Not Before the World

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Not Before the World

This of course does not preclude modern-day apostles from seeing Christ. Many of the modern-day apostles have spoken of special experiences, although very carefully. That they exercise great care in proclaiming these experiences is not surprising, when one considers that these must be held as most sacred as pearls of their testimonies. We are all familiar with the command from the Master not to cast our pearls before the swine[1]. Thus, it should be no surprise that modern day apostles do not shout from the rooftops or speak to reporters or even refer frequently in general conferences to such experiences. Dallin H. Oaks explained:

Why don't our talks in general conference and local meetings say more about the miracles we have seen? Most of the miracles we experience are not to be shared. Consistent with the teachings of the scriptures, we hold them sacred and share them only when the Spirit prompts us to do so. . . . In bearing testimonies and in our public addresses we rarely mention our most miraculous experiences, and we rarely rely on signs that the gospel is true. We usually just affirm our testimony of the truthfulness of the restored gospel and give few details on how we obtained it.[2]

Marion G. Romney likewise observed, “I don’t know just how to answer people when they ask the question, 'Have you seen the Lord?' I think that the witness that I have and the witness that each [of the apostles] has, and the details of how it came, are too sacred to tell. I have never told anybody some of the experiences I have had, not even my wife. I know that God lives. I not only know that He lives, but I know Him.”[3] Boyd K. Packer also explained the limited sharing of spiritual experiences:

I made a rule for myself a number of years ago with reference to this subject [of keeping spiritual experiences sacred]. When someone relates a spiritual experience to me, personally or in a small, intimate group, I make it a rigid rule not to talk about it thereafter. I assume that it was told to me in a moment of trust and confidence, and therefore I never talk about it. If, however, on some future occasion I hear that individual talk about it in public in a large gathering, or where a number of people are present, then I know that it has been stated publicly and I can feel free under the right circumstances to relate it. But I know many, many sacred and important things that have been related to me by others that I will not discuss unless I am privileged to do so under the rule stated above. I know that others of the Brethren have the same feeling.[4]

However, modern-day Church leaders will obliquely share special experiences that allow them to bear Apostolic testimony, as Boyd K. Packer explained:

Though I have not asked that question of others, I have heard them answer it—but not when they were asked. I have heard one of my Brethren declare, "I know, from experiences too sacred to relate, that Jesus is the Christ." I have heard another testify, "I know that God lives, I know that the Lord lives, and more than that, I know the Lord." I repeat: they have answered this question not when they were asked, but under the prompting of the Spirit, on sacred occasions, when "the Spirit beareth record." (D&C 1:39.) There are some things just too sacred to discuss: not secret, but sacred; not to be discussed, but to be harbored and protected and regarded with the deepest of reverence.[5]

He also reminded us, “Do not mistake our reverent hesitation to speak glibly or too frequently of Him to mean that we do not know Him. Our brethren of Judah knew Him in ancient times, our brethren of Ephraim also. He is no stranger to His Saints, to His prophets and Apostles now.”[6]

The Apostles also bear plain testimony to all the world of the living reality of Jesus Christ. President Packer explained:

We do not talk of those sacred interviews that qualify the servants of the Lord to bear a special witness of Him, for we have been commanded not to do so. But we are free, indeed, we are obliged, to bear that special witness. . . . I am a witness to the truth that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, the Only Begotten of the Father; that He has a body of flesh and bone; that He knows those who are His servants here and that He is known of them. I know that He directs this Church now, as He established it then, through a prophet of God. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.[7]


  1. Matthew 7꞉6
  2. Dallin H. Oaks, "Miracles," Ensign, June 2001.
  3. Marion G. Romney, in F. Burton Howard, Marion G. Romney: His Life and Faith (Salt Lake City, Utah: Bookcraft, 1988), 222.
  4. Boyd K. Packer, Teach Ye Diligently (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1975), 326.
  5. Packer, Teach Ye Diligently, 86–87.
  6. Boyd K. Packer, “Scriptures,” October 1982 general conference.
  7. Boyd K. Packer, "A Tribute to the Rank and File of the Church," April 1980 general conference.