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From the beginning of the world, since the plan of redemption was communicated from heaven to man, the righteous have, almost unceasingly been persecuted. But persecution is not a heavenly principle: it was never inculcated by the inspiration of God: it never emanated from HIM; but must have came from the prince of darkness; and can never find countenance except in his followers. However many may have been persecuted for their religion, and whether they were really the righteous followers of Christ, being founded upon the true principles of his gospel, we shall not here go into a lengthy discussion of this point; but this we can say, that whether the persecuted were righteous or unrighteous, the persecutors were actuated by the spirit of antichrist, and of course they were not the children of God. How long was it from the time that the system of salvation was communicated to Cain and Abel, before Abel, because he was righteous was slain by the hand of his brother? And why was he angry with Abel? because Abel was righteous, and he himself was not. A strange notion has almost invariably pervaded the minds of men-a wild desire to seek the blood of the innocent. What urges men on to the commission of such inhuman [inhumane] acts? Is it a liberal spirit which seeks the blood of innocence? Is it a kind, humane, disposition that prompts men to slay, or drive from the face of society their fellow creatures, to wander in solitude and seek a reffuge [refuge] for life in wildernesses and in mountains? Is this the religion which God has given to men to prepare them for a mansion on his own right hand, in his glory, which consists in butchery and rapine? Did the apostles and primitive saints ever recommend such an order of things as this? Did the Lord Jesus in all his communications from heaven to earth ever command it? No! Who does, or ever did? POPES and PRIESTS! followed by a gang of obsequious wretches, who, if they ever had any respect or reverence for the divine Majesty, or a just sense of a reward for every act of violence committed upon their species, have lost it by the vain flatteries of such individuals as teach that, to expel a heritic [heretic], or massacre such as do not yield to their oppressive hand, is no crime; but a certain expiation for the blackest deed, and a sure means of obtaining the rich rewards of the kingdom of heaven! It is in vain to deny that this has not been the case century after century. The horrid scenes acted by the instigation of men, (or demons, we might more properly say,) who have professed holiness, is sufficient to shock the senses of every feeling man. The forms and plans for torturing atheists, (as the Pagans used to designate the followers of Christ,) and heritics [heretics], (as the Catholics are pleased to call all who do not worship as the followers of the "Whore of Babylon,") must have caused the angels to blush, and the heavens to weep! But with all their boast of religion, those who have professed to be the followers of the Lamb of God, have approached nearer the purposes of the father of lies in inventing torments for their victims, than the Pagans. Witness the horrors of the Inquisition; or as the Catholics call it, "The holy office," or as others call it, "The holy apostolical court of inquisition," and see men accused without a crime, and condemned and put to the rack without a witness! See their goods and estates confiscated, and the money put into the coffers of the subjects of demons, called POPES and PRIESTS! See mothers deprived of their infants, and children left orphans! See cities and provinces depopulated by the express command of those who profess to be infallible; and witness at the same time a ruthless soldiery trample down the helpless and defile the virtuous! Notice the flow of blood from the cruelty of Herod of Judea, to Pope Sylvester, and from his time to the outrage in Jackson county, Missouri, and ask, Is this the religion of heaven, which teaches men to array the strong against the weak, and to put the torture men who do not believe the popular creed? Did God ever give to men the power to compel their fellow beings to believe contrary to their own minds, by putting into operation a system of cruelty where the most shocking excesses of torments were inflicted, to cause them so to do? For a moment witness the self righteous and hypocritical fiends, clothed with the (pretended) garments of the sanctuary, professing to be the shepherds of the Lord's flock, exulting in the afflictions and pains of men, who were made to suffer for no other reason than a disbelief in the popular creed: see them scoff at the groans of misery, and witness them turn a deaf ear to the cries of helpless innocence; see them walk over the ashes of the dwellings of their victims, and see them laugh