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and organized a small branch of the church to the number of twelve, and broke bread unto them. On the day following we left the Islands, as Elder Hale was desirous to return to his friends in Kirtland. While on our way to Portland we preached in the town of Bath, to a large and respectable congregation of citizens who met in Pierces Hall: We were treated with every mark of respect and civility, and solicited to meet with them again. I took the parting hand with Elder Hale in South Berwick Me. And after spending a season among the Saints and friends in Saco and Scarborough, I left Portland on board the Bangor (in company with Mrs. Woodruff) for the purpose of returning to the Islands to spend the winter. Notwithstanding we passed through a severe snow storm by the way, we arrived at North Fox Island safe and in good spirits, on the 31st Oct. and found the Saints strong in the faith, and I think growing in grace. I have as yet, mostly, confined my labors since my return to North and South Fox Islands. I have had more calls for preaching than I can fill I find a deep interest manifested in the minds of many while investigating the subject of the fullness of the gospel. The people are more noble in Vinalhaven than in many places, they are generally willing to hear the matter before they judge it. I have baptized a number since my return, and others have offered themselves as candidates. The church now numbers 17 in this town; and I consider it as only the beginning of the work of the Lord upon the Islands of the Sea. I would here remark, that I have visited the Isle of Holt since my return. The vessel in which I sailed left the Island the day following our arrival, consequently 1 had but little time with the people. I had the privilege of preaching the gospel unto them and leaving the book of Mormon. I have had an interview with persons from several Islands where we have not as yet proclaimed the gospel, and some of the number have manifested their faith in the cause, by inviting me to visit them and offering to open their doors for preaching. Thus doors are open not only upon the maine [main] land, but upon the Islands of Sea for faithful laborers in the vineyard. The enemy of all righteousness is busy in opposing the Saints, and striving to stop the progress of truth in this country, as in all places where truth is proclaimed, by creating and setting afloat every falsehood and foolish story that human ingenuity can invent, or wicked men devise. The doctrines of the shakers, and Matthias and others I might name with all the appendages of stories added unto them that have long since been worn out and found a grave, have of late appeared upon these Islands of the Sea, as though they had risen from the dead with redoubled strength and are heaped upon the heads of the Latter Day Saints, But notwithstanding this exertion against the truth the work of God rolls on and will continue to roll until his Kingdom fills the whole earth. I need the prayers of all the Saints as I am alone and much is required at my hands,
I wish to say a word concerning a statement made by Mr. G. J. Newton, in his letter under date of Oct. 12,, 1837, published in a Baptist paper at Portland called Zion's Advocate, In speaking of the fruits of their seven days meeting in the Baptist church on North Fox Island, Mr. Newton (the Pastor of the church,) made mention of two converts that had been impressed before this protracted meeting: one of which he says was afterwards baptized. It is a well known fact that the two mentioned persons were his own son and daughter. He then speaks of several others who had received the fellowship of the Church as candidates for the ordinance of baptism, Mr. Newton sums up the subject by saying, "It is worthy of remark that those who have obtained a hope are some of those who stood aloof from hearing the "Mormons"' (as he is pleased to call us.) Now what can Mr. Newton think by presenting such a “Sentiment” before the publick [public], for it is a truth too notorious to be denied, that not only his son and daughter, but some, if not all of the other converts of which he speaks as well as himself attended our meetings from time to time. The cloud of witnesses is to [too] great on this subject to convince the citizens of Vinalhaven that such a statement is correct, and wherever else it may find credit or be believed, it will not be on North Fox Island. Whenever men who profess to be teachers of the people and ministers of the gospel
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Revision as of 12:07, 22 November 2012

Elder's Journal
2, Number 2
Source document in online archive: Elder's Journal Vol. 1


Volume I. No. 2.] KIRTLAND, OHIO, NOVEMBER, 1837. [Whole No. 2.

The following conference minutes should have been published in the Sept. No. with the Bishop's Appeal or Memmorial [Memorial], but through a press of business it has been overlooked and not handed to us until now, however, we feel in hopes that it will serve to call the attention of our readers (those that have the last No. of the Messenger) to the second candid perusal of the Appeal. — Ed. Minutes of a conference, of the authorities of the church of Latter Day Saints assembled in the house of the Lord in Kirtland, Sept. 17th, 1837. President Joseph Smith jr. presided; conference opened by prayer after which Bishop N. K. Whitney arose and said the time had arrived when it became necessary for him to travel and necessarily must have an agent to act in his abscence [absence], agreeably to the Provisions made in the revelations &c. — Elder William Marks was nominated and elected by the unanimous voice of the conference, to act and serve the church in this office. After taking into consideration the affairs of the Latter Day Saints in general, having opportunities of becoming acquainted with the affairs of the Saints throughout the continent, and also the peculiar condition of this our city; it is deemed by this conference, (which is constituted of all the authorities and even members of the church,) of great importance to the prosperity of the cause of truth in general, that the Bishop and his Counselors send abroad their memmorial [memorial], to all the Saints throughout the land, as well as to all well-wishers to the cause of Zion, That their appeal may go forth in the name and by the authority of the church, to all Saints scattered abroad. Some remarks were made by President S. Rigdon, relative to the duties of the Bishop, his counselors and agent, Showing the great necessity of their immediate exertion in steping [stepping] forward in the dignity of their office &c. Conference closed after receiving a benediction from Presidint [President] S. Rigdon. J. SMITH Jr. Pres't. 0. W. Robinson Clerk.

