Brigham Young

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Brigham Young




Adam-God theory

Summary: Brigham Young taught that Adam, the first man, was God the Father. Since this teaching runs counter to the story told in Genesis and commonly accepted by Christians, critics accuse Brigham of being a false prophet. Also, because modern Latter-day Saints do not believe Brigham's "Adam-God" teachings, critics accuse Mormons of either changing their teachings or rejecting teachings of prophets they find uncomfortable or unsupportable.
    • Ancient of Days
      Brief Summary: If the Adam-God doctrine isn't true, how come DC 27:11 calls Adam the Ancient of Days which is clearly a title for God in Dan. 7: (Click here for full article)
      ∗       ∗       ∗

Brigham as Young Earth Creationist

Summary: Critics try to portray Brigham Young as a "young earth creationist" (YEC). This is someone who believes the earth was created in the recent past, usually 6-7,000 years ago, based upon a literal and fundamentalist reading of Genesis. They hope that by making Brigham appear uninformed about scientific matters, they can challenge his status as a prophet.


Reviews of works

Summary: Reviews of books or films about Brigham Young

Brigham Young and the First Vision

Summary: Critics claim either that Brigham never taught about the First Vision, or that he taught that the Lord did not appear to Joseph. Both claims are false.

Women not to meddle

Summary: Brigham Young said women "have no right to meddle in the affairs of the Kingdom of God." This is used to portray Brigham as authoritarian and sexist.

Race mixing punishable by death

Summary: Brigham Young said that race mixing was "punishable by death."

Moon and sun are inhabited

Summary: Brigham Young said that the moon and sun were inhabited. Critics claim that this is proof he was a false prophet.

Fake quotes: "Pulling the wool over America's eyes"

Summary: Critics claim that Brigham said ""We shall pull the wool over the eyes of the American people and make them swallow Mormonism, polygamy and all." This is a fabricated quote—Brigham never said this.

Fake quotes: "I have never given counsel that is wrong

Summary: A blogger created a fake quote in which Brigham is claimed to have said, "If there ever comes a day when the Saints interfere with the rights of others to live as they see fit, you can know with assurance that the Church is no longer led by a Prophet, but a mere man." This is a reference to California Proposition 8.

Brigham Young and the Mormon Reformation

Prosecution of Mountain Meadows Massacre

Miscellaneous issues regarding Brigham Young

Summary: Other wiki articles related to Brigham Young that do not fit in any of the other categories.