Criticism of Mormonism/Books/One Nation Under Gods/Chapter 17

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A FAIR Analysis of:
Criticism of Mormonism/Books
A work by author: Richard Abanes

Claims made in "Chapter 17: Is Mormonism Christian"

Page Claim Response Author's sources

375 epigraph (PB)

"Gordon B. Hinckley (1998) President, Mormon Church"
  • There is no church called the "Mormon Church."
  • Perhaps in this epigraph to a chapter entitled "Is Mormonism Christian?", the author wished to avoid stating the true name of the Church: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints?
  • N/A

375, n3 (PB)

The author presents his second significant reason that people join the Church as "the long-held Mormon notion that Latter-day Saints are innately better than non-Mormons."
  • This claim actually originated with the Tanners. The author also quotes the Tanner's primary source. See: Jerald and Sandra Tanner, The Changing World of Mormonism (Moody Press, 1979), 27.( Index of claims ).
  • Unsurprisingly, there is no mention of gaining a testimony of the Book of Mormon mentioned among the many reasons the author presents for joining the Church—the reason most Latter-day Saints themselves would give.
  • Joseph Fielding Smith, Doctrines of Salvation, vol. 1, 236.

376 (PB)

"...the standard Mormon practice of not disclosing controversial doctrines to potential converts until they are well established within the church."
  • No source provided.

376 (PB)

Early LDS founders took a "staunchly anti-Christian stance."
  • No source provided.

377, n8(PB)

"God told Smith that the churches of Christendom "were all wrong;" that "all their creeds were an abomination;" and that Christian ministers "were all corrupt..."
  • Pearl of Great Price, Joseph Smith History 1:19

377 (PB)

Smith said that all other churches "were founded by the devil" as representations of the "'great and abominable church' of the satanic world system."

377, 600n11-14 (PB)

LDS leaders spent 150 years calling Christians "derogatory names" and insulting them.

378, 601n18-21

The author presents a table contrasting "Mormon Beliefs About Jesus" with "Christian Beliefs About Jesus."

379 601n22(PB)

President Hinckley "confessed that Mormons do not believe in the same 'Jesus' in which Christians believe."
  • Gordon B. Hinckley. Quoted in "Crown of Gospel is Upon Our Heads," LDS Church News, June 20, 1998, 7.

379-380 601n23(PB)

Bruce R. McConkie gave a speech in which he "discouraged" people from attempting to form a "personal relationship" with Christ. McConkie said, "[Y]ou have never heard one of the First Presidency or the Twelve...advocate this excessive zeal that calls for gaining a so-called special and personal relationship with Christ..."
  • The author omits the following portions of the quote in bold:
"[Y]ou have never heard one of the First Presidency or the Twelve, who hold the keys of the kingdom, and who are appointed to see that we are not "tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine" (Ephesians 4:14)--you have never heard one of them advocate this excessive zeal that calls for gaining a so-called special and personal relationship with Christ.
You have heard them teach and testify of the ministry and mission of the Lord Jesus, using the most persuasive and powerful language at their command. But never, never at any time have they taught or endorsed the inordinate or intemperate zeal that encourages endless, sometimes day-long prayers, in order to gain a personal relationship with the Savior.
Those who truly love the Lord and who worship the Father in the name of the Son by the power of the Spirit, according to the approved patterns, maintain a reverential barrier between themselves and all the members of the Godhead.


The "LDS teaching that there exists more than one god is refuted by numerous biblical passages..."


"God will share His glory with no one."

380, 601n25

Paul said that "the natural (or physical) comes first, then comes the spiritual, yet Brigham Young said that "people are 'made first spiritual, and afterwards temporal [i.e. fleshly].'"

381, 601n26

"The Christian gospel is the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus (1 Cor. 15:1-4). Compare this message with that of early LDS authority George Q. Cannon, who, after saying that the Saints believed in the "evolution of man until he shall become a god," revealed: "That is the Gospel of Jesus Christ, believed in by the Latter-day Saints."
  • It is absurd to imply that the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ is not central to Latter-day Saint belief.
  • Absurd claims
  • George Q. Cannon, Gospel Truth, vol. 1, 9.

383, 601n29

The Bible's teachings are "dismissed whenever they contradict official LDS beliefs."
  • Bruce R. McConkie, Mormon Doctrine, 764.

383-4, 601n31

LDS leaders "were condemning the Bible..."
  • Orson Pratt, "The Bible and Tradition, without Further Revelation, an Insufficient Guide," Divine Authenticity fo the Book of Mormon—No. 3," December 1, 1850, 47. Reprinted in Orson Pratt, Orson Pratt's Works, vol. 2.


"This new presentation of Mromonism as a 'Christian' organization has not only involved a dissemination of incomplete and deceptive information about LDS doctrines, but also a restriction of accurate information concerning Mormon beliefs."

385, 601n37-38

A "[F]aithful Mormon" was excommunicated for "accurately" explaining "Mormon doctrines and history" in a series of letters to various newspapers. He was told by his Church leader that "the general public had no business knowing about church doctrine or Mormon history" and that "we have an obligation to conceal our doctrines; that we are trying to be a mainstream Christian Church."
  • T. LaMar Sleight, letter to Michael Barrett. Quoted in Bill McKeever, "Excommunicated for Publicly Discussing Mormon Doctrine?", Mormonism Researched (Summer 1994), 3.


"Hinckley has gone so far as to answer pointed doctrinal question in a manner not altogheter straightforward...Hinckley made an equally deceptive comment...Hinckley again was evasive...he feigned ignorance of key Mromon beliefs.

