Criticism of Mormonism/Books/One Nation Under Gods/Chapter 5

A FAIR Analysis of:
Criticism of Mormonism/Books
A work by author: Richard Abanes

Claims made in "Chapter 5: People of Zion"

Page Claim Response Author's sources
83, 517n2 (HB) "The Mormon church was formally organized in New York..."
  • There is no church called the "Mormon Church." "The Church of Christ" was formally organized in New York.
  • N/A
517n2 (HB) "[t]he Mormon church's official name evolved from The Church of Christ (April 1830) to The Church of the Latter Day Saints (May 1834) to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (April 1838).
  • No source provided. (Marquardt source refers to the location of the church organization)
86, n22-23 (HB) "anti-Christendom" became a "defining feature of Mormonism," which denounced all denominational forms of Christianity as "satanic."
86, n24-25 Mormonism "officially still teaches that all Christian churches are corrupt," and that "Satan sits in the place of God in Christianity."
95, 522n74 (HB) Martin Harris stated that "all temporal and spiritual power would be given over to The Prophet Joseph Smith."
  • Chandler, reprinted in Vogel, vol. 3, 222-223.