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Messenger and Advocate
Volume 3, Number 9
Source document in Mormon Publications: 19th and 20th Centuries online archive: Messenger and Advocate Vol. 3

Note: Some headings and bracketed texts are editorial and not part of the original text.

Volume III. No. 9.] KIRTLAND, OHIO, JUNE, 1837. [Whole No. 33.


The following communication was designed, originally, as a private letter by brother TAYLOR, of Toronto, U. C. to a clergyman, a friend of his, in England. We were shown the rough draft, and from a hasty perusal, we deemed it worthy a place in our periodical. We come to this conclusion from the fact that the plain principles of the gospel as taught by the apostles, are so clearly set forth and elucidated in a style at once simple, scriptural, and yet logical and conclusive, that it may strengthen and cheer the hearts of many, while it dispels the clouds of mystery and superstition that brood over the minds of others. We have thought it might serve one other valuable purpose, viz: that of showing the whole professing Christian world that they have no authority to administer the ordinances of the church, unless they have received it as there pointed out. The Catholic church having become corrupted, and been emphatically termed the the mother of harlots, no Protestant church feels proud to claim any relationship with her, or that any authority derived from, or coming thro' her would be good, or acceptable to God. If it would, her authority would be equally good to excommunicate, and in this situation stands the whole Christian world, unless the Lord has renewed the covenant, and revealed himself, as brother Tailor [Taylor] contends he has, in these last days. TORONTO, U. C. May 3, 1837. REV. and DEAR SIR:-The anxious care and solicitude manifested by you to know the will of our heavenly Father concerning the accomplishment of his designs, and the coming forth of his kingdom in these last days, together with the readiness of purpose manifested by you to do that will when known, render it an important duty in me to unfold those things as far as the limited space of a letter will admit. You express great fear in consequence of having been, as you observe, so nearly caught by Irvingism, and remark that you could not endure any thing which was in any respect like that. I do not fully understand you. If you mean any thing like their absurdities in doctrine and practice-their great assumptions, and yet their extreme unwillingness to have their principles investigated-their exclusive meetings, &c., I would say push it from you as far as you can. If you refer to the apostles, prophets, &c. the gifts which they profess to have, I would observe, that if ever we have a true church organized by the spirit, such officers we may expect in the church. If apostles, prophets, teachers, &c. were given for the perfecting of the saints, &c. it will take the same to perfect them in these days. Because they may be governed by a false spirit, shall we say there is no true one? Because their prophets have proved themselves false, shall we say that the word of the Lord will not again be spoken? No; it rather proves that Satan is transforming himself into an angel of light and is coming, as is spoken of by Paul, "with all deceivableness." I shall now commence with the questions that you have proposed, concerning our church. The first that you mention, is a desire to know something of its origin. As you have a copy of a letter which Elder P. P. Pratt wrote to England, it will give you full satisfaction on this point, as he is better acquainted with the origin of the church than I am. I would however observe, that an holy angel appeared to Joseph Smith, Jr. and revealed those plates to him; and that he translated them by the gift of God imparted for that purpose, and he was told to choose other three men to whom God would reveal the same things. These three men were together, making prayer to the Lord on the subject, and the angel of the Lord appeared to them, unfolded God's purposes, showed them the plates, and told them the interpretation was correct. Since that time angels have appeared to a great number of others, who bear testimony to the same things. I have conversed with three who have travelled [traveled] through this part, that have had communion with angels-men whose lives adorn the doctrine of God


our Saviour [Savior]. One of those observed that it was easy for him to conceive of how the Lord could teach a man more in five minutes than volumes would contain. The remembrance of which, in every subsequent trial, dispelled his fears and caused his heart to sing with joy. Another of these men, about 8 months ago, left a wife and three children, two of which were twins and only six weeks old, and the other only 20 months. His wife felt so much about the importance of the work, that she urged him to go and labor in the vineyard of the Lord. He did so. And has since been the means in the hands of the Lord of bringing near 300 to the glorious liberty of the gospel. You ask about healing the sick. I have seen I may scores of instances of it. The power of the Lord is indeed manifest in the church. When any are sick among us, we do not send for a doctor, but for the