JBMS Master list of articles

Revision as of 21:36, 11 July 2006 by GregSmith (talk | contribs) (Vol. 5 - No. 2)

Vol. 1 - No. 1

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{{JBMS-1-1-1}} Stephen D. Ricks, "Editor's Introduction," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 1/1 (1992). link edit
{{JBMS-1-1-2}} John L. Sorenson, "When Lehi's Party Arrived in the Land Did They Find Others There?," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 1/1 (1992). [1–34] link edit
{{JBMS-1-1-3}} Lindon J. Robison, "Economic Insights from the Book of Mormon," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 1/1 (1992). [35–53] link edit
{{JBMS-1-1-4}} John Gee, "Limhi in the Library," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 1/1 (1992). [54–66] link edit
{{JBMS-1-1-5}} Alan Goff, "'Boats, Beginnings, and Repetitions'," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 1/1 (1992). [67–84] link edit
{{JBMS-1-1-6}} Todd R. Kerr, "Ancient Aspects of Nephite Kingship in the Book of Mormon," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 1/1 (1992). [85–118] link edit
{{JBMS-1-1-7}} John W. Welch, "Legal Perspectives on the Slaying of Laban," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 1/1 (1992). [119–141] link edit
{{JBMS-1-1-8}} John L. Hilton and Janet F. Hilton, "A Correlation of the Sidon River and the Lands of Manti and Zarahemla with the Southern End of the Rio Grijalva (San Miguel)," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 1/1 (1992). [142–162] link edit
{{JBMS-1-1-9}} S. Kent Brown, "The Prophetic Laments of Samuel the Lamanite," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 1/1 (1992). [163–180] link edit
{{JBMS-1-1-10}} Donald W. Parry, "Thus Saith the Lord': Prophetic Language in Samuel's Speech," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 1/1 (1992). [181–183] link edit
{{JBMS-1-1-11}} Daniel C. Peterson, "Secret Combinations Revisited," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 1/1 (1992). [184–188] link edit
{{JBMS-1-1-12}} John Gee, "A Note on the Name Nephi," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 1/1 (1992). [189–191] link edit

Vol. 2 - No. 1

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{{JBMS-2-1-1}} Stephen D. Ricks, "Editor's Introduction," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 2/1 (1993). link edit
{{JBMS-2-1-2}} Kevin Christensen, "'Nigh unto Death: NDE Research and the Book of Mormon'," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 2/1 (1993). [1–20] link edit
{{JBMS-2-1-3}} Gordon C. Thomasson, "Mosiah: The Complex Symbolism and Symbolic Complex of Kingship in the Book of Mormon," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 2/1 (1993). [21–38] link edit
{{JBMS-2-1-4}} Brett L. Holbrook, "The Sword of Laban as a Symbol of Divine Authority and Kingship," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 2/1 (1993). [39–72] link edit
{{JBMS-2-1-5}} Daniel N. Rolph, "'Prophets, Kings, and Swords: The Sword of Laban and Its Possible Pre-Laban Origin'," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 2/1 (1993). [73–79] link edit
{{JBMS-2-1-6}} Richard D. Draper, "The Mortal Ministry of the Savior as Understood by the Book of Mormon Prophets," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 2/1 (1993). [80–92] link edit
{{JBMS-2-1-7}} Jeanette W. Miller, "'The Tree of Life, a Personification of Christ'," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 2/1 (1993). [93–106] link edit
{{JBMS-2-1-8}} Russell H. Ball, "An Hypothesis concerning the Three Days of Darkness among the Nephites," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 2/1 (1993). [107–123] link edit
{{JBMS-2-1-9}} Mark J. Morrise, "'Simile Curses in the Ancient Near East, Old Testament, and Book of Mormon'," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 2/1 (1993). [124–138] link edit
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{{JBMS-2-1-11}} William J. Hamblin, "Basic Methodological Problems with the Anti-Mormon Approach to the Geography and Archaeology of the Book of Mormon," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 2/1. (1993). [161–197] link edit
{{JBMS-2-1-12}} Robert E. Clark, "Notes on Korihor and Language," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 2/1 (1993). [198–200] link edit

