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The FAIR Wiki

Featured Event

Latter-day Saints and California Proposition 8

The passage of California Proposition 8 during the November 2008 election has generated a number of criticisms of the Church regarding a variety of issues including the separation of church and state, the Church's position relative to people who experience same sex attraction, accusations of bigotry by members, and the rights of a non-profit organization to participate in the democratic process on matters not associated with elections of candidates. The proposition added a single line to the state constitution defining marriage as being between "a man and a woman."

Click here to learn about this event and how it relates to Latter-day Saints.

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Featured Article

50 Questions—50 Answers

Anti-Mormon attacks usually repeat the same tired arguments over and over again. Despite the fact that virtually all the attacks and questions have been answered decades ago, new publications simply repeat the old themes as if there had been no reply.

Some anti-Mormon ministries are using a list of "50 Questions" which they seem to think are difficult for Latter-day Saints to answer. One ministry seems to suggest that such questions are a good way to deceive Latter-day Saints, since the questions "give...them hope that you are genuinely interested in learning more about their religion."

This ministry tells its readers what their real intent should be with their Mormon friend: "to get them thinking about things they may have never thought about and researching into the false teachings of their church." Thus, the questions are not sincere attempts to understand what the Latter-day Saints believe, but are a smokescreen or diversionary tactic to introduce anti-Mormon material.

The questions are not difficult to answer, nor are they new.


Featured Article

Jesus Christ/Joseph Smith

Click here to read DVD review.

On 25 March 2007, evangelical Christians distributed a new anti-Mormon video to thousands of homes across the United States. Though it purports to be an objective Christian evaluation of the teachings, history, and beliefs of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, it contains much that is inaccurate and very little that is balanced. Rather than focus on what they believe, the video's producers have taken it upon themselves to describe and interpret LDS beliefs and teachings, often in ways that would be objectionable or unrecognizable to Latter-day Saints. FAIR has prepared a point-by-point response to the claims made in the video.


About FAIR

Who are we?

The Foundation for Apologetic Information & Research (FAIR) was formed in late 1997 by a group of Mormons in an attempt to defend their faith from detractors who frequented online message boards. Incorporated as a non-profit organization in November 1997, FAIR put up its first Web site in March 1998 and the FAIR Wiki in 2006.

FAIR is staffed completely by volunteers. It is not owned, controlled by, or affiliated with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. All research and opinions provided on this site are the sole responsibility of FAIR and should not be interpreted as official statements of LDS doctrine, belief, or practice.

If you would like to be a part of FAIR, we invite you to support FAIR in any way you are able. FAIR only succeeds through the efforts of our gracious volunteers. For more information about FAIR, visit the FAIR Web site.

FAIR Editors

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