at their calamity: see them trample upon the wounded and dying, while they wade through blood, and stain their (sacerdotal) garments with the same; and ask, Can such men inherit the celestial glory? Do such men hold the keys of the kingdom of heaven? Have they power to fasten the mansions of glory against those whom they persecute? If they have, may heaven grant that we may not enter with them; for we have no desire to be locked into a habitation with such blood-defiled monsters! God never gave so bloody a picture to his creatures, and called it his order to prepare them to inherit his rest. He never inculcated such for gospel principles, nor left on record that such persons should have a place on his right hand in his glory. It is only the invention of those who love the glory of this world better than the pure riches of eternity: it came from such individuals as make merchandise of the souls of men to gratify a vain and wicked ambition, and under a cloak of sanctity fill up the cup of their own iniquity, sporting with the doctrines of the gospel, to carry on their own schemes of murder and barbarity till God takes them from this stage of action to deceive men no more. Can such be the religion of heaven? No; the very reverse; for had all men that religion no acts of cruelty or violence would be committed: no blood would stain the earth, shed to gratify the ambition of tyrants and priests! No wars would fill our hearts with sorrow, nor the cry of helpless innocence and virtue, salute the heavens for vengeance upon the perpetrators of such crimes! No ambitious, hypocritical pretended doctors of divinity, would ride over the ruins of men in gilded coaches, to lord it over God's heritage! But every man would be on a level with his fellow-man, the great adversary of righteousness who leads men to destruction, would then be bound; the holy choir who now rejoice in heaven, would mingle praises with the saints below, and the earth would rest.
In past ages, few were privileged with reading the holy scriptures: the art of printing was not then known among men; and the poor, the low, and indeed, we might say, many who professed to be teachers of the gospel, scarce knew a syllable of that book now called the bible. It has ever been the policy of tyrants and despots to keep their subjects in ignorance, the more easily to effect their own purposes. The popes and priests of the Romish church have sought, (more particularly perhaps in former days,) to keep the true knowledge of the word of God from their flocks; at the same time assuming the privilege of teaching its meaning, strenuously inculcating, that it was dangerous for the common people to think for themselves. And instead of teaching their congregations the doctrine of the bible, they have taught them a long round of whims and fabulous traditions, the decrees of popes and councils; the ridiculous worship of images; the celebration of mass; the prayers and intercessions for the releaf [relief] of the souls of the dead from purgatory; the invoking the virgin Mary and other departed saints; the suffering of penance for sins; and one thing as strenuously as all, that they themselves were infallible, that they were invested with the power and authority of the apostles; yes, more than the apostles; because the apostles never claimed the authority of crowning, and of dethroning earthly princes; of regulating the affairs of empires, and of offering pardon for the most atrocious crimes, in the name of the Most High, to all who should take up arms and assist in the extirpation of heretics-and the popes have. But in this age, and more especially in countries where the word of God may be had freely by all classes of men, we are surprised at the ignorance of many on the subject of religion. How it is possible that any can suppose, that religion consists in dispising [despising] men for any belief whatever, is unaccountable, unless we have in our country a set of creatures who are led blindfold by ambitious priests, who regard nothing but their own personal
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aggrandizement, and live without the fear of God before their eyes. From our own observation, we doubt not but there are such in our own beloved country, and may heaven grant that their numbers may be few: for religion consists in doing good, and not in doing evil; and the scripture is plain, that that which is pure and undefiled before God and the Father is, To visit the widow and the fatherless in their afflictions, and to keep one's self unspotted from the world. If then, this is the acceptable religion in the sight of heaven, how is it that men can have the hardihood to make a profession of it, and instead of visiting and relieving the wants of the widow and the fatherless, seek the destruction of fathers; and when that is effected, drive the