Multiple accounts of the First Vision/Oliver Cowdery not aware of First Vision in 1834-35

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Critics have claimed that when Oliver Cowdery published his version of the history of the Church in December 1834 and February 1835 he did not include a recital of the First Vision story (thus implying, it is suggested, that it was not known among the Saints by that point in time). Critics go on to argue that Cowdery's history contradicts Joseph Smith's own official history by saying that the Prophet's first visionary experience was of the angel Moroni in 1823.

Source(s) of the criticism

  • Richard Abanes
  • Grant Palmer
  • Jerald and Sandra Tanner


Oliver Cowdery announced in an article published at the outset of his 1834-35 history writing project that he would not only be assisted by the Prophet in this endeavor, but he also had "authentic documents" from which to extract correct information. His statement reads,

That our narrative may be correct, and particularly the introduction, it is proper to inform our patrons, that our brother J[oseph] Smith jr. has offered to assist us. Indeed, there are many items connected with the fore part of this subject that render his labor indispensable. With his labor and with authentic documents now in our possession, we hope to render this a pleasing and agreeable narrative.[1]

With these two valuable resources at Oliver Cowdery's disposal, it would be only natural for modern readers to expect that his recital of the founding events of the Church would be both accurate and complete.

The identification of the "authentic documents" mentioned by Cowdery is crucial to understanding the historical puzzle under discussion. Critics claim that Cowdery was not aware of the First Vision story at this time and therefore did not include it in his narrative. But they are wrong. A careful comparison of Joseph Smith's unpublished 1832 history with Cowdery's 1834–35 history reveals that the "authentic documents" in question were the six pages of the 1832 history. Because of this, it cannot be successfully argued that Oliver Cowdery did not know of the First Vision story when he wrote his history. Critics typically ignore the fact that Cowdery's document begins telling the First Vision story—providing the correct year for its occurence and giving details about the Palmyra-area 'revival' activity that preceded the theophany.

Another important piece of information to keep in mind is that in the same text in which Cowdery began talking about First Vision story themes, he published a letter from Joseph Smith that surveyed some of the events of his boyhood. There the Prophet acknowledged that while he was living in the Palmyra and Manchester areas of New York as a youth he "fell into many vices and follies." He also pointed out that this fact was already mentioned in the "Articles and Covenants" of the Church. This is a reference to what is now known as section 20 of the Doctrine and Covenants. Verse 5 of section 20 reads: "After it was truly manifested unto this first elder [i.e., Joseph Smith] that he had received a remission of his sins, he was entangled again in the vanities of the world." The first part of this verse is considered by some LDS scholars to be the first published reference to the First Vision experience; it was recorded in April 1830.(See DC 20꞉5.)

It must also be remembered that Oliver Cowdery was publicly teaching around 1 November 1830 (along with several other LDS missionaries) that the Prophet Joseph Smith had seen God "personally" and received a commission from Him to preach true religion[2]—and yet he did not provide a record of this momentous event in his 1834-35 historical narrative. Furthermore, it cannot be forgotten that Joseph Smith was telling the First Vision story publicly long before Oliver Cowdery published his narrative.

November 1831
Lorenzo Snow and a large crowd heard the story in Hiram, Ohio.
October 1834
Edward Stevenson, Joseph Curtis and others heard the story in Pontiac, Michigan.
December 1834
Joseph Smith Sr. reminded his son—the Prophet—in a blessing given on the 9th:
The Lord thy God has called thee by name out of the heavens; thou hast heard his voice from on high from time to time, even in thy youth. . . . Thou hast been called, even in thy youth[,] to the great work of the Lord”[3]

This closely corresponds with the official First Vision account where the Prophet indicates:

One of <them> spake unto me calling me by name and said (pointing to the other) 'This is my beloved Son, Hear him.'....[I] displayed the weakness of youth [during this time].[4]

What happened?

When several key documents are consulted it is possible to see how Oliver Cowdery could have known full well about the First Vision experience (by reading the 1832 account) yet fail to report it in his version of Church history.