Vol. 2 - No. 2

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{{JBMS-2-2-1}} Stephen D. Ricks, "Editor's Introduction," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 2/2 (1993). link edit
{{JBMS-2-2-2}} Robert L. Millet, "'The Book of Mormon, Historicity, and Faith'," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 2/2 (1993). [1–3] link edit
{{JBMS-2-2-3}} Corbin T. Volluz, "Lehi's Dream of the Tree of Life: Springboard to Prophecy," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 2/2 (1993). [14–38] link edit
{{JBMS-2-2-4}} Jennifer Clark Lane, "The Lord Will Redeem His People: Adoptive Covenant and Redemption in the Old Testament and Book of Mormon," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 2/2 (1993). [39–62] link edit
{{JBMS-2-2-5}} Robert E. Clark, "The Type at the Border: An Inquiry into Book of Mormon Typology," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 2/2 (1993). [63–77] link edit
{{JBMS-2-2-6}} Garth L. Mangum, "The Economics of the Book of Mormon: Joseph Smith as Translator or Commentator," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 2/2 (1993). [78–89] link edit
{{JBMS-2-2-7}} Thomas W. Mackay, "'Mormon as Editor: A Study in Colophons, Headers, and Source Indicators'," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 2/2 (1993). [90–109] link edit
{{JBMS-2-2-8}} Lenet H. Read-Hadley, "Joseph Smith's Receipt of the Plates and the Israelite Feast of Trumpets," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 2/2 (1993). [110–120] link edit
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{{JBMS-2-2-10}} Louis Midgley, "The Radical Reformation of the Reorganization of the Restoration: Recent Changes in the RLDS Understanding of the Book of Mormon," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 2/2. (1993). [132–163] link edit
{{JBMS-2-2-11}} Matthew Roper, "Comments on the Book of Mormon Witnesses: A Response to Jerald and Sandra Tanner," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 2/2 (1993). [164–193] link edit
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{{JBMS-2-2-13}} Jeffrey R. Chadwick, "Sariah in the Elephantine Papyri," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 2/2 (1993). [196–200] link edit
{{JBMS-2-2-14}} Stephen D. Ricks, "Translation of the Book of Mormon: Interpreting the Evidence," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 2/2 (1993). [201–206] link edit
{{JBMS-2-2-15}} John L. Sorenson, "Comments on Nephite Chronology," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 2/2 (1993). [207–211] link edit

Vol. 3 - No. 1

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{{JBMS-3-1-1}} Stephen D. Ricks, "Editor's Introduction," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 3/1 (1994). link edit
{{JBMS-3-1-2}} Gordon C. Thomasson, "'What's in a Name? Book of Mormon Language, Names, and [Metonymic] Naming'," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 3/1 (1994). [1–27] link edit
{{JBMS-3-1-3}} Royal Skousen, "'The Original Language of the Book of Mormon: Upstate New York Dialect, King James English, or Hebrew?'," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 3/1 (1994). [28–38] link edit
{{JBMS-3-1-4}} Richard Dilworth Rust, "Recurrence in Book of Mormon Narratives," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 3/1 (1994). [39–52] link edit
{{JBMS-3-1-5}} Lynn D. Wardle, "Dissent: Perspectives from the Book of Mormon," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 3/1 (1994). [53–73] link edit
{{JBMS-3-1-6}} Kevin Christensen, "A Response to David Wright on Historical Criticism," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 3/1 (1994). [74–94] link edit
{{JBMS-3-1-7}} David B. Honey, "The Secular as Sacred: The Historiography of the Title Page," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 3/1 (1994). [94–103] link edit
{{JBMS-3-1-8}} John S. Thompson, "The Jaredite Exodus: A Literary Perspective of a Historical Narrative," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 3/1 (1994). [104–112] link edit
{{JBMS-3-1-9}} Kevin L. Barney, "Enallage in the Book of Mormon," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 3/1 (1994). [113–147] link edit
{{JBMS-3-1-10}} Corbin T. Volluz, "Cry Redemption: The Plan of Redemption as Taught in the Book of Mormon," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 3/1 (1994). [148–169] link edit
{{JBMS-3-1-11}} John A. Tvedtnes, "Historical Parallels to the Destruction at the Time of the Crucifixion," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 3/1 (1994). [170–186] link edit
{{JBMS-3-1-12}} Bruce J. Boehm, "Wanderers in the Promised Land: A Study of the Exodus Motif in the Book of Mormon and Holy Bible," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 3/1 (1994). [187–203] link edit
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{{JBMS-3-1-14}} John A. Tvedtnes, "My First-Born in the Wilderness'," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 3/1 (1994). [207–209] link edit

