Joseph Smith/Polygamy/Emma Smith

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Emma Smith and polygamy


Emma Smith and polygamy

What was Emma's reaction to Joseph's practice of polygamy?

Summary: Critics contend that Emma Hale Smith either did not approve of the Prophet Joseph Smith having plural wives or know of the revelation concerning celestial marriage(s).

Eliza R. Snow and the stairs

Summary: Some charge that Eliza R. Snow, one of Joseph's plural wives, was pregnant by Joseph. According to the claim, a furious Emma pushed Eliza down the stairs, resulting in a miscarriage.

Hiding the truth about polygamy from Emma

Summary: Joseph Smith did not always disclose his plural marriages to his first wife, Emma. How might we understand his decision?

Emma to be annihilated

Summary: In the revelation D&C 132 Emma was promised annihilation if she failed to 'abide this commandment.'

Sealing of Emma to Joseph

Summary: Critics contend that although Emma Hale Smith was Joseph's first wife, that Joseph was sealed to other wives before being sealed to Emma. The assumption follows that Emma was not in a position to consent to Joseph's other marriages, since she was not longer the "first wife."

Did Joseph Smith attempt to offer William Law a wife swap?

Summary: A persistent claim from the Nauvoo period has Joseph Smith offering to swap wives, trading Jane Law for Emma Smith. What are the facts?

Doctrine and Covenants 132

Summary: Hyrum Smith hoped that if Joseph wrote down his revelation(s) on plural marriage, that he could persuade Emma to accept the doctrine.