Question: How many visions of heavenly beings did Joseph Smith actually have and what was the nature of their visits?

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Question: How many visions of heavenly beings did Joseph Smith actually have and what was the nature of their visits?

Joseph Smith was visited by a number of heavenly beings

Joseph Smith was visited by a number of heavenly beings. The following list includes known personages who appeared to the Prophet Joseph Smith or who were seen by him in vision. The list does not include instances where he only heard supernatural voices, as in D&C 128:20–21.


D&C 137:5

Adam (Michael)

D&C 137:5; History of the Church, 3:388. Volume 3 link;History of the Church, 5:247. Volume 5 link

Alvin Smith

D&C 137:5


D&C 110:12


D&C 110:13–16

God the Father

JS—H 1:17; D&C 76:20; 137:3


D&C 27:12; 128:20

Jesus Christ

JS—H 1:17; D&C 76:20–24; 110:2–10; 137:3

John the Baptist

D&C 13; 27:8

John the Beloved

D&C 27:12; 128:20


JS—H 1:30–49; D&C 20:6; 27:5


D&C 110:11


Joseph Smith, Jr., Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, selected by Joseph Fielding Smith, (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Company, 1976), 180. off-site


D&C 27:12; 128:20


D&C 128:20

Unnamed angel

(concerning wine in sacrament) D&C 27

Unnamed angel

(with three witnesses) History of the Church, 1:54–55. Volume 1 link

Unnamed angel

(accepted dedication of the Kirtland Temple) Life of Heber C. Kimball, p. 106; Temples of the Most High, p. 28

Joint visions

  • Both Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery saw John the Baptist together (D&C 13); Peter, James, and John together (D&C 27:12 and 128:20); Jesus Christ together (D&C 110:2–10); Elijah together (D&C 110:13–16); Moses together (D&C 110:11); and Elias together (D&C 110:12).
  • Both Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon saw God the Father and Jesus Christ together (D&C 76:20–24).
  • Joseph Smith, Martin Harris, Oliver Cowdery, and David Whitmer saw an unnamed angel together (History of the Church, 1:54–55. Volume 1 link). These were the three witnesses to the Book of Mormon.

Second hand accounts of visions that Joseph had
