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Rick Grunder's comparison of Book of Mormon names to "A Key to the Classical Pronunciation of Greek, Latin and Scripture Proper Names"


Detailed Analysis

p. [71]:

p. 72:

  • Æ´ nos (cf. Enos)
  • A´ HAZ
  • Al´ mon Dib-la-tha´ im [and,]
  • Al´ na-than,
  • Al´ pha,
  • A´ mal,
  • A-mal´ da (cf. Alma)
  • Am´ a-lek (cf. Amaleki)
  • A-MIN´ A-DAB
  • AM´ MON
  • Am´ non (cf. Amnor)
  • Am´ o-rites (cf. Amoron)
  • An-a-ni´ ah (cf. Ammonihah)
  • An´ ti-och (cf. Antion)
  • An-ti´ o-chus (cf. Antionum)
  • AN´ TI-PAS
  • An to´ ni-a (cf. Antionah)
  • Ar-che-la´ us (cf. Archeantus)

p. 74:

  • BO´ AZ

p. 75:

  • Che´ mosh (cf. Chemish)
  • Che´ sed [and,]
  • Che´ sil,
  • Che´ sud,
  • Che´ zib (cf. Shez)
  • Con-o-ni´ ah (cf. Cumenihah)

p. 76:

  • Em´ mer [and,]
  • E´ mor (cf. Emer)
  • ES´ ROM
  • E´ tham (cf. Ethem)
  • E´ THER
  • E-ZI´ AS
  • Ez´ ron (cf. Ezrom)
  • Ga´ di (cf. Gad, Gadianton)
  • Ga-ze´ ra [and,]
  • Gaz´ zam (cf. Gazelem)
  • Ger´ shon (cf. Jershon)
  • Gid-e-o´ ni (cf. Giddianhi)
  • GIL´ E-AD
  • GIL´ GAL
  • GO-MOR´ RAH (cf. Cumorah, both sites of massive destruction of the wicked)
  • Hag´ gith (cf. Hagoth)
  • HE´ LAM
  • He´ man (cf. Helaman)
  • Her´ mon-ites (cf. Hermounts)
  • Hesh´ bon [and,]
  • Hesh´ mon,
  • Heth´ lon (cf. Heshlon)
  • [I´ RAD - see Moses 5 (p. 79;
  • ISH´ MA-EL,
  • ISH´ MA-EL-ITES [p. 79]

p. 78:

  • Ja´ kim (cf. Jacom)
  • Ja´ num (cf. Jeneum)
  • JA´RED
  • Ja´ shen (cf. Jashon)

p. 79:

  • Jo´ tham (cf. Jothan)
  • Kib´ roth Hat-ta´ a-vah (cf. Kib)
  • KISH
  • Ko´ rah [and,]
  • Ko´ rah-ites,
  • Ko´ rath-ites,
  • Kor´ hite,
  • Kor´ hites,
  • Kor´ ites
  • Ko´ re (cf. Korihor, Corihor)
  • LA´ BAN
  • La-cu´ nus (cf. Lachoneus)
  • Lah´ man (cf. Laman)
  • [LA´ MECH - see Moses 5]
  • LE´ HI *
  • LEM´ U-EL *
  • Lib´ nah (cf. Limnah)
  • Lib´ ni [and,]
  • Lib´ nites, (cf. Lib)

p. 80:

  • Ma´ ha-lah (cf. Mahah)
  • Ma´ ni (cf. Manti)
  • Me´ lech (cf. Melek)
  • MID´ I-AN
  • Mo´ lech [and,]
  • Mo ´ lek,
  • Mo´ loch,
  • Mo ´ lok (cf. Mulek [italics in the original])
  • Mo-ri´ ah (cf. Orihah, Mosiah)

p. 81:

  • Na´ ham (cf. Nahom)
  • Na´ hor (cf. Nehor)
  • Na´ hum (cf. Nahom)
  • Ne´ ah (cf. Neas)
  • Ne´ cho (designated a Book of Abraham mummy; see MP 49, Belknap)
  • Ne´ hum (cf. Neum)
  • NE´ PHI *
  • NIM´ RAH
  • O MER *
  • Om´ ri (cf. Omni)

p. 82:

  • Rab-bo´ ni (cf. Rabbanah)
  • Ra´ ma, or RA´ MAH
  • Rib´ lah (cf. Riplah)
  • Sa´ mi (cf. Sam)
  • Sar-a-i´ ah (cf. Sariah)

p. 83:

  • Se´ nir (cf. Senine)
  • Sha´ lem [and,]
  • She´ bam (cf. Sheum)
  • She-re´ zer (cf. Shazer, Sherrizah)
  • Shib´ bo-leth (cf. Shiblom)
  • Shim´ hi [and,]
  • Shi´ mi,
  • Shim´ ites (cf. Shim)
  • Shi´ za (cf. Shiz)
  • Shu´ lam-ite (cf. Shule)
  • Shu´ math-ites (cf. Shum)

p. 84:

  • Si´ ba (cf. Sebus)
  • Sid´ dim (cf. Sidom)
  • SI´ DON
  • Sir´ i-on (cf. Siron)
  • [THUM´ MIM - in Abraham 3:1, 4, and later applied, with URIM, to Book of

Mormon interpreters; see MP 414 (Stanford)]

p. 85:

  • Tu´ bal Cain (cf. Tubaloth)
  • [U´ RIM - see THUMMIM, above]
  • Zem-a-ra´ im [and,]
  • Zem´ a-rite,
  • Ze-mi´ ra,
  • Zeph-a-ni´ ah,
  • Zer-a-hi´ ah (cf. Zemnarihah)
  • Ze´ nas (cf. Zenos)
  • Ze-or´ im [and,]
  • Ze´ rah (cf. Zeram, Zeezrom)
  • Ze´ phi, or Ze´ pho (cf. Zenephi)
  • Ze´ rah (cf. Zeram)
  • Zer-a-hi´ ah (cf. Zarahemla)
  • Ze´ ri (cf. Zerin)
  • Ziph (cf. Ziff)
  • Zo´ rah (cf. Zoram)
  • Zo´ rath-ites [and,]
  • Zo´ rites (cf. Zoramites)