Criticism of Mormonism/Books/Blood of the Prophets: Brigham Young and the Massacre at Mountain Meadows/Chapter 6

A FAIR Analysis of:
Blood of the Prophets: Brigham Young and the Massacre at Mountain Meadows
A work by author: Will Bagley

Claims made in "Chapter 6: We Are American Citizens and Shall Not Move"

Page Claim Response Author's sources




  •  Author's quote: ...[A]ll information about the emigrants' conduct came from men involved in their murder or cover-up....
  • Compare treatment in American Massacre: p. 121.


  • Mormons in American Fork refuse to trade with the Fancher party.


  • Bowie knife to throat? [ATTENTION!]

117 and others

  • The author frequently refers to dubious, anonymous, or folklore evidence without much skepticism.


  • Account of William Hawley


  • The author claims that Mountain Meadows was known among the Mormons as "a preferred location for the quiet execution of unpleasant tasks."
  • Compare treatment in American Massacre: p. 129.