helpless to perish in the open air without food or raiment? Is heaven filled with such a religion as this? to persecute and destroy? If so, may we be delivered from it here and hereafter; for our hearts revolt at this system, and so would every man's if he had but one feeling of sympathy. But this is not so, such precepts are not contained in the gospel, to persecute men for their belief, deprive them of the goods of this life, and expose their widows and children to death. Men degrade themselves by their actions, and bring upon their own heads the judgements [judgments] of the Almighty; yet they have, notwithstanding this, the privilege of believing in whatever system they choose, and heaven has never given to another man to say that they shall not enjoy this privilege, and act according to the dictates and influences of their own consciences. Why is a man to be dispised [despised] for any belief whatever so long as he conducts himself with propriety, as a citizen? Suppose him to be a Mussulman, shall he be dispised [despised] on the account of it? It is only his belief that we may discard, not the individual, who has never harmed any man; because he is also a man, and has his own way of believing, which to him, no doubt is as near as our own to us. It is not the Catholic that we dispise [despise], it is only that we do not fellowship him in his belief; believing it to be incorrect according to the written word of God; and so we might say of every other sect who do not think as we do; and when this is said, all is said with us: they have a right to enjoy the blessings of their belief without molestation from us, or any one else: It is what heaven gave to them; they may enjoy it: If our neighbor is more righteous than ourselves, we rejoice because of his righteousness: we seek not his destruction because of it: If he is not as righteous as we are, we are sorry; it is our privilege to persuade him to be better; and if we can persuade him so to be, we rejoice; but if not, we judge him not, neither do we persecute him, nor threaten his life because he does not believe as we do; for this would not be the religion of heaven. Men cannot be forced into religion: their bodies may be bent, but their minds are their own: that intelligence is the gift of God, and when once it discovers an additional ray, it cannot be chained, it cannot be brought into subjection to a lesser power of intelligence; for it soars above it: when once turned to hate a system, force will only cause it to detest it the more, if used to cause it to receive it again. The body may be racked upon the wheel till each joint is dislocated; it may be confined in dungeons and solitary cells, yet the conscience cannot be bent-it may be consumed in the pan, or by the fagot, and yet, "mens invicta manet." It is the height of folly to undertake to destroy any system of religion, be it ever so fallacious, or contrary to that which has been revealed from heaven, by persecution. The sword has not the power over the conscience, nor the fagot over the mind: it has been effectually tried in past ages: and from the ashes of the martyr who is slain to day, an army may rise tomorrow, break the tyrants chain, and defy his power.
Our readers will have noticed in former numbers of the Star, many items purporting to be facts relative to the shameful outrage in Jackson county, Missouri, and they may remain assured, that nothing has been exaggerated by us relative to that subject. If doubts remain upon the mind with regard to this event, they may ask, where, now, are those inhabitants who settled peaceably in Jackson county, upon lands which they purchased of the Government and of individuals? Are they not driven from their homes by a lawless band of ruffians, who have defied the power of the civil law? Witness the desolate homes, raised by the industrious hands of lawful citizens; see the once fertile fields covered with crops which their economy and industry had prepared for their support, now lie open and waste to be destroyed by beasts, unless those murderers have seized upon the same for their own aggrandizement; and ask, why have these people fled, and what is the cause of this destruction and desolation? If they were disturbers of the public peace; if they were obnoxious to society, where are the records of legal courts to demonstrate the fact?
As we previously promised in a former number of the Star, that we should give the names of certain individuals concerned in this outrage, we give the following in this, with a statement of their standing and profession, &c. and shall continue in subsequent numbers to relate the acts of the leading characters of the mob, generally, as our limits and knowledge may enable us, with such remarks as the enormity of an outrage of this magnitude, in a republican Government, shall be thought appropriate.