elders of the church, who, according to the admonition of James, pray for the sick, and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord: and the prayer of faith heals the sick and the Lord raises him up. They are not always healed but generally according to their faith. You ask how the apostles were chosen. As they were in days of old, by the voice of God and by the ministration of angels, and by the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven. You ask what is the number of the apostles. There are twelve that are ordained to go to the nations, and there are many others, no definite number. You ask next how they are appointed. They have got to introduce the gospel to all the nations of the earth, and then the seventies that are or may be chosen, will unite with them in the great work that the Lord has to accomplish in these last days. You next ask how the Evangelists, Elders, &c. are chosen. I would observe, just as the word of the Lord points out-by prophesy and by the laying on of hands, by those in authority. In answer to your question about an elder, I would take the same rule and give you a scriptural definition of it, which is what we hold. 1 Peter 5:1. The elders which are among you I exhort, which am also an elder. Peter here shows that there were elders in the church that were not apostles, and yet the apostles were elders. Those elders that Peter exhorts I conceive are such as are mentioned, Acts 14:22, whom they ordained in every church, who could confer with the apostles in the church affairs, as in Acts, 15:4. You ask who the gospel is to be preached to. I would answer, according to John in the Revelations, to every nation, and people, and kindred and tongue-to people and priests, saints and sinners. As far as the affairs of the church are concerned, that you have mentioned, the spirit is unrestrained. It is the privilege of all the saints to enjoy it if they are faithful-male and female-all are allowed to pray, speak, &c. as they may be led by the spirit; and there is no privacy about any of our meetings as in Mr. Irving's, nor is there any thing unnatural in the gifts of the spirit among us as in their utterances; nor are we afraid of investigation, as they are; the more the principles are investigated in honesty, the better. Paul cared not about having his principles investigated in the school of Tyrannus, and Paul's principles will not lose any thing by investigation at the present day. You ask are sinners converted. I would observe that nearly one-half of those brought in, that I have seen, are from the world, and are young in the glorious liberty of the children of God, and by a consistent walk, adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour [Savior]. I have now answered most of your questions. Those that are not answered will be embraced in what I have answered, and in what few remarks I may yet make. One thing I would mention, before I proceed, concerning what we preach. Faith, we consider, the first principle of the gospel; repentance, the second; baptism, for the remission of sins, the third; and laying on of hands, for the gift of the Holy Ghost, the fourth. You seem to startle at the idea of being baptized over again. At this I am not surprised. Seeing the error has so widely spread, I will make a few remarks on this subject; and as I shall be plain, you will have to bear with me. The whole Christian church have apostatized from God, and have, as in Isa. 24: Transgressed the laws, changed the ordinances, and broken the everlasting covenant. The glory of that dispensation, which is emphatically called the dispensation of the spirit has long since faded away. The gift of prophesy


tongues, healing, miracles, &c. has ceased to exist, and the power of the spirit is not manifested in what is now called the church (the sects of the day.) The absence of the spirit necessarily implies a want of authority in the ministry of said church to officiate; which renders those ministers incapable of teaching the things of the spirit, which accounts for the present disorder and conflict of opinion that now exist; for if they were governed by the spirit of God they would be led to speak the same things, as the spirit of "God is not the author of confusion." If the Methodists are governed by the spirit of God, the Presbyterians are not. If the Baptists are, neither of the former have it. The spirit of God cannot teach two, much less 5 or 600 different doctrines. Turn to the 4th of Ephesians, and you will there find what Christ gave the gifts for-the perfecting of the saints, the work of the ministry, the edifying of the body of Christ-that we be no more children tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine. If you say apostles, prophets, &c. are not among the gifts of the spirit, I would observe that Paul speaks of Christ ascending to heaven, and gave gifts to men, and he gave some apostles, &c. And you will find the same body and the completeness of the body referred to there, as in the 12th of Cor. In Ephe. he says, 4:16, "From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth," &c., &c., and in Cor. 11:14-28, he describes the completeness of the body as not being one member but many, and that the eye can't say to the ear, I have no need of