Vol. 3 - No. 2

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{{JBMS-3-2-1}} Robert L. Bunker, "The Design of the Liahona and the Purpose of the Second Spindle," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 3/2 (1994). [1–11] link edit
{{JBMS-3-2-2}} Richard D. Draper, "Hubris and Ate: A Latter-day Warning from the Book of Mormon," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 3/2 (1994). [12–33] link edit
{{JBMS-3-2-3}} John A. Tvedtnes, "The Influence of Lehi's Admonitions on the Teachings of His Son Jacob," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 3/2 (1994). [34–48] link edit
{{JBMS-3-2-4}} Bruce M. Pritchett Jr., "Lehi's Theology of the Fall in Its Preexilic/Exilic Context," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 3/2 (1994). [49–83] link edit
{{JBMS-3-2-5}} D. Lynn Johnson, "The Missing Scripture," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 3/2 (1994). [84–93] link edit
{{JBMS-3-2-6}} Alan C. Miner, "A Chronological Setting for the Epistles of Mormon to Moroni," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 3/2 (1994). [94–113] link edit
{{JBMS-3-2-7}} John A. Tvedtnes, "Faith and Truth," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 3/2 (1994). [114–117] link edit
{{JBMS-3-2-8}} John L. Fowles, "The Jewish Lectionary and Book of Mormon Prophecy," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 3/2 (1994). [118–122] link edit
{{JBMS-3-2-9}} Mark J. Johnson, "The Exodus of Lehi Revisited," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 3/2 (1995). [123–126] link edit

