Alleged false prophecies of Joseph Smith

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Critics claim that Joseph Smith was not a true prophet, and that he made "false prophecies."

To see citations to the critical sources for these claims, [[../CriticalSources|click here]]


There are two things that are key to understanding prophecy: One is an understanding of what prophecy actually is, and second is the interpretation of the specific prophecy itself. It is important that we understand what we are talking about. Therefore, let's examine these two keys of understanding prophecy.

What is the difference between a "prediction" and a "prophecy?"

It is essential that the reader understand just what prophesy is, and what it is not. Critics often do not define for us what they believe to be actual prophecy, which means they could reject any and all utterances of a prophetic nature by the prophet Joseph Smith without having to justify their argument. Since the term "prophecy" is used in connection with Joseph Smith as a prophet, yet some critics repeatedly use the term "prediction," we need to ask; is a prophecy the same thing as a prediction?

  • prophecy n., pl. -cies. 1. the foretelling or prediction of what is to come. 2. something that is declared by a prophet, esp. a divinely inspired prediction, instruction, or exhortation. 3. any prediction or forecast. 4. the action, function, or faculty of a prophet. [1]
  • prediction n. 1. the act of predicting. 2. an instance of this; something predicted; prophecy. [2]

The first "key" in understanding prophecy is that prophecy is by "divine inspiration." [3] A prediction differs from a prophecy in that there is no divine inspiration in predictions. A prediction is a "best guess" or a "personal opinion" based upon the information available at the time. So, if Joseph Smith only made "predictions" as some critics repeatedly say, [4] then no "divine" word is involved, and they have no argument of false prophesy, and we can disregard anything they say against Joseph Smith, prophecy, the Doctrine and Covenants, or The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in this matter.

The term "prophesy" can be used in conjunction with false prophets as well as true prophets. So how do we tell the difference? A false prophet is not necessarily one who makes false prophecies. A prophet is a teacher. A false prophet is one who teaches false doctrine. A true prophet is one who teaches true doctrine. So how does Joseph Smith fit this description? Keeping the words of Christ in mind, when he said to his apostles concerning others who were casting out evil spirits, we find a clue in Mark 9:38-40.

And John answered him, saying, Master, we saw one casting out devils in thy name, and he followeth not us: and we forbade him, because he followeth not us. But Jesus said, Forbid him not: for there is no man which shall do a miracle in my name, that can lightly speak evil of me. For he that is not against us is on our part.

Anyone who has read the scriptures brought forth by and through Joseph Smith will readily see that he was not against Christ. Anyone who has read other, non-scriptural, writings and sermons of Joseph Smith will readily see that he was not against Christ. Anyone who has read the writings of those who personally knew Joseph Smith will readily see that he was not against Christ. Anyone who knows the historical fact that Joseph Smith gave his life for his belief in, and devotion to, the Savior knows that he was not against Christ. Since Joseph Smith was not against the Savior, then he was "on our part," as Christ said. So why then, are men like McKeever and Johnson, who proclaim themselves Christians, who claim to follow Christ, so eager to malign Joseph Smith? Most critics of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints frequently judge Joseph Smith's prophecies with a standard that is just as damaging to Biblical prophecies, thereby showing a double standard of interpretation. They seem willing to allow any possible explanation and exception for Biblical prophecies, but none for those of Joseph Smith. Critics don't seem to realize that the standards they use to judge Joseph Smith can also be used to attack the Biblical prophets and Jesus Christ.

The Rules of Interpreting Prophecy

The second "key" of understanding prophecy is the interpretation of prophecy. In determining whether or not a prophecy has come true, there are many factors to consider. Anyone who takes time to study prophecy in the Bible would know that there are some rules of prophetic interpretation to keep in mind when understanding prophecy. Michael T. Griffith has given a list of these rules.

