Countercult ministries/The Interactive Bible/Difficult Questions for Mormons/Main themes of Mormonism not in Book of Mormon

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Response to "Difficult Questions for Mormons: Main themes of Mormonism not in the Book of Mormon"

A work by author: The Interactive Bible

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Response to claim: "Why isn't the Elohim (God) being the father of Jehovah (Jesus) and being once a mortal man discussed? (In fact, God and Jesus appear to be one in the same being in the Book of Mormon--especially in the first edition)"

The author(s) of Difficult Questions for Mormons make(s) the following claim:

Response to claim: "Why isn't the Elohim (God) being the father of Jehovah (Jesus) and being once a mortal man discussed? (In fact, God and Jesus appear to be one in the same being in the Book of Mormon--especially in the first edition)."

FAIR's Response

Response to claim: "What about God having a body of flesh and bones, God being married, men becoming Gods, temple participation necessary for exaltation, baptism for the dead, Aaronic and Melchizedek Priesthood, word of wisdom, and 3 degrees of glory?"

The author(s) of Difficult Questions for Mormons make(s) the following claim:

Response to claim: "What about God having a body of flesh and bones, God being married, men becoming Gods, temple participation necessary for exaltation, baptism for the dead, Aaronic and Melchizedek Priesthood, word of wisdom, and 3 degrees of glory?"

FAIR's Response

Response to claim: "Why is polygamy condemned in the Book of Mormon, but condoned in the D&C and still believed to be necessary in church doctrine for exaltation in the after-life?"

The author(s) of Difficult Questions for Mormons make(s) the following claim:

Response to claim: "Why is polygamy condemned in the Book of Mormon, but condoned in the D&C and still believed to be necessary in church doctrine for exaltation in the after-life?"

FAIR's Response

Response to claim: "Where are such doctrines as a man having to marry in order to be exalted, member having to wear sacred undergarments, official doctrine being voted upon by the general membership, God being the offspring of another God, etc.?"

The author(s) of Difficult Questions for Mormons make(s) the following claim:

Response to claim: "Where are such doctrines as a man having to marry in order to be exalted, member having to wear sacred undergarments, official doctrine being voted upon by the general membership, God being the offspring of another God, etc.?"

FAIR's Response
