Mormonism and history/Gospel Topics essays

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  1. REDIRECTTemplate:Test3

The Church's Gospel Topics essays on

{{Epigraph|"The First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve both have been very supportive of this process," Elder Snow said. "I think they sense the need to provide accurate information to our members to counter a lot of sensationalism that tends to come about online or on the Internet over some of these historical topics."
"We want them to be able to go to a place where they can read accurate information and be able to seek to understand those historical chapters in the context of time and place and understand these answers have been approved by the presiding Brethren of the church. I think that will give many of our members confidence that they can rely on those answers."
Elder Steven E. Snow, Church Historian, quoted in LDS Church enhances web pages on its history, doctrine", Deseret News (9 December 2013)

