The witness of Samuel Smith

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The witness of Samuel Smith

Samuel Smith "knew his brother Joseph had the plates...and he had handled them and seen the engravings thereon"

In the spring of 1832:

Elder [Samuel] Smith read the 29th chapter of Isaiah at the first meeting and delineated the circumstances of the coming forth of the Book of Mormon, of which he said he was a witness. He knew his brother Joseph had the plates, for the prophet had shown them to him, and he had handled them and seen the engravings theron. His speech was more like a narrative than a sermon.[1]

Phineas Young (brother to Brigham Young) met Samuel on his first mission, and was given a Book of Mormon:

"Ah," said I, "You are one of the witnesses."

"Yes," said he, "I know the book to be a revelation from God, translated by the gift and power of the Holy Ghost, and that my brother Joseph Smith, Jr., is a Prophet, Seer and Revelator."[2]


  1. Daniel Tyler, "Incidents of Experience," Scraps of Biography, Faith Promoting Series (Salt Lake City, UT: 1883), 10:23; cited in Richard Lloyd Anderson, Investigating the Book of Mormon Witnesses (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Company, 1981), 140. ISBN 0877478465.
  2. Autobiography of Phineas Young, also cit Deseret News (3 February 1858); reproduced in Richard Lloyd Anderson, Investigating the Book of Mormon Witnesses (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Company, 1981), 139. ISBN 0877478465.