Criticism of Mormonism/Websites/ & Polyandry

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A FAIR Analysis of:
A work by author: Anonymous

A FAIR Analysis of FutureMissionary page "Polygamy & Polyandry"


The positions that the FutureMissionary article "Polygamy and Polyandry" appears to take are the following:


FutureMissionary says...
The website states that "prophets from Joseph Smith to Joseph F. Smith preached that you need to be a polygamist in order to reach the highest degree of glory in the celestial kingdom."

FAIR commentary

  • Actually, it is primarily Brigham Young that preached that, and it was only relevant to the Latter-day Saints of his era.

Additional information

FutureMissionary says...
In response to the question "Was Joseph Smith a polygamist?" the website states that "Due to its sacred nature, Joseph Smith denied his participation in the practice to anyone outside of his inner circle."

FAIR commentary

  • Joseph didn't keep it secret "due to its sacred nature." He kept it secret because a widespread knowledge of the practice at that time would have put the Church members in danger.

Additional information

FutureMissionary says...
The website poses the question "Did Joseph Smith marry a 14-year-old?" The answer is that he married 14-year-old Helen Mar Kimball.

FAIR commentary

  • The sealing of Joseph to Heber and Vilate Kimball's daughter Helen was arranged by her father. After the sealing, Helen continued to live with her parents.

Additional information

  • Was Helen's marriage consummated?—Helen was the youngest plural wife of Joseph Smith, Jr. Critics claim that the marriage was consummated, despite a complete lack of supporting evidence. (Link)

FutureMissionary says...

FAIR commentary

FutureMissionary says...

FAIR commentary

FutureMissionary says...

FAIR commentary