Fox Islands, Vinalhaven Me. Nov. 20th 1837. Elder Don C. Smith. The llth No. of the Messenger and Advocate containing the Prospectus for the Elders Journal has providentially fallen into my hands. It is cheering to my feelings to learn that such a paper is to be presented before the world. I believe it will become a powerful engine in removing a flood of prejudice from the minds of thousands of this generation, and encourage the Saints to persevere in the glorious cause in which they are engaged even if their path should at times be intersected with trials, afflictions, and persecutions. And while we peruse the account of the Elders of Israel, whom God hath called, commissioned and sent forth to establish light and truth in the earth and to prune his vineyard for the last time: we rejoice at their success. And as we learn of their prosperity in the ministry, while faithfully proclaiming the word of God we feel encouraged to go and do likewise. My object in addressing you at this time, is to forward you a list of the names of some of our friends from the several Islands of the sea, who wish you to send them your valuable paper, viz: the Elders Journal of the church of Latter Day Saints, and knowing there are thousands of Saints who feel interested in the progress of the work of the Lord in these last days, and believing it to be interesting to them to learn that the Lord is raising up a people upon the Islands of the Sea, who are engaged in the same cause with their brethren and sisters, that are scattared [scattered] abroad through the land. I will endeavor to give a brief account of its prospect in this part of the moral vineyard. Elder Jonathan H. Hale and myself addressed a letter to Elder Joseph Smith jr. and the church in Kirtland, under date Sept. 18th. We then gave an account of our visit to the Islands, the reception we met with among the people, and the commencement of the work of the Lord. On the 13th of Oct. following we held a meeting on North Fox Island Vinalhaven


and organized a small branch of the church to the number of twelve, and broke bread unto them. On the day following we left the Islands, as Elder Hale was desirous to return to his friends in Kirtland. While on our way to Portland we preached in the town of Bath, to a large and respectable congregation of citizens who met in Pierces Hall: We were treated with every mark of respect and civility, and solicited to meet with them again. I took the parting hand with Elder Hale in South Berwick Me. And after spending a season among the Saints and friends in Saco and Scarborough, I left Portland on board the Bangor (in company with Mrs. Woodruff) for the purpose of returning to the Islands to spend the winter. Notwithstanding we passed through a severe snow storm by the way, we arrived at North Fox Island safe and in good spirits, on the 31st Oct. and found the Saints strong in the faith, and I think growing in grace. I have as yet, mostly, confined my labors since my return to North and South Fox Islands. I have had more calls for preaching than I can fill I find a deep interest manifested in the minds of many while investigating the subject of the fullness of the gospel. The people are more noble in Vinalhaven than in many places, they are generally willing to hear the matter before they judge it. I have baptized a number since my return, and others have offered themselves as candidates. The church now numbers 17 in this town; and I consider it as only the beginning of the work of the Lord upon the Islands of the Sea. I would here remark, that I have visited the Isle of Holt since my return. The vessel in which I sailed left the Island the day following our arrival, consequently 1 had but little time with the people. I had the privilege of preaching the gospel unto them and leaving the book of Mormon. I have had an interview with persons from several Islands where we have not as yet proclaimed the gospel, and some of the number have manifested their faith in the cause, by inviting me to visit them and offering to open their doors for preaching. Thus doors are open not only upon the maine [main] land, but upon the Islands of Sea for faithful laborers in the vineyard. The enemy of all righteousness is busy in opposing the Saints, and striving to stop the progress of truth in this country, as in all places where truth is proclaimed, by creating and setting afloat every falsehood and foolish story that human ingenuity can invent, or wicked men devise. The doctrines of the shakers, and Matthias and others I might name with all the appendages of stories added unto them that have long since been worn out and found a grave, have of late appeared upon these Islands of the Sea, as though they had risen from the dead with redoubled strength and are heaped upon the heads of the Latter Day Saints, But notwithstanding this exertion against the truth the work of God rolls on and will continue to roll until his Kingdom fills the whole earth. I need the prayers of all the Saints as I am alone and much is required at my hands, I wish to say a word concerning a statement made by Mr. G. J. Newton, in his letter under date of Oct. 12,, 1837, published in a Baptist paper at Portland called Zion's Advocate, In speaking of the fruits of their seven days meeting in the Baptist church on North Fox Island, Mr. Newton (the Pastor of the church,) made mention of two converts that had been impressed before this protracted meeting: one of which he says was afterwards baptized. It is a well known fact that the two mentioned persons were his own son and daughter. He then speaks of several others who had received the fellowship of the Church as candidates for the ordinance of baptism, Mr. Newton sums up the subject by saying, "It is worthy of remark that those who have obtained a hope are some of those who stood aloof from hearing the "Mormons"' (as he is pleased to call us.) Now what can Mr. Newton think by presenting such a “Sentiment” before the publick [public], for it is a truth too notorious to be denied, that not only his son and daughter, but some, if not all of the other converts of which he speaks as well as himself attended our meetings from time to time. The cloud of witnesses is to [too] great on this subject to convince the citizens of Vinalhaven that such a statement is correct, and wherever else it may find credit or be believed, it will not be on North Fox Island. Whenever men who profess to be teachers of the people and ministers of the gospel