Latter-day Saint scripture

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Latter-day Saint (Mormon) scripture




Open canon vs. closed canon

Summary: Critics claim that the Church is in error because Christianity requires a "closed canon" (no more authoritative revelation) instead of the Church's "open canon" (potential for more binding revelation). The Bible is an important record of God's message to humanity. However, the Bible—or any other written text—cannot be the focus of the Christian's life or faith. Only One deserves that place: God.

Supposed contradictions

Summary: Critics present two or more scriptures from LDS scripture, and insist that the scriptures contradict each other. This article examines the supposed contradictions, presents the scriptures cited in context, and demonstrates that claims of contradiction rest on: 1) a misinterpretation of LDS scripture, 2) comparing two verses which are speaking about different things or 3) reading Protestant meanings into scriptural terminology.
    • Contradictions in LDS scripture table
      Brief Summary: Many conservative Protestant critics have reproduced a table which purports to show how LDS scripture contradicts itself. (Click here for full article)
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    • Multiple versus single creators
      Brief Summary: Critics claim that LDS scripture is contradictory, since the Book of Mormon and Moses describe "God" as creating, while the Book of Abraham describes "Gods." The scriptures affirm that there is "One God" consisting of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. A great debate in Christian history has been the nature of this oneness. (Click here for full article)
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    • Remission of sins before or after baptism
      Brief Summary: Critics claim that LDS scriptures such as DC 20:37 (first case) and 2 Nephi 31:17, 3 Nephi 12:2, and Moroni 8:11 (second case) are contradictory about the order in which one receives baptism and a remission of sins. Some critics claim further that "Mormon theologians" have ignored this issue. However, these scriptures are not contradictory, for at least three reasons—any one of which is sufficient to disprove the critics' claim. In this article, we will first list the scriptural texts, and then discuss each of the three reasons for which they are not properly seen as contradictory. (Click here for full article)
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Summary: An index of subjects with Latter-day Saint scripture.

Completeness of the Bible

Summary: Critics claim the Bible contains all necessary or essential knowledge to assure salvation. Therefore, things like modern prophets or additional scripture (such as the Book of Mormon) are unnecessary or even blasphemous.

Lost scripture mentioned in the Bible

Summary: There are several references to lost scripture mentioned in the Bible. What does the Book of Mormon mean when it says that "plain and precious" things have been taken out of the bible? What is this about, and what implications does it have for the doctrine of Biblical inerrancy and sufficiency?

Critical proof text

Summary: These articles address specific scriptures used by critics as proof-texts.