Mormonism and priesthood/Criticisms by excommunicated Mormons

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Claims by ex-Mormons that Church leaders have lost priesthood authority


Criticisms by excommunicated Mormons

Have Church leaders lost priesthood authority?

Summary: Some who are excommunicated from the Church believe that the leaders of the Church have lost any right to claim priesthood leadership.

Deviation from proper wording for baptismal prayer

Summary: Some who are excommunicated from the Church claim that the Church has improperly altered the wording for the baptismal ordinance.

Does the Church claim to "control" the Holy Ghost?

Summary: Some who are excommunicated from the Church claim that the Church believes it "controls the Holy Ghost."

Do we need a Church?

Summary: Some who are excommunicated from the Church claim that a formal Church organization is not needed.

Do we need Priesthood authority?

Summary: Some who are excommunicated from the Church claim that ordained priesthood authority is not needed.

Priesthood authority can be re-conferred by heavenly messengers.

Summary: Some who are excommunicated from the Church claim that priesthood authority can be re-conferred by heavenly messengers, and so the institutional Church is not needed.