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I won't attempt to speak for David but I will say that he has a life outside of these boards. You have no idea of the number of requests he continues to get bombarded with by those with questions, reporters who want to do follow-up stories, endless emails, etc. You only see one side of the media frenzy. I've seen the hundreds and hundreds of emails this has generated to MT. We literally cannot keep up with it. With work, family etc. taking up most of his time, I doubt he has even looked at this thread since he last responded so you can't blame him or anyone else that has a busy life for not responding to every inquiry on every thread on every board where people ask him questions. {{ref|truthseeker.mdb1}}
I won't attempt to speak for David but I will say that he has a life outside of these boards. You have no idea of the number of requests he continues to get bombarded with by those with questions, reporters who want to do follow-up stories, endless emails, etc. You only see one side of the media frenzy. I've seen the hundreds and hundreds of emails this has generated to MT. We literally cannot keep up with it. With work, family etc. taking up most of his time, I doubt he has even looked at this thread since he last responded so you can't blame him or anyone else that has a busy life for not responding to every inquiry on every thread on every board where people ask him questions. {{ref|truthseeker.mdb1}}
Twede appeared as a "surprise guest" on the first day of the ex-Mormon conference on October 19, 2012. During his speech, he publicly resigned from the Church on stage by completing and emailing his resignation letter at the conclusion of his remarks. Twede concluded,
Twede appeared as a "surprise guest" on the first day of the Exmormon Foundation 2012 Conference held in Salt Lake City on October 19, 2012. During his speech, he publicly resigned from the Church on stage by completing and emailing his resignation letter at the conclusion of his remarks. Twede concluded,
I just happened to be at the right time at the right place. The Church has a certain modus operandi, and we used it against them.
I just happened to be at the right time at the right place. The Church has a certain modus operandi, and we used it against them.

Revision as of 21:21, 19 October 2012

  1. REDIRECTTemplate:Test3

A FAIR Analysis of:
A work by author: Anonymous

Events related to the recent media coverage about MormonThink managing editor David Twede

Twede, 47, was first noted last week in ex-Mormon online forums and subsequently in a Daily Beast article, where he said his criticisms of the church's political history and comments about how the church may influence Romney, led to a church investigation of him. But Twede later told the Salt Lake Tribune that his writings about Romney were never brought up in his meeting with Orlando church leaders. Afterwards, Twede wrote a post on his blog saying he felt "in my gut" that his political writings were part of what got him into trouble. Separately, he also wrote that he understood "some of what I wrote in my blog may have treated the church unfairly." Twede, who has acknowledged in articles that he attends church only sparingly, did not respond to a request for an interview Thursday.
Jaweed Kaleem, "David Twede, Mormon Blogger And Romney Critic Threatened With Excommunication, Will Have To Wait To Hear Fate," Huffington Post, September 27, 2012 off-site
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Media efforts by MormonThink managing editor David Twede

The current webmaster of MormonThink is David Twede, who went to the media in September 2012 after claiming that the Church was attempting to discipline him for his online writings about Mitt Romney posted both on his blog and on MormonThink. Here are links to some of the many articles.

Additional info may be found at the following locations:

  • Twede's blog "A Paisley Perestroika" is located on the MormonThink website at http://mormonthinkblog2012.blogspot.com/



David Twede in his own words

Summary: MormonThink editor David Twede has made several claims in the media that are difficult to reconcile with his public statements on his blog and on Internet message boards. In his effort to manipulate the media and harm the Church, David Twede and Steve Benson attempted to craft a narrative in which Twede was the bewildered victim of persecution by the Church for his anti-Romney views. But, a review of Twede's statements make it clear that he knew that his true purpose--weakening the Church and leading its members into doubt--would be grounds for Church discipline if his identity was known.

Posing as a questioning member online since 2009

Summary: Twede has posed as a questioning Church member online in several believers' forums since 2009. He typically goes back to Postmormon.org to relate his experiences.

The story of Twede's media efforts regarding his scheduled discipline

On his blog, Twede talked about how he hoped that members of his ward would not find out that he was involved with MormonThink, fully aware that he could be called in for discipline.

I've returned to attend the Mormon church after five years of atheism. I have a very different perspective now and share my blog weekly....Last night I emailed Pat (my gender neutral pseudonym for the questioning wardmember). Pat’s question had been: why did I leave the church in the first place?...I don’t want anyone I meet in person to know I’m associated with, let alone managing editor at, MormonThink. I don't even want Pat to find it serendipitously -- It could get me in a sort of pickle and cut short my church activity....[1]

Once the leadership of his ward became aware of this, they brought him in for a meeting with the Stake Presidency and Bishop,

[T]his Sunday's blog is delayed indefinitely due to me being confronted directly by leadership at church today. They are reading my blog. They know who I am--were, apparently, "inspired" somehow to learn my name. I don't want to jeopardize my MT position or others at MT by discussing any other details. We are being watched. I got a letter from them with my name and numbering my days, unless I stop writing for MT and blogging.[2]

Twede was scheduled for a disciplinary hearing for apostasy at the end of September 2012. He chose to go to the media in order to force the Church to back off,

I'm taking my fight to the media, and there, hope to encourage the LDS church to repeal their decision to discipline me over my free speech.[3]

When Twede went to the media, he portrayed his pending excommunication as being an attempt to stifle free speech regarding things that he had written about politics and Romney. This is how it was portrayed on Recovery from Mormonism and when it was picked up by The Daily Beast. Here is the beginning of the message that Twede sent to Steve Benson,

First, here is a prefatory comment by "MormonThink's" managing editor that he included with the initial news release:

. . . [J]ust thought you'd like to know the news (below). We are beginning to talk with the press about this, but could really use a big press contact if anyone has one. Thanks! David.

