Criticism of Mormonism/Books/Mormonism 101/Chapter 5

A work by author: Bill McKeever and Eric Johnson

A review of Chapter 5: "The Fall"

A Necessary Evil?


  • The authors claim that Mormons believe that the Fall of Adam was a "fall upward." They claim that the decision by Adam and Eve to disobey the Father has been "continually commended" by LDS leaders.

Author's source(s)
  • Moses 5꞉10-11
  • Joseph Fielding Smith, Doctrines of Salvation 3:74. Smith notes that the Garden of Eden was located on the American continent.
  • Talmage, Articles of Faith, p. 70.
  • McConkie, The Promised Messiah, p. 222.
  • Widtsoe, Evidences and Reconciliations, p. 195.
  • Robert L. Millet, Ensign (January 1994): 10.
  • Dallin H. Oaks, Ensign (November 1993): 73.


  • The authors claim,

Contrary to the LDS concept of the fall, the Bible shows that this event was the result of disobeying God.


  • This claim by the authors directly contradicts Alma 42꞉12:

And now, there was no means to reclaim men from this fallen state, which man had brought upon himself because of his own disobedience.

  • The authors claim,

If transgression was a positive and it was a blessing to leave Eden, why does Gen 3:24 say that God had to drive them out? [1]

 FAIR WIKI EDITORS: Check sources


  • Mormons believe that "Satan was telling the truth" when he told Eve that she "shall be as gods." The authors conclude: "is it wise to trust a promise from one who is called the 'father of lies'?"

Author's source(s)

Sin Versus Transgression


  • According to the authors, Mormons distinguish between "sin" and "transgression" in order to "minimize the severity of Adam's disobedience." The authors claim that this contradicts 1 john 3꞉4, which states that "Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law."

 FAIR WIKI EDITORS: Check sources


  • The authors claim that Joseph Smith equated "sin" and "transgression," and the Paul stated that death was the result of Adam's sin, not transgression.

Author's source(s)


  • The authors claim that Mormons believe that "Satan told the truth in the Garden of Eden," as opposed to Christianity, which believes that "Satan deceived Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden."

  • The reality is that Latter-day Saints believe that Satan mixed truth with lie in order to entice Eve to partake of the forbidden fruit. Therefore, claiming the Mormons believe that "Satan told the truth" is an omission of information on the part of the authors and an attempt to skew LDS belief.