thee; nor the head to the foot, I have no need of thee. I would here observe that it is as necessary to have ministers chosen of God, apostles, prophets, &c. to perfect the saints, as it is to have the gift of tongues, interpretation of tongues, discerning of spirits, &c., to complete the body. One especial purpose for which they are given is "the work of the ministry." Many will tell us they are called of God, but where do they get their commission, unless God has spoken to them? for the spirit, as in the apostles' days, does not now exist in the church. Let us notice the importance attach'd to the authority of the priesthood in the apostles' days. The apostles were with our Lord and Saviour [Savior] during his personal ministry. They conversed with him forty days after the resurrection. Had an opportunity of seeing all his miracles, and were taught by our Lord himself. If any were prepared to preach without the spirit, they were; but they were not then prepared. They had to tarry at Jerusalem until they should receive power from on high. They did tarry for that, and received it. How did Paul get his? The Lord spoke to him from heaven, and afterwards Annanias [Ananias] was sent to him to lay hands on him. How did Timothy obtain his authority? Paul says, neglect not the GIFT that is within thee, which was given thee by prophesy and by laying on of the hands of the Presbytery; and to exclude all possibility of obtaining it in any other way, Paul has told us, that no man taketh his ministry upon himself, but such as are called of God, as was Aaron. Paul speaks of a time when "men would heap to themselves teachers loving itching ears, who would turn away our ears from the truth, and turn them to fables," &c. Men have no business to heap to themselves teachers. This is God's work. God provided means, but men have spurned at his way, and made cisterns of their own; but do they perfect the saints with them? do they keep them from being carried about with divers "winds of doctrine?" Some that are in the Church of England, profess to have this authority, and to trace it thro' from the apostles' time. But what channel did it run through? The mother of harlots. You may say she might retain her power though she had lost her virtue. If so, she had power to excommunicate, which of course would nullify all that had been done. We see then, that at the present time, nothing but direct revelation from God could set in order the church, place them in that state of dignity from which they fell, and prepare them for the glorious appearing of God our Savior. I would here observe, sir, that revelation is the only principle upon which God has ever dealt with his people, and that wherever the kingdom of God existed, there existed the fruits of the kingdom also. In the patriarchal dispensation, God revealed himself to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, &c., under the gospel, for "Abraham had the gospel preached to him," &c. Under the Mosaical


dispensation, the Lord manifested himself to his people by his prophets, visions, and the ministration of angels, and when the Milchezedek [Melchisedec] priesthood was again introduced by our Saviour [Savior], he had communion with his Father and "whatsoever his Father revealed unto him he made known unto them (his disciples.)-It was expedient for them that he went away in order that the comforter might come." He did ascend upon high, and gave gifts to men, and thus the power of the spirit then rested upon them and they then were immediately governed by revelation. By this power were the church affairs governed. Hence, on the question of circumcision, it seemeth good unto the HOLY GHOST and to us, &c. The HOLY GHOST SAITH separate now Paul and Barnabas for the work, &c. It was given for the work of the ministry also as before alluded to. I would here observe, sir, that when the kingdom was taken away, the fruits of the kingdom ceased to exist. Our Savior observes that he would take the kingdom from the Jews, and give it to a people that should bring forth the fruits of the kingdom, and why they killed the prophets and stoned them that were sent unto them, and if they would not receive the word of the Lord by his prophets, and last of all, by his Son, they could not be God's people, for the simple reason that they would not be governed by revelation, and God could not deal with then [them] upon any other principle. You will observe here, sir, that as soon as the kingdom of God was taken from the Jews, the fruits of the kingdom ceased to exist among them. Since that time they have been without prophets, revelations, visions, &c. &c. and have been groping in the dark, knowing nothing of the dispensation in which they live. When the kingdom was given to the Gentiles, they then had visions, received the ministration of angels, the gift of prophesy, &c., &c. Hence Paul, Peter, James, Jude, John, &c. all prophesied, and could look thro' the dark vista of future ages, and unfold circumstances that should transpire through every subsequent period of time, until the final winding scene of all things. And why? Because they had got the kingdom, and, consequently, revelation. Now, sir, let me ask, what is our condition at the present day? Where are our prophets, visions, revelations, ministration of angels, &c? They do not exist among any of the sects of the day. By what then are we governed? As I have before mentioned, in the Patriarchal, Mosaical, and the Christian dispensation, they had their prophets and the word of the Lord through them; we may trace them all through the scriptures until the apostles' time. The loss of it we have in John's Revelation. But there is a dreadful chaos from that time to the present. And now what have we for our guide? Oh, the opinion of the Fathers-the opinion of Commentators-the opinion of Divines, bodies of divinity-and cart loads of Theology!