S. D. Lucas, Colonel, one of the Judges of the county court, and a professor of religion, a Presbyterian! who had taken a solemn oath to act according to law, and preserve inviolate the constitution, signed an article which we have heretofore published, and which we have called the secret constitution of the Jackson co. mob, which says, "The arm of the civil law does not afford us a guarantee, or at least a sufficient one, &c." What an honorable man! what a fine citizen! what an impartial magistrate he must be! how firm his mind must be in the cause of justice! what a high veneration he must have for the laws of his country! what a WASHINGTON he would have made! what a worthy member of society! what a heroic and patriotic nation ours would be were it composed of such men! what a fit subject to inherit-what? not the kingdom of God! Such monsters betrayed, led to the cross, and slew the Lord Jesus Christ! Such infernal-influenced beings martyred the ancient saints, and marked their own course with the blood of innocence! Robert Fristoe, a Judge of the county court, a member of the Baptist church, also signed the same writing, was present and assisted in conducting our six friends, of whom we have had occasion to mention, up to the slaughter, (except they would deny the faith, or agree to leave the county,) on the 23 of July, last. How holily [holy] and majestic he must have walked by the side of these men; how beautifully he must have adorned his high and holy calling, being a professed follower of the meek and lowly Lamb, in assisting to destroy men who had never harmed an individual nor violated the laws of their country! A man whose profession teaches to relieve the wants of the afflicted; to visit the widow and fatherless, was now engaged, yes, had bound himself to assist in making widows and orphans, and then drive them from their homes to perish! Where was his oath, or where was his profession? His oath was violated, and his profession as a christian was lost in his wicked desire to destroy men who did not believe as he did. Samuel C. Owens, Clerk of the court, (and if we mistake not one of the number who composed the delegation at the time the constitution of the state of Missouri was framed,) was also engaged in this same tragedy, and signed his name to the same instrument, binding himself to expel, to the sacrifice of his "property and bodily powers," peaceable citizens from their homes. Owens has been a clerk in the Legislature of that state during, if we mistake not several sessions.-What an honor this must reflect upon his character! What a worthy legislator, and how peculiarly well qualified to assist in framing an instrument which reads like the following: "That no human authority can control or interfere with the rights of conscience; that no person can ever be hurt, molested, or restrained in his religious profession:" See the constitution of the state of Missouri, which Owens had sworn to defend, (not break,) and ask, whether this will not be an evidence to the rising generation, that we were fast marching into reform? John Smith and Samuel Weston, Justices of the peace, residing in the town of Independence, were so forward to act in the discharge of their duties as magistrates [magistrates], that they used their influence to effect a removal of those peaceable inhabitants, by signing the same instrument. Weston's conduct has previously been noticed; and it is to be remembered, that when applied to for a peace warrant he refused to grant one, when the mob were engaged in stoning houses, destroying property, and threatening lives. This was the republican who refused to give a warrant that M' Carty, who was taken in the act of breaking open Gilbert Whitney &, CO's store, might be dealt with according to the law of the land. Weston emigrated from England, if we mistake not, and if his character is not altered materially since he left that country, his native countrymen, have reason to be thankful that there is another place on the earth beside the isle of Great Britain. Smith is a native of ---we know not where; but presume that he must have come up among a race where mob laws were the supreme statutes of the land, by his forwardness in the affairs of this outrage. We noticed some other names attached to the same secret constitution, which had J. P. affixed to them; but our memory is not sufficient at this time to enable us to name all. Neither can we give the characters of all who were engaged in this affair, in this article, nor every unlawful and wicked act committed by them; but we shall give extracts of some from time to time, until we can fulfil [fulfill] our promise previously made, to give in pamphlet form, in full, the general characters of the inhabitants of that country. By giving the conduct of a few of the more influential, our friends may draw their own conclusion relative to what the others undoubtedly are. Gen Johnson, a very devout, holy, (would be called,) Presbyterian, stood by and assisted in demolishing the printing office on the 20th of July, last. There is one act of this man, in this affair, which entitles him to our notice in this place; and were it not for this, we know not as we should mention his name at this time. And as all great men, who have rendered themselves famous and conspicuous in the eyes of the world, are favored with privileges of appearing before the public in print, we think, considering this man's profession and standing in society in that county, that a failure to give him a passing notice, would be treating him with too much neglect. After the office was partly demolished, this Johnson, (with the cross bar of a printer's chase in his hand,) was placed to see that nothing belonging to the office was taken by the owners from the hands of the mob; for, said they, "Destroy, or keep from them everything, so that they shall not be able to print any more." Think for a moment, reader, how this professor of religion appeared, with a bar of iron in his hand to keep from the hands of the lawful owners, every thing belonging to the establishment which he was then assisting to destroy, while you reflect, that he was then surrounded by an innocent family who had just been dragged, (and some of them sick,) from the same building by those ruffians! Do you not think that he must have thought himself well imployed [employed], considering his profession and standing in society? How his bosom must have glowed with christian love while he was thus depriving women and children of a dwelling, and exposing them, though afflicted with sickness, to the inclemency of the weather under the open canopy! What better is an immediate death, than a lingering one? Which would have been the
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most aggravating, think, in the sight of heaven, for this man to have fallen upon this helpless family with that bar of iron, and killed them at once, or do as he did, deprive them of the means of life, and drive them out to perish? Supposing a ruffian attacks a family, takes the live [life] of the man, and deprives the remaining part of a dwelling, or even a means of subsistence, where in all human probability they must perish, is he not guilty of the blood of the whole? Where, reader, do you think such men will be sent when they are called from time? do you think they will be permitted to inherit those mansions which Christ told his disciples that he was going to prepare for them?
