about this person who was not following Jesus and the disciples?
And Jesus said unto him, Forbid him not: for he that is not against us is for us. (Luke 9:50)
The Latter-day Saints do not "follow with" the conservative creedal Christians who produced this video. It is a pity that they have not chosen to follow Jesus' admonition, and leave judgment to Him whose right it is. Surely we can all share our beliefs and joy in Christ without attacking others, or caricaturizing their beliefs.

To read more:

Links to testimonies of Latter-Day Saints:
  • "The Living Christ: Testimony of the Apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints" off-site
  • "Why I am LDS" off-site

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