Vol. 4 - No. 1

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{{JBMS-4-1-1}} Stephen D. Ricks, "Editor's Introduction," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 4/1 (1995). link edit
{{JBMS-4-1-2}} Anonymous, "Sidney B. Sperry," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 4/1 (1995). link edit
{{JBMS-4-1-3}} Anonymous, "'Sidney B. Sperry: The Man, Scholar, Teacher'," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 4/1 (1995). [xiii–xvii] link edit
{{JBMS-4-1-4}} Carma deJong Anderson, "Sidney B. Sperry: Memories," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 4/1 (1995). [xviii–xx] link edit
{{JBMS-4-1-5}} Richard Lloyd Anderson, "Sidney B. Sperry: Steadfast Scholar," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 4/1 (1995). [xxi–xxiv] link edit
{{JBMS-4-1-6}} Ellis T. Rasmussen, "'Sidney B. Sperry, As I Remember and Appreciate Him'," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 4/1 (1995). [xxv–xxvi] link edit
{{JBMS-4-1-7}} Sidney B. Sperry, "What the Book of Mormon IS," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 4/1 (1995). [1–17] link edit
{{JBMS-4-1-8}} Sidney B. Sperry, "What the Book of Mormon Is (Continued)," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 4/1 (1995). [18–27] link edit
{{JBMS-4-1-9}} Sidney B. Sperry, "What the Book of Mormon Is (Concluded)," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 4/1 (1995). [28–40] link edit
{{JBMS-4-1-10}} Sidney B. Sperry, "The Book of Mormon as Literature," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 4/1 (1995). [41–47] link edit
{{JBMS-4-1-11}} Sidney B. Sperry, "'Types of Literature in the Book of Mormon: Patriarchal Blessings, Symbolic Prophecy, Prophetic Narrative, Prophetic Dialogue'," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 4/1 (1995). [95–105] link edit
{{JBMS-4-1-12}} Sidney B. Sperry, "'Types of Literature in the Book of Mormon: Patriarchal Blessings, Symbolic Prophecy, Prophetic Narrative, Prophetic Dialogue'," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 4/1 (1995). [95–105] link edit
{{JBMS-4-1-13}} Sidney B. Sperry, "'Types of Literature in the Book of Mormon: Patriarchal Blessings, Symbolic Prophecy, Prophetic Narrative, Prophetic Dialogue'," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 4/1 (1995). [95–105] link edit
{{JBMS-4-1-14}} Sidney B. Sperry, "'Types of Literature in the Book of Mormon: Patriarchal Blessings, Symbolic Prophecy, Prophetic Narrative, Prophetic Dialogue'," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 4/1 (1995). [95–105] link edit
{{JBMS-4-1-15}} Sidney B. Sperry, "Types of Literature in the Book of Mormon: Allegories, Prayers, Songs, Genealogies," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 4/1 (1995): 106–118. off-site wiki edit
{{JBMS-4-1-16}} Sidney B. Sperry, "The Book of Mormon and the Problem of the Sermon on the Mount," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 4/1 (1995). [153–165] link edit
{{JBMS-4-1-17}} Sidney B. Sperry, "The 'Isaiah Problem' in the Book of Mormon," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 4/1 (1995). [129–152] link edit
{{JBMS-4-1-18}} Sidney B. Sperry, "The Book of Mormon and the Problem of the Sermon on the Mount," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 4/1 (1995). [153–165] link edit
{{JBMS-4-1-19}} Sidney B. Sperry, "'Literary Problems in the Book of Mormon involving 1 Corinthians 12, 13, and Other New Testament Books'," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 4/1 (1995). [166–174] link edit
{{JBMS-4-1-20}} Sidney B. Sperry, "The Book of Mormon and Textual Criticism," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 4/1 (1995). [175–184] link edit
{{JBMS-4-1-21}} Sidney B. Sperry, "Some Problems of Interest Relating to the Brass Plates," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 4/1 (1995). [185–191] link edit
{{JBMS-4-1-22}} Sidney B. Sperry, "The Isaiah Quotation: 2 Nephi 12–24," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 4/1 (1995). [192–208] link edit
{{JBMS-4-1-23}} Sidney B. Sperry, "The Book of Mormon as Translation English," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 4/1 (1995). [209–217] link edit
{{JBMS-4-1-24}} Sidney B. Sperry, "Hebrew Idioms in the Book of Mormon," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 4/1 (1995). [218–225] link edit
{{JBMS-4-1-25}} Sidney B. Sperry, "Some Universals in the Book of Mormon," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 4/1 (1995). [226–234] link edit
{{JBMS-4-1-26}} Sidney B. Sperry, "Did Father Lehi Have Daughters Who Married the Sons of Ishmael?," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 4/1 (1995). [235–238] link edit
{{JBMS-4-1-27}} Sidney B. Sperry, "The Book of Mormon's Message on Brotherhood," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 4/1 (1995). [239–245] link edit
{{JBMS-4-1-28}} Sidney B. Sperry, "The Lamanites Portrayed in the Book of Mormon," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 4/1 (1995). [246–254] link edit
{{JBMS-4-1-29}} Sidney B. Sperry, "Moroni the Lonely: The Story of the Writing of the Title Page to the Book of Mormon," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 4/1 (1995). [255–259] link edit
{{JBMS-4-1-31}} Sidney B. Sperry, "Moroni Expounds Old Testament Scriptures," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 4/1 (1995). [269–285] link edit

Vol. 4 - No. 2

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{{JBMS-4-2-1}} John W. Welch, "Criteria for Identifying and Evaluating the Presence of Chiasmus," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 4/2 (1995). [1–4] link edit
{{JBMS-4-2-2}} Kevin L. Barney, "Poetic Diction and Parallel Word Pairs in the Book of Mormon," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 4/2 (1995). [15–81] link edit
{{JBMS-4-2-3}} William J. Hamblin, "The Latest Straw Man," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 4/2 (1995). [82–92] link edit
{{JBMS-4-2-4}} Edgar C. Snow Jr., "Narrative Criticism and the Book of Mormon," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 4/2 (1995). [93–106] link edit
{{JBMS-4-2-5}} Gary L. Sturgess, "'The Book of Mosiah: Thoughts about Its Structure, Purposes, Themes, and Authorship'," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 4/2 (1995). [107–113] link edit
{{JBMS-4-2-6}} William J. Adams Jr., "More on the Silver Plates from Lehi's Jerusalem," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 4/2 (1995). [136–137] link edit
{{JBMS-4-2-7}} Wallace E. Hunt Jr., "The Marketplace," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 4/2 (1995). [138–141] link edit
{{JBMS-4-2-8}} Matthew Roper, "Noah Webster and the Book of Mormon," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 4/2 (1995). [142–146] link edit
{{JBMS-4-2-9}} John A. Tvedtnes, "Cities and Lands in the Book of Mormon," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 4/2 (1995). [147–150] link edit
{{JBMS-4-2-10}} Christian M. Ziebarth, "Examining a Nephite/Latter-day Apostolic Parallel," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 4/2 (1995). [151–154] link edit

