Elizabeth Davis Goldsmith Brackenbury Durfee

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Question: What did the husband of Elizabeth Davis know about her sealing to Joseph Smith for eternity?

Elizabeth's husband Jabez Dufee was active in the Church, but Elizabeth chose to be sealed for eternity to Joseph Smith

Elizabeth's husband Jabez Dufee was active in the Church. Elizabeth chose to be sealed for eternity to Joseph Smith. Brian Hales notes that, "It appears that the couple experienced some marital turmoil before the sealing or perhaps as a consequence of it. Jabez was endowed on a different day than Elizabeth when the Nauvoo Temple opened in the winter of 1845 and Elizabeth was resealed by proxy to Joseph Smith on January 22, 1846, but Jabez did not participate either as a proxy husband or witness." [1]

See Biography:
A biography of Elizabeth Davis may be viewed on Brian and Laura Hales' website "josephsmithspolygamy.org".

  1. Brian and Laura Hales, "Elizabeth Davis," josephsmithspolygamy.org off-site