-all the opinions of men, and those opinions differing as much from one another as light from darkness. Thousands of opinions, but none to say, Thus saith the Lord. Hence we find the doctrines, ordinances, organization, &c. are all changed, and we have yet another state of things to that which existed in the apostles' day; and why? Because we have got the opinions of men instead of the word of the Lord. I am, Rev. Sir, yours, respectfully, JOHN TAYLOR. WHERE IS THE GOSPEL? The Gospel is the plan which God has devised from eternity for the salvation of mankind. A scheme which was evidently understood by Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Elijah, JESUS, and the Apostles. Some of them had written about it; a part of which writings we have in our possession, namely, that of the Old and New Testaments. In examining these scriptures we learn that By faith Abel offered up unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, by which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts, &c. Heb. 11:4. Query: how did Abel obtain this faith, &c., and what had he faith in? I answer, he obtained it by hearing the word of God; for it is written that faith cometh by hearing the word of God. If so, then this word must have contained certain instructions to him, which enabled him to look forward to the great atoning Sacrifice, of which the sacrifice that he offered was a type. Then he had faith in the great plan of salvation to be brought about by the Father through Jesus Christ, the Mediator of the new covenant. And, having faith,


he was obedient to all his instructions and obtained a witness that he pleased God. Enoch obtained life and immortality, which was evidently brought to light through the gospel. 2 Tim. 1:10. He was a prophet, could foresee and foretel [foretell] the coming of the Saviour [Savior], with ten thousands of his saints, to execute judgement [judgment] upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them, &c. Jude 14th and 15th verses. By faith he was translated, that he should not see death, and before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God. Query. His faith in what? For his faith came by hearing the word of God, spoken unto him, teaching him the gospel or plan of salvation, through which life and immortality were brought to his knowledge: he pursued the directions, or commandments, contained in that plan, until he triumphed over the power of the elements, and ascended up on high; consequently through having faith in the gospel, he was translated that he should not see death. But where are the writings containing these instructions to Enoch? Behold, the world knows of none such! Noah was perfect in his generation, and Noah walked with God. Gen. 6:9. And he became heir of the righteousness which is by faith. Hebrews 11:7. How could he become perfect but by keeping the commandments of God? How could he walk with God but by having the mind of Christ? And how could he become heir of the righteousness which is by faith, but by first becoming acquainted with the plan of salvation, and then by being obedient to all the requirements of God contained in that plan? But where are all the instructions which were given to this great man, this perfect man of God, during the long period of 950 years, concerning his numberless posterity, their righteousness and their wickedness, their wars, contentions, divisions, dissensions, and the great plan of salvation by which they might be saved in the kingdom of God? I answer, such writings are not extant, and I must conclude that it is because of the wickedness of the children of men that they are hid from our eyes. Abraham was the friend of God. "And the scriptures foreseeing that God would justify the heathen through faith, preached before the gospel unto Abraham, saying, "In thee shall all nations be blessed." Gal. 8:6. Mark, "The scriptures foreseeing." Notwithstanding the world of mankind suppose that Moses was the first writer of scriptures, we learn from the above quotation, together with the one which Jude makes use of, (14th verse) that scriptures existed hundreds of years before his day, and that these scriptures contained prophesyings and the gospel of Christ, which foretold unto Abraham that God would justify the heathen through faith. Again, we find by all that is written of the covenants made with Abraham and his seed, and by his faith spoken of, that he understood the plan by which he and his seed should find an eternal inheritance in the city of their God. All his hopes of life and immortality were wrought in him by his knowledge of the scheme of redemption; for in this scheme of things he