Since the foregoing was put in type the following letter has been received from the west, which will show that our conjectures were correct relative to criminal prosecution in Jackson county, which were, that no bills of indictment could be found against the mob. It could not reasonably be expected, that after binding themselves to violate the law they would now act according to it, and find bills against their own accomplices in those deeds of murder and violence. The mob may flatter themselves that all is over as regards criminal prosecutions, because they hold the power in their own hands; but the day may come when that county shall be inhabited by virtuous citizens who will "magnify the law and make it honorable:" Justice may come in an unexpected hour upon the guilty. It yet remains for our friends to sue for damages, &c. and in all probability the suits will be removed to another county, which will give them a chance to obtain redress for the destruction of property. Enough is transpiring almost daily to show the public that the individuals composing that mob are on a level with the most abandoned savage. We are happy to have it in our power yet to say, that our friends in all cases have only acted on the defensive, and have already born more than the law of man or heaven ever required, without resistance.-[Editor of the Star.]
Clay Co. Feb. 27, 1834.
Dear Brethren.-The times are so big with events, and the anxiety of every body so great to watch them, that I feel some what impressed to write oftener than I have done, in order to give you more of the "strange acts" of this region. I have just returned from Independence, the seat of war in the west. About a dozen of our brethren, among whom were br. Partridge, Corril [Corrill] and myself, were subpœnaed in behalf of the state, and on the 23d (Feb.) about twelve o'clock we were on the bank, opposite Evrit's ferry, where we found Capt. Atchinson's company of "Liberty Blues," near fifty rank and file, ready to guard us into Jackson county. The soldiers were well armed with U. S. muskets, bayonets fixed, &c, and to me the scene was one "passing strange," and long to be remembered. The martial law in force to guard the civil! About 25 men crossed over to effect a landing in safety, and when they came near the warehouse, they fired six or eight guns, tho' the enemy had not gathered to witness the landing.
After we were all a cross, and waiting for the baggage wagon, it was thought not advisable to encamp in the woods, and the witnesses with half the company, marched nearly a mile towards Independence, to build night fires, as we were without tents, and the weather cold enough to snow a little. While on the way the Quarter Master, and others, that had gone on a head to prepare quarters in town, sent an express back, which was not the most pacific appearance that could be. Capt. Atchinson continued the express to Col. Allen for the 200 drafted militia; and also to Liberty for more ammunition; and the night passed off in war like style, with the sentinels marching silently at a proper distance from the watch-fires.
Early in the morning we marched strongly guarded by the troops, to the seat of war, and quartered in the block house, formerly the tavern stand of S. Flournoy. After breakfast, we were visited by the District Attorney, Mr. Rees, and the Attorney General, Mr. Wells. From them we learned that all hopes of criminal prosecution, was at an end. Mr. Wells had been sent by the Governor to investigate, as far as possible, the Jackson outrage, but the bold front of the mob, bound even unto death, (as I have heard) was not to be penetrated by civil law, or awed by Executive influence. Shortly after Capt. A. informed me that he had just received an order from the Judge, that his company's service was no longer wanted in Jackson county, and we were marched out of town to the tune of Yankee doodle in quick time, and soon returned to our camp ground without the loss of any lives. In fact much credit is due to Captain Atchinson, for his gallantry and hospitality, and I think I can say of the officers and company, that their conduct as soldiers and men, is highly reputable; so much so, knowing as I do the fatal result, had the militia come, or not come, I can add that the Capt's safe return, refreshed my mind, with Zenophon's retreat of the ten thousand. Thus ends all hopes of "redress," even with a guard ordered by the Governor, for the protection of the court and witnesses.
