Criticism of Mormonism/Video/Search for the Truth DVD/Archaeology


Is There Archaeological Support for the Book of Mormon?

Like numerous critics before them, the makers of this video claim that archaeological support for the Book of Mormon is non-existent compared to the supposed voluminous archaeological support for the Bible. There are major differences, however, between Old and New World archaeology as well as the assumptions which many people bring to their approach of Book of Mormon archaeology.

Claim 1: One of the ways to "prove the validity of the word of God" is from "the physical facts found in archaeology..."

Archaeology can not "prove" that a document is the "word of God." Does archaeology confirm that Jesus is the Christ, that he rose from the dead, or that he atoned for our sins? Archaeology supports the existence of Homer's Troy, does that make the Illiad the word of God? There is no archaeological evidence for Moses, Abraham, Joseph of Egypt, Noah, or virtually any ancient biblical prophet, but this is never mentioned in the video. Many biblical archaeologists are not Christian. Why not, if the Bible has been proven to be the word of God by archaeological data?

Claim 2: The Bible has over "25,000 evidences" for its authenticity.

Old World archaeology has the advantage of continuity of toponyms (place names). In many instances (and in direct contrast to what we find in Mesoamerica), Bible cities are still known by the same names as they were known anciently. Even with such an advantage, however, only about 7-8% of Bible locations are known with any degree of certainty, and another 7-8% are suspected with some degree of accuracy because they are in proximity to known Bible sites. If there had not been a continuity of toponyms, many more biblical sites would not be known.

The fact is, that the location of numerous biblical sites are unknown. The location of Mt. Sinai, for example, has over twenty possible candidates. Some scholars reject the claim that the city of Jericho existed at the time of Joshua. The exact route taken by the Israelites on their Exodus is unknown, and some scholars dispute the biblical claim that there ever was an Israelite conquest of Canaan. Many other examples could be given.

Non-LDS biblical archaeologist, William Dever, claims that archaeology should never be supposed to prove the Bible in any sense, and that “neither Biblical scholars nor archaeologists have been able to document as historical any of the events, much less the personalities, of the patriarchal or Mosaic era” (William G. Dever, Recent Archaeological Discoveries and Biblical Research [Seattle and London: University of Washington Press, 1990], 5, 26).

Claim 3: "Not one artifact from the Book of Mormon has ever been found. Not one city, not one empire...."

Such a charge is based on naive and faulty assumptions. Ancient Mesoamerica was virtually unknown to the people of Joseph Smith’s day and locale. When the Book of Mormon was translated, there was almost no archaeological support for the record. Today, however, most things mentioned in the Book of Mormon have been confirmed to have existed in—what most LDS scholars believe—are Book of Mormon lands. This would include fortifications, armor, thrones, cement, towers, trade, and more. None of these evidences, however, translate into “proof.” How would we recognize uniquely Nephite/Lamanite artifacts? How would we recognize a Nephite potsherd from a non-Nephite potsherd? Writings or markings associated with an artifact would be necessary to tell us if such potsherds were Nephite. Writings and markings are generally either iconographic-- using pictures or symbols, such as a cross-- or epigraphic-- which is textual, such as the word, "cross." Surviving epigraphic evidence from ancient America, however, is very rare.

If we knew the place names by which all ancient American cities were known during Book of Mormon times, critics might have a stronger case. The fact is, however, that extremely few ancient inscriptions give us these place names. The few which are known are generally phonetic in nature (which means that we don’t know for certain how these city names were pronounced). Because we don’t know the original names of most ancient American cities, we use those designations assigned by the Spanish—such as La Venta, San Lorenz, etc. If we don’t know the ancient names, how can critics claim that—according to archaeologists—there were no Book of Mormon cities such as Lib, or Bountiful?

Critics almost never mention the discovery of “NHM”—an ancient site in Arabia—that corresponds precisely with the Nahom of the Book of Mormon (1 Nephi 16:34) in timeframe, location, and in relation to an eastward turn in the trail which the Lehites followed in their exodus from the Old World. While NHM does not constitute “proof” for the Book of Mormon, it does provide strong archaeological evidence for the book’s narrative.

Claim 4: Not one Book of Mormon weapon, of any kind, has ever been found.

From iconographic evidence we know that ancient Americans used weapons that function in the same way as described in the Book of Mormon. The Book of Mormon, for example, mentions swords. Most readers have assumed that this referred to metal (European-like) swords. Such an assumption, however, is unwarranted. Mesoamericans used wooden clubs, laced with volcanic obsidian (extremely sharp), or bits of sharp rock. When the Spanish encountered these clubs, they dubbed them "swords" and one Spaniard claimed that these swords were so sharp that he saw a Native American cut the head off a horse with one blow.

Claim 5: Not one coin "which were noted as being common in Joseph’s writings" has ever been found in ancient America.

While twentieth-century editors (possibly James Talmage) mistakenly added the term “coins” to the chapter heading of Alma 11, the Book of Mormon text never mentions coins (let alone mentions them as "being common"). Interestingly enough, however, the Book of Mormon does mention a monetary system that has remarkable Old World parallels.

Claim 6: "According to the Book of Mormon" the "hill Cumorah" was "in Palmyra, N.Y....." and the "Church won’t even commit itself to a map of where the Book of Mormon was supposed to have happened."

The Book of Mormon doesn't tell us that Cumorah was in New York. And, contrary to what many people have believed, the Book of Mormon doesn't tell us where Moroni buried the plates. We do know, however, that all the plates except the Book of Mormon plates were buried in Cumorah. The term "Cumorah" was given to the hill in N.Y. by early Latter-day Saints.

Why is there no official map? The location of Book of Mormon events hasn't been revealed. Why is there no offical map designating the exact location of Jesus' birth (which is debated among biblical scholars)? Why is there no official map designating the precise location of Mt. Sinai? It doesn't seem necessary for God to reveal all geographical information in order for a text to qualify as the Word of God.

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