Vol. 5 - No. 1

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{{JBMS-5-1-1}} Brian D. Stubbs, "Looking Over vs. Overlooking: Native American Languages: Let's Void the Void," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 5/1 (1996). [1–49] link edit
{{JBMS-5-1-2}} Alan Goff, "'Historical Narrative, Literary Narrative—Expelling Poetics from the Republic of History'," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 5/1 (1996). [50–102] link edit
{{JBMS-5-1-3}} James T. Duke, "The Literary Structure and Doctrinal Significance of Alma 13:1–9," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 5/1 (1996). [103–118] link edit
{{JBMS-5-1-4}} John W. Welch, "'From Presence to Practice: Jesus, the Sacrament Prayer, the Priesthood, and Church Discipline in 3 Nephi 18 and Moroni 2–6'," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 5/1 (1996). [119–139] link edit
{{JBMS-5-1-5}} Philip A. Allred, "Alma's Use of State in the Book of Mormon: Evidence of Multiple Authorship," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 5/1 (1996). [140–146] link edit
{{JBMS-5-1-6}} Philip A. Allred, "The Iliad and the Book of Mormon," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 5/1 (1996). [147–149] link edit
{{JBMS-5-1-7}} Matthew Roper, "Eyewitness Descriptions of Mesoamerican Swords," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 5/1 (1996). [150–158] link edit
{{JBMS-5-1-8}} John A. Tvedtnes, "Knowledge of Christ to Come," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 5/1 (1996). [159–161] link edit
{{JBMS-5-1-9}} John Gee, "Two Notes on Egyptian Script," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 5/1 (1996). [162–176] link edit

Vol. 5 - No. 2

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{{JBMS-5-2-1}} Massimo Introvigne, "The Book of Mormon Wars: A Non-Mormon Perspective," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 5/2 (1996). [1–25] link edit
{{JBMS-5-2-2}} Noel B. Reynolds, "The True Points of My Doctrine," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 5/2 (1996). [26–56] link edit
{{JBMS-5-2-3}} David E. Sloan, "The Anthon Transcripts and the Translation of the Book of Mormon: Studying It Out in the Mind of Joseph Smith," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 5/2 (1996). [57–81] link edit
{{JBMS-5-2-4}} Brian D. Stubbs, "A Lengthier Treatment of Length," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 5/2 (1996). [82–97] link edit
{{JBMS-5-2-5}} Robert F. Smith, "Book of Mormon Event Structure: The Ancient Near East," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 5/2 (1996). [98–147] link edit
{{JBMS-5-2-6}} John A. Tvedtnes, "Rod and Sword as the Word of God," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 5/2 (1996). [148–155] link edit
{{JBMS-5-2-7}} Stephen D. Ricks and John A. Tvedtnes, "Jewish and Other Semitic Texts Written in Egyptian Characters," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 5/2 (1996). [156–163] link edit
{{JBMS-5-2-8}} Ken Haubrock, "Sam: A Just and Holy Man," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 5/2 (1997). [164–168] link edit
{{JBMS-5-2-9}} John A. Tvedtnes, "His Stewardship Was Fulfilled," Journal of Book of Mormon Studies 5/2 (1997). [169–170] link edit

Vol. 6 - No. 1

Vol. 6 - No. 2

Vol. 7 - No. 1

Vol. 7 - No. 2

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Vol. 8 - No. 1

Vol. 8 - No. 2

Vol. 9 - No. 1

Vol. 9 - No. 2

Vol. 10 - No. 1

Vol. 10 - No. 2

Vol. 11 - No. 1

Vol. 11 - No. 2

Vol. 12 - No. 1

Vol. 12 - No. 2

Vol. 13 - No. 1

Vol. 13 - No. 2

Vol. 14 - No. 1

Vol. 14 - No. 2


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