firmly believed, looking forward to the day of redemption and glory; and in this faith he died. By faith Moses esteemed the reproaches of Christ greater riches than the treasures of Egypt, &c. By this it appears that he had a knowledge of Christ before he fled from Egypt. And what had he faith in, if it was not in the plan of redemption, to be brought about through Jesus Christ? This appears plain from his having preached the gospel to the children of Israel in the wilderness, (Heb, 4:2,) and from their having been all baptized unto him in the waters of the Red Sea, and by the Holy Ghost when they were over shadowed by the cloud. When we consider Elijah, of whom so little is said, we find he also obtained life and immortality, for he was translated. And it was undoubtedly through faith in the gospel that he came by this power. But where is the man in all Christendom, who can disclose or lay before us this scheme with which Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Elijah were so well acquainted? I answer, there is none, unless it has been revealed from above in these last days. It is asserted by most of professors of religion that it is recorded in the New Testament. But what man is there among all the children of men who teaches it from that Book? If the Roman


Catholics do, the Presbyterians do not; if the Episcopalians do, the Methodists do not; and if the Baptists do, the Campbellites do not. I grant that they all pretend to declare it, and that each one is ready to say, "We understand the Gospel." But when we examine the matter a little we find that it is only their notions and opinions, which they have imbibed concerning the meaning of that which is written. This, and this alone, is all the gospel which is now preached among the children of men, by the above named sects of the day. All deny at the present day, inspiration and revelation. All deny the spirit of Jesus, which is the spirit of prophecy. Consequently all are ignorant of God the Father, and the Son, and know them not; for it is written that no man knoweth the Father but the Son, and he to whom the Son will reveal him. And again, no man can know the Son but by revelation, if it be true that flesh and blood did not reveal him unto Peter; for it is written, "Upon this rock [revelation] I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." Who does not see then, that he who has no revelation, has no knowledge of God, nor, that Jesus is the Christ; and he who does not know that Jesus is the Lord, does not know the Gospel? Although he may have ten thousand New Testaments before him, he will remain ignorant still-for all will be to him parables and mysteries! Jesus said unto his disciples that he would send the comforter, which was the Holy Ghost, or spirit of truth; and that when it should come, it should reprove the world of sin, of righteousness and of Judgment, and that it should shew [show] them things to come. And after they had received it on the day of pentecost, Peter arose and said that the promise of this Holy Ghost was unto them, and their children, to all that were afar off, even as many as the Lord should call; amd [and] that it was the same spirit which Joel, the prophet, said should be poured out upon all flesh in the last days, which should enable their sons and daughters to prophesy, their old men to dream dreams, and their young men to see revelations. Do we not see, then, that the promise was not confined to the apostles, but it extended to all people, and whosoever is without it, is ignorant of God and Christ, and of his plan of salvation. Whosoever is in possession of this promised blessing, hath the testimony of Jesus which is the spirit of prophecy: it becometh record of the Father and the Son, and showeth them things to come: it bringeth all things necessary, to his remembrance: giveth him clearly to understand the mysteries of the kingdom of Heaven; and, in a word, it leadeth him into all truth. We know that there is much in the world which passes for Holy Ghost religion; but away with every spirit which denies inspiration and revelation, or will not answer the description given by Jesus, Joel and all the holy apostles. Although hireling priests and learned doctors, have labored for centuries to unfold the scriptures and make known the prophecies, yet the people are as ignorant as ever as to the gospel: nothing is unfolded; nothing is made plain; and upon the very frontispiece of all their boasted gospel is written, "MYSTERY-BABYLON!" Wherefore, the Gospel is no where found, known, nor understood, but in the Church of the God of Israel,-which church is built and standeth upon the Revelations of Jesus Christ, through his prophets and apostles. THOMAS B. MARSH. FROM OUR ELDERS AND CORRESPONDENTS ABROAD. From Blain, Lawrence Co. Ky., Br. JESSE T. BAILEY writes, that he and his wife are the only persons in that immediate vicinity who belong to the Church, that he is surrounded by opposers to our religion. He states that he has but recently removed to the place from Ohio, that he is now seated among his relations and has held two meetings. Some of his congregation witnessed to the truth of what he said and some, or the greater part, as is the case in all places, opposed him. He earnestly solicits the assistance of Elders who are travelling [traveling], to instruct him and others in that place, more perfectly in the principles of our holy religion. May the Lord bless our brother and send him such assistance, and that portion of his spirit which are necessary for the edification of his own soul and the instruction of others in the way of truth and righteousness. A brother MOSES SMITH writes us under date of May 28, from Foxville,