  1. Almost all prophecy is conditional to one degree or another, even if this is not stated in the prophecy itself (which is often the case).
  2. In many cases human actions and choices can alter, postpone, or prevent the fulfillment of prophecy.
  3. A prophecy is not always telling us what will happen, but what could happen under certain circumstances.
  4. A prophet can misunderstand the timetable for a prophecy's fulfillment (this, of course, does not invalidate the prophecy itself).
  5. A prophet can be mistaken about certain details of a prophecy but correct with regard to its central message.
  6. A prophecy can apply to more than one occurrence or time period, i.e., it can have dual application.
  7. A prophecy's fulfillment can be intended to take place in the spirit world or during the millennium, even if this is not stated in the prophecy itself.
  8. The fulfillment of prophecy can go unobserved and/or unrecorded.
  9. A prophecy can contain rhetorical overstatements. For example, a prophecy might read that "every single house" in a certain town will be "leveled to the ground," when what is really meant is that the town will suffer heavy destruction.
  10. Such terms and expressions as "soon," "quickly," "in a little while," "shortly," etc., are often given from the Lord's perspective of time--so that "soon," for example, might turn out to be a very long time by our reckoning.
  11. The text of a prophecy can undergo alteration to the point that it no longer reflects the original intent of the prophecy. [5]

Much has been written about Biblical prophecies that appear not to have come to pass, thus showing them false. However, if the rules of prophetic interpretation are employed, the Bible can be shown not to have any false prophecies. One example that would cause critics to exclaim a false prophecy in the Bible if they used the same standard of interpretation as they do with Joseph Smith, can be found in 2 Kings 20:1-7.

Here the prophet Isaiah visited Hezekiah, who was "sick unto death," and said to him, "Thus saith the Lord, Set thine house in order; for thou shalt die, and not live." Hezekiah, in prayer, reminded the Lord of all of his good works. The Lord, then, responded mercifully to his plea. He changed his mind and instructed Isaiah to go back to Hezekiah and tell him that his prayers had been heard; the Lord would heal him and he would live for fifteen more years. Was Isaiah any less a prophet of God because the Lord told him something would happen, and it didn't, for whatever reason? [note] 

According to the way some critics interpret the prophecies in the Doctrine and Covenants, the illness Hezekiah had should have killed him, and rather quickly since he was "sick unto death." However, he lived another 15 years. Thus, according to the apparent rules by which they interpret prophecy, Isaiah was a false prophet. They would so judge Joseph Smith, and as we shall see, they do. However, by observing the rules of interpretation and correct context, the circumstances of this particular prophecy changed. Hezekiah pleaded with the Lord, and the Lord was merciful. In addition, we do not know what kind of sickness he had. Maybe the original intent of Isaiah's words was that Hezekiah would die, but not right away. The Bible does not word it to that effect, but then, we do not have the original manuscripts which to compare and see. So, according to rule number 2, this is not a false prophecy.

We do not believe the Bible contains any false prophecies. It is only a matter of interpretation. Also, we do not wish to dwell on several Biblical examples since this is not a study of the prophetic statements in the Bible. The point is, there are more Biblical prophecies that appear, without investigation, not to have been fulfilled, but for the purpose of this discussion, it is not necessary to detail them, only to show that while upholding any and all Biblical prophecies, critics use a double standard in interpreting Joseph Smith's prophecies.

Joseph Smith and prophecy

Specific accusations of Joseph Smith having uttered "false prophecy" are treated in the following wiki articles:

A list of some examples of fulfilled prophecies can be found here:

  • Jeff Lindsay, "Fulfilled Prophesies of Joseph Smith," off-site


  1. [note] Random House Webster's College Dictionary (New York: Random House, 1996), 1079.
  2. [note] Random House Webster's College Dictionary (New York: Random House, 1996), 1061.
  3. [note] Notice that instruction as well as exhortation is included in the definition. Therefore a prophecy is a divine statement, and not necessarily a prediction. However, when the prediction is from a divine source, then it is more than a prediction, thus classified as a prophecy. Many of the so-called "false" prophecies of Joseph Smith listed by critics are actually instructions or exhortations with no prediction involved.
  4. [note] Actually, some critics seem a little confused as to which term they should use. For example, McKeever and Johnson in Mormonism 101 use "prediction" six times and "prophecy" nine times. Does this mean that 6/15, or 40% of their argument is automatically irrelevant? Or does it mean that they see no difference between the two distinct terms?
  5. [note] Michael T. Griffith, A Ready Reply-Answering Challenging Questions About the Gospel (Bountiful, Utah: Horizon Publishers & Distributors, 1994), 23-24.
  6. [note] Stephen R. Gibson, One Minute Answers to Anti-Mormon Questions (Bountiful, Utah: Horizon Publishers & Distributors, 1995), 74-75.

Further reading

FAIR wiki articles

Template:JosephSmithWiki Template:ProphecyWiki

FAIR web site

Template:JosephSmithFAIR Template:ProphecyFAIR

External links

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Printed material

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