Question: Did Joseph Smith's family and other Book of Mormon witnesses support James Strang's movement after Joseph's death?

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Question: Did Joseph Smith's family and other Book of Mormon witnesses support James Strang's movement after Joseph's death?

Introduction to Question

It is claimed by one critic of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints that "[e]very single living Book of Mormon witness besides Oliver Cowdery accepted Strang's prophetic claim of being Joseph Smith's successor and joined him and his church. Additionally, every single member of Joseph Smith's family except for Hyrum's widow also endorsed, joined, and sustained James Strang as 'Prophet, Seer, and Revelator.'"[1]

Response to Question

This claim was thoroughly addressed by David Snell—host of the Faith and Beliefs segment of the YouTube channel Saints Unscripted.


  1. Jump up Jeremy Runnells, CES Letter: My Search for Answers to my Mormon Doubts (n.p.: CES Letter Foundation, 2017), 99.