Question: Why do Latter-day Saints often partake of the sacrament with their right hand?

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Question: Why do Latter-day Saints often partake of the sacrament with their right hand?

Introduction to Question

Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints ceremonially eat bread and drink water each week in remembrance of the atonement of Jesus Christ and as a renewal of sacred covenants that they have made with him and God. This ceremony (or “ordinance” in the preferred vernacular of Latter-day Saints) is called the sacrament. For much time, Church members have insisted on grasping the small bread strips and cups that hold the water with their right hand before being consumed.

The official handbook of instructions for leaders in the Church states that “[m]embers partake with their right hand when possible.”

Why is this such a common practice among Latter-day Saints? This article will link to another written on this subject in the Latter-day Saint magazine LDS Living by author David Dollahite. Dollahite very adequately addresses the history and significance of this practice and how Latter-day Saints might view it today. Dollahite's article can be found here. Return for some additional commentary.

Other Scriptures that Might Support this Practice

Dollahite’s article does not offer every scripture that might support this practice. Other scriptural reasons that one might want to follow this custom might be to be peculiar people so as to encourage interest in the Church and thus success in missionary work,[1] to keep unspotted from the world,[2] and to be anxiously engaged in a good cause without God compelling you to do something by explicit revelation.[3]


While this may be a cultural vestige that we can roll our eyes at, it can still have delayed, beneficial consequences for Latter-day Saints as a people in their continued efforts to build the Kingdom of God and to express their deepest love and devotion to Jesus Christ.


  1. Deuteronomy 14:2; 26:18; Psalms 135:4; Titus 2:14; 1 Peter 2:9
  2. James 1:27; Doctrine and Covenants 59:9
  3. Doctrine and Covenants 58:27–29