Criticism of Mormonism/Books/One Nation Under Gods/Introduction

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Response to claims made in "Introduction: A Thread of Prophecy"

A FAIR Analysis of:
One Nation Under Gods
A work by author: Richard Abanes

xv, 477n2 (HB) ix, 475n2 (PB)

  • Are histories produced by the LDS church the "least reliable" of all as the book claims?

Author's source(s)
  • Boyd K. Packer, interview with D. Michael Quinn, 1976. Quoted in Smith, 105, endnote #22. (PB)
  • Boyd K. Packer, "The Mantle is Far, Far Greater Than the Intellect," Brigham Young University Studies 21 no. [3] (Summer 1981), 264-265. off-site (HB,PB)

xv, 477n5 (HB) ix, 475n5 (PB)

  • Do LDS leaders attempt to "control depictions" of Church history?

Author's source(s)
  • Allen Roberts, Private Eye Weekly, October 20, 1993, 12. Quoted in Jerald Tanner and Sandra Tanner, "Legacy: A Distorted View of Mormon History," Salt Lake City Messenger (#88), May 1995, 4 online at

xv-xvi, 477n6 (HB)

  • Must LDS historian write histories which always defend the faith?

Author's source(s)
  • John E. Hallwas and Roger D. Launius, Cultures in Conflict: A Documentary History of the Mormon War in Illinois (Logan, UT: Utah State University Press, 1995), 2-3.
  • The balance of endnote is a laundry list of additional sources critical of the way history is treated by faithful LDS. It is deleted here, as it is not directly related to the use of the quote in question.

xvii (HB)

  • Does the "White Horse" prophecy predict that the U.S. government will become a "Mormon-ruled theocracy?"

Author's source(s)
  • John J. Roberts, Journal of John J. Roberts
  • Orson Hyde, Journal of Discourses 6:152.
  • James Burgess, James Burgess Notebook, LDSCA, vol. 1 cited in Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook, The Words of Joseph Smith: The Contemporary Accounts of the Nauvoo Discourses of the Prophet Joseph, p. 279.
  • Sandra Tanner, "Joseph Smith's 'White Horse' Prophecy,"

xviii, 475n5 (HB)

  • Is the "White Horse" prophecy a "dominant element" of Latter-day Saint belief because LDS believe they will be "officers and administrators" during the period of Christ's millennial reign?

Author's source(s)
  • Fred Esplin, "Mormon journalist and University of Utah spokesperson", "The Saints Go Marching On," Utah Holliday, June 1981, 34.

xix (HB)

  • Have various Church leaders have reiterated the "White Horse" prophecy over the years?

Author's source(s)

xx, 479n10 (HB) xiv, 477n10 (PB)

  • Did Fred Esplin say that Mormonism existed as a "radical, immoral, and un-American band of religious zealots" as the hardback edition claims? (HB)
  • Or, did Esplin say that Mormonism perceived as a "radical, immoral, and un-American band of religious zealots" as the paperback edition claims? (PB)

Author's source(s)
  • Fred Esplin, "Mormon journalist and University of Utah spokesperson", "The Saints Go Marching On," Utah Holliday, June 1981, 33.

xx, 479n15 (HB) xiv, 477n15 (PB)

  • Will Jesus Christ be setting up a theocracy in Missouri?

Author's source(s)
  • Bruce McConkie, Mormon Doctrine (Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1958; second edition, 1966), 855. During a December 23, 1866 sermon, Brigham Young declared that at Christ's second coming, he would first appear in "the land of America" (Brigham Young, December 23, 1866, Journal of Discourses, vol. 11, 279.)
  • Note: The hardback has the page number incorrectly specified as page 249, which was corrected to page 279 in the paperback.

xx, 479n17 (HB)

  • Will everyone in the world will be forced to recognize "Mormonism" as "the one true" religion?

Author's source(s)

xxi (HB); xiv (PB)

  • Did Joseph claim in History of the Church that other governments and religions "must eventually be destroyed from the earth" as the hardback edition claims? (HB)
  • Or, did Joseph claim that all non-Mormon nations "must eventually be destroyed from the earth" as the paperback edition claims? (PB)

Author's source(s)
  • History of the Church 5:212

xxiv (HB)

  • Why does the Church refuse to divulge "routine" financial data that other religions are "happy to provide over the phone?"

Author's source(s)
  • This is simply a repeat of the Ostling's claim.

xxiv (HB)
xviii (PB)

  • Do Latter-day Saints believe that they are "morally, ethically, and spiritually superior" to non-LDS?

Author's source(s)