Racine County, Wisconsin Territory, stating that there are six only with himself in that place of the church of Latter Day Saints, that they want instruction in the gospel, and information relative to the situation of our brethren in the west, of whom they have not heard since last September. For the information of our brethren generally we say, from the latest intelligence we have received; that our brethren are fast settling in a new county set off from the North part of Ray, that they have 2 county Judges 14 justices of the peace and one Post Master appointed from among their number. They have apointed [appointed] a building committee and are making their arrangement to build a house of worship. Subscriptions are collecting for the building. Their county is called Caldwell, and their city or centre [center] and the name of their Post Office are called "Far West." It is said to be fertile, with a salubrious climate and that the brethren are rapidly gathering in from all parts of the country. Our brethren and the Missourians are at peace for ought we know. Indeed we hope better things than to hear of any disturbance, since they settled in their present location by the mutual consent of a committee, representing some of the people of Clay County, and a majority of our brethren in the same place. Brother AARON HOLDEN writes us from Carthage, Illinois, under date of May 21, expressing his anxiety to have the papers sent him, and to have Elders call and give him and others such instruction as they need to advance and build up the kingdom. He assures us that in his belief, much good can be done in that region by such as are qualified to preach the word in truth and soberness, in spirit and power. We hope for our brother's sake, and for righteousness' sake, that elders or other official members travelling [traveling] to and from the 'Far West,' will call, set in order the things in that region that are wanting, and instruct our brother and others "in the way of God more perfectly." Elder JOSEPH ROSE writes us from Huntersville, Indiana, under date of May 22, giving us a little sketch of his travels and success in the ministry since he left Kirtland, in 1836. He gives us to understand that he has travelled [traveled] and preached some in this state, been to Missouri, and on the 29th of January left there and came to Illinois, where he has preached in various places, and been always well received, with but one exception. He assures us that doors have been open, and a pressing invitation given to tarry longer in most places where he has preached. It would seem that he is now in Tippacanoe Co. Indiana, where he purposes tarrying till he hears from this place. We trust our brother will tarry while the Lord disposes the children of men to listen to the words of life and salvation. Many of our Elders have gone out, and others are going on missions this season. There is no school for the instruction of elders now in this place. It is expected that a course of instruction in Hebrew will be given, to continue 12 weeks, commencing as soon as a sufficient number have signed to warrant the undertaking. Elder F. G. BISHOP writes under date of June 4. from Uniontown, Pa., stating some of the particulars of his travels and mission since he left here in April, till the date of his letter. The Elder tarried about ten days in Beaver, Pa. where during that time he preached, and baptized eight persons. Thence he went to Pittsburgh, where he preached or lectured six times. Brother Bishop acknowledges himself indebted to the Rev. S. A. Davis for the use of his church, while in Pittsburgh, and for a letter of introduction to a clerical gentlemen, a friend of his in Baltimore, whither he expects to travel. Elder Bishop has associated himself with Elder James, with whom he intends to travel this season. Their calculations are to travel and preach in Pa., Md., and Va., where they can be useful in dispensing the words of life, and bringing people to the knowledge of the gospel. Elders DANIEL M. CRANDALL, and MOSES MARTIN, write from Alabama, Genesee County, N. Y., June 12, 1837, stating the particulars of their travels and success since they left this place on the 22d of April. They inform us that they have travelled [traveled] and labored in Napoli, Conewango, and Rutledge, in Cattaraugus County, about three weeks, baptized six persons; held one debate with a Methodist, and others associated with him; and make a request that Elders travelling [traveling] that way shall call on


them, and set in order the things that are wanting and strengthen those that remain. Brother -- --, of Providence, R. I., writes us under date of June 20, expressive of his approbation of our humble services in stating the truth in plainness, and asks us to answer some queries, which may be necessary and proper hereafter.