Mormonism and priesthood

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Mormonism and priesthood




Summary: Critics claim that no restoration of priesthood authority was required, and that the "laying on of hands" is not necessary in order to receive priesthood authority. Some critics claim that the concept of priesthood authority and ordinations came from Sidney Rigdon.

Women and priesthood


Christians don't need a mediating priesthood

Summary: Sectarian Protestant critics claim that Christians do not need a mediating priesthood since it has been "fulfilled in Christ."


Summary: Critics claim that only Jesus held the priesthood, and that such priesthood was not 'transferable' to members of the Church.

Is there a "Priesthood of All Believers"

Summary: Critics of Mormonism assert that there is no need for unbroken lines of priesthood authority since the Bible teaches that all believers hold the priesthood.

What does the Bible teach

Summary: What does the Bible teach about priesthood in the Church of Jesus Christ?

Miracles in other faiths

Summary: Many Christian believers report miraculous healings and the like, which they claim are done by God's power. How can the Church claim to possess the only valid priesthood in light of these miraculous blessings?