Criticism of Mormonism/Books/The Changing World of Mormonism/Chapter 18

A FAIR Analysis of:
Criticism of Mormonism/Books
A work by author: Jerald and Sandra Tanner

Claims made in Chapter 18: Word of Wisdom

Page Claim Response Author's sources


The admonition not to eat meat is mostly ignored by the Church.

Word of Wisdom/Eat meat sparingly  [needs work]

  • John J. Stewart, Joseph Smith the Mormon Prophet, p.90


Joseph Fielding Smith said that drinking tea can bar a person from the Celestial Kingdom.

Word of Wisdom/Tea  [needs work]

  • Doctrines of Salvation 2:16


Church members feel that Joseph "carefully observed" the Word of Wisdom. Joseph wouldn't be able to get a temple recommend today.

  •  Presentism or anachronism: the requirements of the Word of Wisdom were different in Joseph's day than in the 20th century. The authors hope their audience will be shocked by this, and do nothing to explain the differences in application of the Word of Wisdom.

Word of Wisdom

  • John J. Stewart, Joseph Smith the Mormon Prophet, p.90


Joseph sometimes drank wine.

  •  Presentism or anachronism: in Joseph's day, wine was not forbidden by the Word of Wisdom, especially if used in a medicinal sense.

Word of Wisdom


Joseph smoked a cigar.

  • "Joseph Smith As An Administrator," M.A. thesis, Brigham Young University, May 1969, p.161