Before a crop is harvested, it becomes ripe of itself. The dreadful deeds now done in Jackson county, with impunity, must bring matters to a focus shortly. Within two or three weeks past, some of the most savage acts, ever witnessed, have been committed by these bitter branches. Old father Linsey, whose locks have been whitened by the blasts of nearly seventy winters, had his house thrown down, after he was driven from it; his goods, corn, &c, piled together, and fire put to it, but fortunately, after the mob retired, his son extinguished it.
The mob has quit whipping, and now beat with clubs. Lyman Leonard one of the number that returned from Van Buren, had two chairs broke to splinters about him, and was then dragged out doors and beat with clubs till he was supposed to be dead but he is yet alive. Josiah Sumner and Barnet Cole were severely beat at the same time. The mob have commenced burning houses, stacks, &c. and we shall not think it out of their power, by any means, to proceed to murder any of our people that shall try to live in that county, or perhaps, only go there.
Such scenes as are transpiring around us, are calculated to arouse feelings, and passions in all, and to strengthen the faith and fortify the hearts of the saints for great things. Our Savior laid down his life for our sakes, and shall we, who profess to live by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God; shall we, the servants of the Lord of the vineyard, who are called and chosen to prune it for the last time; shall we, yea, verily, we, who are enlightened by the wisdom of heaven, shall we fear to do as much for Jesus as he did for us. No; we will obey the voice of the Spirit, that good may overcome the world.
I am a servant, &c,
Died on the 4th of December, last, near Pontiac, Michigan Territory, of consumption, brother WILLIAM SCOBY, formerly of Fayette, Seneca county, N. Y. aged 22 years. Brother S. received and obeyed the everlasting gospel, in Fayette, after which he emigrated to this country in 1831. For the last two years of his life he has resided in Michigan. Our personal acquaintance with bro. S. was very limited, but we are credibly informed that he was a worthy member of the church of Christ, and that he died as he lived, in the full assurance of a glorious resurrection at the appearing of our Lord. His death should have been noticed by us ere this; but the letter which gave the intelligence of his decease did not bring the account of his age, &c. Our friends from a distance wishing us to notice the death of their relatives, should make no delay in communicating such information.
"Saco, Maine, February 12, 1834.
I drop you this line to inform you that I am well: the Lord is present with me, and his work is prospering in this place: many are desirous to know the truth. I have calls on the right hand and on the left: there is need of faithful laborers in this section, who are qualified to stand against the wiles of satan, and are finished workmen in the gospel of Christ; yes, in the new and everlasting covenant, and have faith like the brother of Jared. The Lord seems to be baptizing the church in this place with the out pouring of his Spirit: they are strong in the Lord and rejoicing in his love."
"I have just returned from paying the last respects due from us to sister MARY BRADBURY, who was a worthy member of the church of Christ. She died yesterday morning after a consuming illness of about sixteen weeks, aged 26 years. During the latter part of her sickness she manifested a calm resignation to the will of a divine Providence; and when death was about to grasp her in his icy arms, she stayed herself on the promises of HIM who is able to save, and who gave himself a ransom for her soul. In her last moments, when kindred spirits waited round to escort her spirit to the Paradise of rest, she said, 'I am dying-glory to my Jesus, even so Lord Jesus come quickly:' then on the breast of her Redeemer she reposed her weary head, and without a sigh or struggle,--
'Breath'd her life out sweetly there.'
"I have nothing more at present to write only, that I feel strong in the Lord, and am determined to press my way to the celestial kingdom. Yours &c.
