
Revision as of 16:51, 4 December 2010 by RogerNicholson (talk | contribs) (mod)

{{#switch: |DC = D&C |Abraham = Abra. |Moses = Mos. |W+of+M = Words of Mormon |Words+of+Mormon = Words of Mormon |JS-M = Joseph Smith—Matthew |JS-H = Joseph Smith—History |Genesis = Genesis |Exodus = Exodus |Leviticus = Lev. |Numbers = Num. |Deuteronomy = Deut. |Joshua = Josh. |Judges = Jud. |Ruth = Ruth |Samuel =  Sam. |Kings =  Kings |Chronicles =  Chron. |Ezra = Ezra |Nehemiah = Neh. |Ester = Ester |Job = Job |Psalms = Psalms |Proverbs = Prov. |Ecclesiastes = Eccl. |Song = Song of Solomon |Isaiah = Isaiah |Jeremiah = Jer. |Lamentations = Lam. |Ezekiel = Ezekiel |Daniel = Daniel |Hosea = Hosea |Joel = Joel |Amos = Amos |Obadiah = Obad. |Jonah = Jonah |Micah = Mic. |Nahum = Naham |Habakkak = Hab. |Zephaniah = Zeph. |Haggai = Hag. |Zechariah = Zech. |Malachi = Mal. |Matthew = Matt. |Mark = Mark |Luke = Luke |John = John |Acts = Acts |Romans = Rom. |Corinthians = Cor. |Galatians = Gal. |Ephesians = Eph. |Philippians = Phil. |Colossians = Col. |Thessalonians =  Thess. |Timothy =  Tim. |Titus = Titus |Philemon = Philm. |Hebrews = Heb. |James = James |Peter =  Peter |Jude = Jude |Revelation = Rev. |Ne = Nephi |Nephi = Nephi |Jacob = Jac. |Enos = Enos |Jarom = Jarom |Omni = Omni |Mosiah = Mosiah |Alma = Alma |Helaman = Hel. |Mormon = Morm. |Ether = Ether |Moroni = Moroni |A+of+F = Articles of Faith |Articles+of+Faith = Articles of Faith|}
