Question: Did Heber C. Kimball curse the president of the United States?

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Question: Did Heber C. Kimball curse the president of the United States?

Heber C. Kimball cursed the U.S. president when the U.S. army invaded Utah based on false rumors about the Saints' actions

Critics describe Heber C. Kimball cursing the U.S. president. They do not reveal that all the statements which they collect were made during the war, when the U.S. army invaded Utah based on false rumors about the Saints' actions:

There is a poor curse who has written the bigger part of those lies which have been printed in the States; and I curse him, in the name of Israel's God, and by the Priesthood and authority of Jesus Christ; and the disease that is in him shall sap and dry up the fountain of life and eat him up. Some of you may think that he has not the disease I allude to; but he is full of pox from the crown of his head to the point of its beginning. That is the curse of that man; it shall be so, and all Israel shall say, Amen. [The vast congregation of Saints said, "Amen."] He is laying plans to destroy us, and is striving with his might to stir up the Government of the United States and the President to send troops here to bring us into collision and destroy this pure people—man, woman, and child. May God Almighty curse such men, [Voices all through the congregation: "Amen!"] and women, and every damned thing there is upon the earth that opposes this people. I tell you I feel to curse them to-day. [Voice: "And they shall be cursed."]. Yes, they will be; and the Devil shall have full possession of every man and woman that raises the tongue to sympathise with those poor curses.[1]

Will the President that sits in the chair of state be tipped from his seat? Yes, he will die an untimely death, and God Almighty will curse him; and he will also curse his successor, if he takes the same stand; and he will curse all those that are his coadjutors, and all who sustain him. What for? For coming here to destroy the kingdom of God, and the Prophets, and Apostles, and inspired men and women; and God Almighty will curse them, and I curse them in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, according to my calling; and if there is any virtue in my calling, they shall be cursed, every man that lifts his heel against us from this day forth.[2]

And may God Almighty curse our enemies. [Voices: "Amen."] I feel to curse my enemies: and when God won't bless them, I do not think he will ask me to bless them. If I did, it would be to put the poor curses to death who have brought death and destruction on me and my brethren—upon my wives and my children that I buried on the road between the States and this place.

And the President of the United States, inasmuch as he has turned against us and will take a course to persist in pleasing the ungodly curses that are howling around him for the destruction of this people, he shall be cursed, in the name of Israel's God, and he shall not rule over this nation, because they are my brethren; but they have cast me out and cast you out; and I curse him and all his coadjutors in his cursed deeds, in the name of Jesus Christ and by the authority of the Holy Priesthood; and all Israel shall say amen.[3]

...I feel, in the name and by the authority of Jesus Christ and my calling, to curse that man that lifts his heel against my God and his cause and kingdom; and the curse of God shall be upon him: the angels of God shall chase him, and he shall have no peace. The President of the United States and his coadjutors that have caused this thing shall never rest again, for they shall go to hell.[4]

Heber declares that his cursing is done out of his apostolic role—just as Peter, Paul, and even Jesus could declare curses against the ungodly, the adulterer, the hypocrite, or the anti-Christian, so Heber felt justified in calling for God's judgment upon liars, those who stirred up military action on false pretenses, murderers, and those who used political or military means to crush the Church.


  1. Heber C. Kimball, Journal of Discourses 5:32.
  2. Heber C. Kimball, Journal of Discourses 5:133.
  3. Heber C. Kimball, Journal of Discourses 5:95.
  4. Heber C. Kimball, Journal of Discourses 6:38.