Brigham Young's statements regarding plural marriage/Boasted could have more wives

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== Critics tell us that Brigham Young "boasted" about his ability to get more wives even though he was married to 50-60 women.

To see citations to the critical sources for these claims, click here



== As is often the case, the references do not support the critics claims, and the worst possible interpretation is placed on what are likely innocent remarks, or remarks intended to teach a spiritual point.

Detailed Analysis

The Tanners cite multiple sources for this claim. They are examined below.

JD 5:210

 Misrepresentation of source: Brigham is here discussing Thomas B. Marsh's return to the Church, and it is inaccurate to describe him as "boasting." See Quote mining—Journal of Discourses 5:210 to see how this quote was mined.

JD 8:178

 Citation error: This reference says nothing at all about plural marriage. See Quote mining—Journal of Discourses 8:178 to see how this quote was mined.

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