Cowdery's historical narrative consists of the text of a series of letters that he was writing to William W. Phelps. By going a little backward in time we find that on 7 September 1834, Cowdery wrote to Phelps and discussed a "few incidents connected with the rise of this church." His focus was on things that he had personally experienced. He spoke of hearing the voice of the Redeemer, his reception of the Aaronic priesthood, his angel-directed baptism, and his work as scribe for the Book of Mormon manuscript.[5] The next letter from Cowdery to Phelps (written in December) began telling the details of the First Vision story leading up to the theophany.[6] Then at the end of December, Phelps wrote back. He mentioned Cowdery's history project, the priesthood being committed to Cowdery, the Book of Mormon coming forth, Cowdery’s scribal work for the Book of Mormon, and Phelps himself hearing news of the Book of Mormon sometime in the year 1823. Phelps requested Oliver to explain what the angel had said to Joseph Smith about the coming forth of the Book of Mormon and also to “let church history tell” the particulars of what the angel said when the priesthood was restored.[7] When Cowdery responded to Phelps in February of 1835 he acknowledged receipt of his letter, made his now-baffling dating adjustment to the year 1823, announced that he did not want to talk about the 'revival' activity from his previous letter anymore, and proceeded to give an account of the coming forth of the Book of Mormon on "the evening of the 21st of September, 1823."[8] William had suggested the focus of the narrative in the letters and Oliver had obliged.

When the Prophet spoke several months after Cowdery made his dating adjustment, however, (and also when he recorded the official Church history in 1838) he reinstituted the correct dating parameters for the First Vision, indicating thereby that Oliver had gotten it right the first time, but then made an unfortunate mistake.

Oliver Cowdery (December 1834)
"the 15th year of his life"
Oliver Cowdery (February 1835)
"an error in the type—it should have been in the 17th"
Joseph Smith (November 1835)
"I was about 14 years old"
Joseph Smith (May 1838)
"I was at this time in my fifteenth year....between fourteen and fifteen years of age"


The critics have not taken a close enough look at the available documents to understand the true nature of the criticism which they advocate. Oliver Cowdery did, in fact, know about the First Vision when he recorded his version of the history of the Restoration—he had possession of the Prophet's 1832 history. Cowdery's dating anomaly and confused report of facts likely occurred because the Prophet was extremely busy during this time period and did not have much of a chance for editorial oversight (Cowdery, in fact, was the editor). In October 1834 Cowdery announced in his newspaper that Joseph Smith would help with the history project but the Prophet notes that "no month ever found [him] more busily engaged than November."[9]

In December President Smith was busy lecturing at the School of the Elders and acting as a trustee for the Kirtland High School and so during this month he sent Oliver a short letter to be included as part of the project, but also noted within it that he learned of his prominent role in the project, and its imminent appearance in the press, by reading Cowdery's periodical![10] One has to wonder just when the Prophet pledged his participation in this undertaking and how much he knew about its content—especially since its core consisted of essentially private correspondences written by someone other than himself.


  1. [note]  Oliver Cowdery, "?," Latter Day Saints' Messenger and Advocate 1 no. 1 (October 1834), 13; emphasis added.
  2. [note]  The Reflector, 2/13 (14 February 1831).
  3. [note]  Patriarchal Blessing Book, 1:3–4.
  4. [note]  A death notice in the December 1834 issue of the Messenger and Advocate is dated "12th inst." - meaning that the acknowledgment of First Vision story themes by the Prophet's father occurred shortly before Cowdery published his First Vision story themes in the Messenger and Advocate.
  5. [note]  See Oliver Cowdery, "?," Latter Day Saints' Messenger and Advocate 1 no. 1 (October 1834), 13–16.
  6. [note]  See Oliver Cowdery, "?," Latter Day Saints' Messenger and Advocate 1 no. 3 (December 1834), 42–43.
  7. [note]  See Oliver Cowdery, "?," Latter Day Saints' Messenger and Advocate 1 no. 5 (February 1835), 65–67.
  8. [note]  See Oliver Cowdery, "?," Latter Day Saints' Messenger and Advocate 1 no. 5 (February 1835), 78.
  9. [note]  Joseph Smith, History of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 7 volumes, edited by Brigham H. Roberts, (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1957), 2:170. Volume 2 link
  10. [note]  [citation needed]

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