Now, the actual (and first version of) the news release: The LDS Church is taking punitive action against one of its members for something he wrote. Last week, on September 11, 13 and 15, David [last name deleted], the managing editor of MormonThink.com posted a series of articles on the political history of the LDS Church, as it relates to Mitt Romney’s campaign and Romney’s stubbornness of keeping his tax forms secret as it’s tied with LDS historical policies. As managing editor, David is a life-long, fifth-generation Mormon in good standing.[4]

Several reporters who contacted Twede after the Daily Beast article came out were skeptical that the pending discipline actually resulted from his writings about Romney. They interviewed him and probed further. According to The New York Times,

Mr. Twede’s situation was first reported on Friday by the Web site The Daily Beast, which suggested that Mr. Twede was being disciplined because he had posted several articles on MormonThink critical of Mr. Romney.

In an interview, however, Mr. Twede said he was not certain that this was the reason he was facing excommunication. He has also written posts on his personal blog, linked to MormonThink, about how he recently started attending church again after five years as an atheist. He described how he had struck up a friendship with a Mormon he called Pat and had e-mailed materials to Pat and Pat’s spouse that he hoped would shake their faith.[5]

Peggy Fletcher Stack of the Salt Lake Tribune also interviewed Twede and questioned him on this.

There’s a story circulating on the Internet and in the mainstream media that a Mormon blogger in Florida faces LDS Church discipline for writing critically about GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney. That’s not really what’s happening, said the blogger, David Twede, at least not the political link. In recent days, the blogger has blasted Romney as part of his critique of Mormonism, its beliefs about the nature of God and its temple ceremonies. But, Twede told The Salt Lake Tribune on Friday, his LDS leaders never brought up Romney, a Mormon, in their exchange with him. Though not supporting the Republican standard-bearer, Twede apologized to Romney, saying, "I didn’t mean for [the story] to go this way." [6]

The Church also stated clearly that nobody is disciplined for their political views.

Michael Purdy, a church spokesman, said in a statement, “It is patently false for someone to suggest they face church discipline for having questions or for expressing a political view.” “Church discipline becomes necessary only in those rare occasions when an individual’s actions cannot be ignored while they claim to be in good standing with the church,” he wrote. “Every organization, whether religious or secular, must be able to define where its boundaries begin and end.” [7]

After clearly stating to several reporters that the discipline wasn't about politics or Romney, Twede felt compelled to explain his public statements to the Recovery from Mormonism message board,

I want to clarify some things in the SLtrib piece. It's true that my local leaders never said "Romney" in my interrogation. They indicated discomfort with my recent writings as a whole, which includes three blog entries and one MT article discussing Romney that were posted from Sept 11-15. While referring to my writings, the stake president did say about himself, "I'm not a political man..." It is unclear to me what he meant by this and why he interjected it. Likewise, when it quote me that I didn't intend for it to go this way, I meant: I didn't intend for discussions of my excommunications to take on such a politcal tone. I would prefer the topic remain on the Mormon church's inability to defend its own position on this matter.[8]

Finally, the next day Twede went back to Recovery from Mormonism and stated that he thought that it really was about politics,

I believe everyone involved from FAIR, the GAs and the stake leaders know clearly that using my Romney speech as the basis for excom would be a PR disaster. So you would never expect them to bring it up. Instead they will dance around anything they can find to halt the voices at MT. My feeling is the timing is very suspicious.[9]

Ultimately, despite the fact that the Church stated that it wasn't about politics, and that Twede himself stated that it wasn't about politics to several reporters (including the New York Times), Twede now insists that it really was about politics based upon his "feeling." (Ironically, critics of the Church have a low regard for "feelings" and the Holy Ghost when it is used to confirm the truthfulness of the Church).

As the date of the scheduled disciplinary council approached, Twede continued to expect Church headquarters in Salt Lake to contact his local leaders and cancel it.

[I]t's extremely clear that the top SLC leaders do know what is going on. So, are they canceling my disciplinary council or not? [10]

Toward that end, he continued to taunt the Church in the media.

I believe if the LDS church officials do discipline me for my speech, it will show that the leaders in Salt Lake City run a cultist organization that is unable to withstand the scrutiny of a website that advocates honest and open discussion of its troubling history and present actions.[11]

On September 27, Twede stated that his scheduled Church discipline had been canceled, and shifted emphasis from politics and Romney to the poor and homeless, characterizing the Church as "an oppressive empire building corporation."

