Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Plural wives/Helen Mar Kimball

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Helen Mar Kimball

Helen Mar Kimball

The circumstances of Helen Mar Kimball's plural marriage to Joseph Smith, Jr.

Summary: Helen was the youngest plural wife of Joseph Smith, Jr. at age 14, just a few months before her 15th birthday.

Was Helen's marriage consummated?

Summary: Since Helen was fourteen years old at the time of her sealing to Joseph Smith, it is claimed by some that the marriage was consummated, despite a complete lack of supporting evidence.

Why was Joseph sealed to young women?

Summary: Some argue that Joseph Smith's polygamous marriages to young women are evidence that he was immoral, perhaps even a pedophile.
See also Brian Hales' discussion

Age of wives

Summary: Critics of Joseph Smith are sometimes filled with righteous indignation when they raise the issue of his wives' ages.

Joseph Smith's Polygamy: "Helen Mar Kimball", by Brian C. Hales

(Click here for full article)