Latter-day Saint scripture/Supposed contradictions

< Latter-day Saint scripture

Revision as of 10:34, 21 February 2010 by RogerNicholson (talk | contribs) (Subtopics: link)


Critics present two or more scriptures from LDS scripture, and insist that the scriptures contradict each other.



The links below examine the supposed contradictions, presents the scriptures cited in context, and demonstrate that claims of contradiction rest on:

  1. a misinterpretation of LDS scripture
  2. comparing two verses which are speaking about different things
  3. reading Protestant meanings into scriptural terminology

Holy Bible scriptures

Scripture Scripture Scripture Scripture

Book of Mormon scriptures

1 Nephi - 2 Nephi Jacob - Mosiah Alma 3 Nephi - Moroni

Doctrine and Covenants scriptures

Sections 1-25 Section 26-50 Section 51-100 Section 100+

Pearl of Great Price scriptures

Moses Abraham Joseph Smith History Articles of Faith
  • None
  • None
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