My excommunication court has been canceled!! I now call on members to help reform the church and take it back to being a charity with love and acceptance, rather than an oppressive empire building corporation. [12]

Twede posted the email from his Stake President regarding the postponement of the disciplinary council,

Dear Brother Twede,
I learned recently that Bishop Dollar will be traveling for business this weekend and therefore we'll need to postpone the disciplinary council until a later date. I feel his participation is important, and would rather not proceed without him. I will contact you again in the near future to schedule another date.
President Pratt[13]

Twede's response to the Stake President,

From what I know, the bishop is not directly part of the process, per pp. 112-114 of the Handbook for Stake Presidents and Bishops. Bishop Dollar had never met me before you met me. I have no reason to believe he is required. If you are calling him as a witness, I have a right to know well before hand.

However, I am glad you are canceling the court, as we know it is ridiculous. I have asked members that as they fast for Mitt Romney this Sunday, they wear paisley for the poor. The corporate empire building of the business class leadership needs to reform and move toward helping the needy, the hungry and the homeless.[14]

It should be noted that the Church does not request that members fast for the purpose of helping politicians to gain political office.

The media began to establish that Twede's scheduled discipline actually had nothing to do with his criticism of Romney. When contacted by a reporter from BuzzFeed, Twede wanted to talk about everything BUT Romney,

At the same time, Twede worked to harness the newfound national attention as a vehicle for his Lutheresque agenda of reform. Reached for comment by BuzzFeed, Twede declined to talk about his Romnapostacy — he'd already done enough interviews on that, he said — but went on to pitch a number of other potentially juicy angles, complete with MormonThink links, and sources he said would speak out on the the controversies of Mormonism. [15]

The Huffington Post noted that Twede did not respond to a request for a second interview, and on September 27th revised its previous article to reflect the fact that Twede had changed his story several times regarding the relationship of his scheduled discipline to Romney. [16]Once it became apparent that Twede had played the media for attention using the Romney angle, the story appears to have rapidly become of less interest to them. As of October 4, 2012 however, MormonThink's previous managing editor asserts that Twede is still very busy with followup interviews,

I won't attempt to speak for David but I will say that he has a life outside of these boards. You have no idea of the number of requests he continues to get bombarded with by those with questions, reporters who want to do follow-up stories, endless emails, etc. You only see one side of the media frenzy. I've seen the hundreds and hundreds of emails this has generated to MT. We literally cannot keep up with it. With work, family etc. taking up most of his time, I doubt he has even looked at this thread since he last responded so you can't blame him or anyone else that has a busy life for not responding to every inquiry on every thread on every board where people ask him questions. [17]

Twede appeared as a "surprise guest" on the first day of the Exmormon Foundation 2012 Conference held in Salt Lake City on October 19, 2012. During his speech, he publicly resigned from the Church on stage by completing and emailing his resignation letter at the conclusion of his remarks. Twede concluded,

I just happened to be at the right time at the right place. The Church has a certain modus operandi, and we used it against them.

== Notes ==

  1. [note] Blog posts by MormonThink managing editor David Twede posted at "Prozacville: Turning black-n-white minds into colorful paisley," September 2012. The blog has been relocated to the MormonThink site at http://mormonthinkblog2012.blogspot.com/
  2. [note] Blog posts by MormonThink managing editor David Twede posted at "Prozacville: Turning black-n-white minds into colorful paisley," September 2012.
  3. [note] David Twede, posted on Recovery from Mormonism, September 20, 2012.
  4. [note] Steve Benson, posted on Recovery from Mormonism, Sept. 20, 2012.
  5. [note] Laurie Goodstein, "Editor of Web Site May Face Mormon Excommunication," The New York Times, Sept. 21, 2012 off-site
  6. [note] Peggy Fletcher Stack, "LDS blogger, a Romney critic, faces church discipline, but why?", Salt Lake Tribune, Sept. 21, 2012. off-site
  7. [note] Goodstein, New York Times, Sept. 21, 2012
  8. [note] David Twede, posted on Recovery from Mormonism, Sept. 21, 2012.
  9. [note] David Twede, posted on Recovery from Mormonism, Sept. 22, 2012.
  10. [note] David Tweed, posted on Recovery from Mormonism, Sept. 23, 2012 off-site
  11. [note] David Twede, quoted by Jessica Ravitz, "Mormon blogger says he faces church slap-down, possible excommunication," CNN Sept. 24, 2012 off-site
  12. [note] David Twede, posted on Recovery from Mormonism, Sept. 27, 2012.
  13. [note] Pratt, quoted by David Twede, posted on Recovery from Mormonism, Sept. 27, 2012
  14. [note] David Twede, posted on Recovery from Mormonism, Sept. 27, 2012.
  15. [note] McKay Coppins, "No, The Mormon Church Is Not Excommunicating Romney Critics," BuzzFeed, September 28, 2012. #off-site
  16. [note] Jaweed Kaleem, "David Twede, Mormon Blogger And Romney Critic Threatened With Excommunication, Will Have To Wait To Hear Fate (UPDATE)," Huffington Post, September 27, 2012.
  17. [note] "LDS TruthSeeker," posted on MormonDiscussions, October 4, 2012.