Mormonism and Wikipedia/Golden plates/Claimed engravings

A FairMormon Analysis of Wikipedia: Mormonism and Wikipedia/Golden plates
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An analysis of the Wikipedia article "Golden plates" (Version December 10, 2009)

Claimed engravings

Main article: Reformed Egyptian
- Wikipedia Main Article: Golden plates– Wikipedia Footnotes: Golden plates–Notes A FAIR Opinion
  • The Golden Plates were said to contain engravings in an ancient language that the Book of Mormon describes as Reformed Egyptian.
  • Smith (1830) .
  •  Citation abuse— The meaning of a source quotation has been altered, or the source used does not support the author's conclusion.

    This is incorrect. The Book of Mormon describes the language as "reformed Egyptian," not "Reformed Egyptian."
  • For a detailed response, see: "Reformed" Egyptian
  • Smith described the writing as "Egyptian characters...small, and beautifully engraved," exhibiting "much skill in the art of engraving."
  • Smith 1842
  • Roberts (1906) , p. 307.
  •  Correct, per cited sources
  • and Orson Pratt, who did not see the plates himself but who had spoken with witnesses, understood that there were engravings on both sides of the plates, "stained with a black, hard stain, so as to make the letters more legible and easier to be read."
  • Pratt (1859) , pp. 30-31.
  •  Correct, per cited sources


Wikipedia references for "Golden Plates"