389, 603n45 (HB)

Gordon B. Hinckley said: "None of you need worry because you read something that was incompletely reported. You need not worry that I do not understand some matters of doctrine. I think I understand them thoroughly."
  • Gordon B. Hinckley, October 1997 General Conference Address.


"The masking of Mormonism has continued unabated...Mormonism's smoke-screen of words has served to greatly confuse observers..."

391, n53

"Latter-day Saints, in order to appear Christian, have gone so far as to infiltrate mainstream Christian churches in an effort 'to convert Christian pastors to Mormonism, and thereby win not only one person, but the entire church to the LDS theology.'"
  • Rick Branch, "Mormon Church Infiltrates Christianity," Watchman Expositor, vol. 9, no. 3, 7.


"[I]t behooves those interested in religious belief systems, in this case Mormonism, tu understand the marks of a "cult."
  • Various


"[T]he LDS hierarchy will have to at some point, once and for all, completely sever its ties with Christianity. Only by taking such an approach will Mormonism be able to forever distance itself from the "cult" label and claim for itself some degree of legitimacy and integrity in the eyes of many religion researchers, especially those adhering to the historic Christian faith."
  • The idea that Latter-day Saints will ever disassociate themselves from Christ is an absurd claim.
  • Absurd claims
  • Author's opinion.

Further reading

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{{To learn more box:responses to: 8: The Mormon Proposition}} To learn more box:responses to: 8: The Mormon Proposition edit
{{To learn more box:''Under the Banner of Heaven''}} To learn more about responses to: Under the Banner of Heaven edit
{{To learn more box:responses to: Robert Price}} To learn more about responses to: Robert Price edit
{{To learn more box:responses to: Ankerberg and Weldon}} To learn more about responses to: Ankerberg and Weldon edit
{{To learn more box:responses to: Ashamed of Joseph}} To learn more about responses to: Ashamed of Joseph edit
{{To learn more box:responses to: Beckwith and Moser}} To learn more about responses to: Beckwith and Moser edit
{{To learn more box:responses to: Beckwith and Parrish}} To learn more about responses to: Beckwith and Parrish edit
{{To learn more box:responses to: Benjamin Park}} To learn more about responses to: Benjamin Park edit
{{To learn more box:responses to: Bible versus Joseph Smith}} To learn more about responses to: Bible versus Joseph Smith edit
{{To learn more box:responses to: Bible versus Book of Mormon}} To learn more about responses to: Bible versus Book of Mormon edit
{{To learn more box:responses to: ''Big Love''}} To learn more about responses to: Big Love edit
{{To learn more box:responses to: Brett Metcalfe}} To learn more about responses to: Brett Metcalfe edit
{{To learn more box:responses to: Bill Maher}} To learn more about responses to: Bill Maher edit
{{To learn more box:responses to: Bruce H. Porter}} To learn more about responses to: Bruce H. Porter edit
{{To learn more box:responses to: Carol Wang Shutter}} To learn more about responses to: Carol Wang Shutter edit
{{To learn more box:responses to: CES Letter}} To learn more about responses to: CES Letter edit
{{To learn more box:responses to: Charles Larson}} To learn more about responses to: Charles Larson edit
{{To learn more box:responses to: Christopher Nemelka}} To learn more about responses to: Christopher Nemelka edit
{{To learn more box:responses to: Colby Townshed}} To learn more about responses to: Colby Townshed edit
{{To learn more box:responses to: Contender Ministries}} To learn more about responses to: Contender Ministries edit
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{{To learn more box:responses to: Earl Wunderli}} To learn more about responses to: Earl Wunderli edit
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{{To learn more box:responses to: Erikson and Giesler}} To learn more about responses to: Erikson and Giesler edit
{{To learn more box:responses to: Ernest Taves}} To learn more about responses to: Ernest Taves edit
{{To learn more box:responses to: Fawn Brodie}} To learn more about responses to: Fawn Brodie edit
{{To learn more box:responses to: George D Smith}} To learn more about responses to: George D Smith edit
{{To learn more box:responses to: Grant Palmer}} To learn more about responses to: Grant Palmer edit
{{To learn more box:responses to: Hank Hanegraaff}} To learn more about responses to: Hank Hanegraaff edit
{{To learn more box:responses to: Hurlbut-Howe}} To learn more about responses to: Hurlbut-Howe edit
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{{To learn more box:responses to: James Spencer}} To learn more about responses to: James Spencer edit
{{To learn more box:responses to: James White}} To learn more about responses to: James White edit
{{To learn more box:responses to: Jerald and Sandra Tanner}} To learn more about responses to: Jerald and Sandra Tanner edit
{{To learn more box:responses to: Jesus Christ-Joseph Smith or Search for the Truth DVD}} To learn more about responses to: Jesus Christ-Joseph Smith or Search for the Truth DVD edit
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{{To learn more box:responses to: Jonathan Neville}} To learn more about responses to: Jonathan Neville edit
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{{To learn more box:responses to: New Approaches}} To learn more about responses to: New Approaches to the Book of Mormon edit
{{To learn more box:responses to: Richard Abanes}} To learn more about responses to: Richard Abanes edit
{{To learn more box:responses to: Richard Van Wagoner}} To learn more about responses to: Richard Van Wagoner edit
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{{To learn more box:responses to: Walter Martin}} To learn more about responses to: Walter Martin edit
{{To learn more box:responses to: Wesley Walters}} To learn more about responses to: Wesley Walters edit
{{To learn more box:responses to: Will Bagley}} To learn more about responses to: Will Bagley edit