Book of Mormon/Anachronisms/Temple in New World/No temple outside Jerusalem/CriticalSources

Source(s) of the criticism

  • “Mormonism,” New York Weekly Messenger and Young Men’s Advocate (29 April 1835). Reprinted from The Pioneer (Rock Springs, Illinois), March 1835. off-site
  • Alexander Campbell, Delusions (Boston: Benjamin H. Greene, 1832), p. 90–91 of original; originally published in Millennial Harbinger 2 (7 February 1831): 85–96. off-site O. Cowdery reply #1 #2 Full title
  • La Roy Sunderland, “Mormonism,” Zion’s Watchman (New York) 3, no. 6 (10 February 1838): 22off-site