Thus are mortals called from this to another state of existence, the present, like all other generations, passing off to try the realities of eternity, after having been permitted to dwell in the flesh-and others rising up to fill their place. This life, seemingly, is but a dream; for soon, our friends, though near and pleasing, droop into the dust: our affections cannot stay the hand of death, nor our tears prevent their exit. In all these dispensations of God, we are reminded of our own approaching dissolution, and the final consummation of all these earthly objects. Short is this life which is allotted to man; but there is a sweet consolation, that the one to which we are fast approaching, has no end. And why should we seek to cling to the saint, when he is called to leave us only for a moment, and when a little space will bring us together where parting will not be realized? For soon this earth will rack by the mighty power of its Maker; soon creation will tremble; soon will the tribes of the earth mourn; soon will the wicked call for the rocks and mountains to fall upon them, to cover them from the face of HIM that sitteth upon the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb, and soon will the saints be caught up to meet the Lord in the air, mingle praises with the church of the first born, and death shall be swallowed up in victory!-[Editor of the Star.]
-> OPINION.-OUR readers are, no doubt, acquainted with the proceedings of the municipal court, held some time since in Boston, Ms, in the case of Abner Kneeland, editor of the "Investigator," who was sentenced, on a charge of blasphemy, for expressing a belief that there was no God, no future existence, &c. to three months imprisonment in the common jail, and to recognize in the sum of $500, with sufficient security in the like sum, to keep the peace for two years. "The Hartford Times," in making some comments upon the remarks of "The Universalist," which justifies the court in the case of Mr. Kneeland, says:
"Paul was a 'pestilent fellow,' in the eyes of some of the ancient authorities, who thought 'a mild enforcement of the laws' necessary. We do not mean to compare Mr. Kneeland with Paul; but to say that error is ready at all times to prop itself with the legal arm. It is not for man to set up a standard of belief for his fellow man, and to enforce that belief with stripes, dungeon bolts, or the scaffold itself."
We have previously read the "Investigator," and were not a little surprised at the folly of Mr. Kneeland; indeed, we may say, that we were disgusted with the foul calumny with which he assailed the subject of revealed religion, so much so, that we laid down his paper, and probably for the last time. If the good people of Massachusetts would do the same, none of them would have even been troubled with it to this day.-Believing as we do, in the divine authenticity of the bible, and the religion therein revealed, we cannot see where it authorizes the state of Massachusetts to defend it by enacting laws to favor their own particular opinions, and lock up all others, whether they believe or disbelieve it, unless they have a mount Sinai, and lately from its summit have heard the trump of the Almighty, declaring his statutes and judgments. We are unacquainted with the constitution of that State; but any law interfering with conscience in the least, is directly opposite to the Constitution of the U. S. States, and is an infringement upon the rights of every citizen over which it claims jurisdiction. If they have a right to lock Mr. Kneeland into jail for his opinion, or even for expressing it, they have an equal right to hang him for the same, as their progenitors did the Quakers. In no instance does man show his weakness sooner, than when he has recourse to the civil law to enforce his opinion; and in no case whatever can he quicker and more effectually show that his system never came from God!
The "Times" says, In that year 1828, the Judges of the Supreme court of the State of Connecticut, declared that Universalism was an immoral and dangerous doctrine, and that those who believed in it should be outlawed." This we could reasonably expect from the land of "Blue laws;" and the other from a country where they formerly murdered persons for their opinions; but we are thankful that none of them will be appointed to judge the world, nor receive power to shut heaven from any one. They may make bolts and bars here, and here is the only place where they can ever use them. God is to be thanked, that the religion which he has revealed for the salvation of men, is in no want of being bolstered up to keep it from falling, or from becoming untrue, by employing Massachusetts or Connecticut to enact laws to shut from society such men as Kneeland for fear they will investigate it! [Editor of the Star.]
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Revision as of 00:18, 2 August 2010

The Evening and The Morning Star
Volume 2, Number 18
Source document in Mormon Publications: 19th and 20th Centuries online archive: The Evening and The Morning Star Vol. 1-2

Note: Some headings and bracketed texts are editorial and not part of the original text.

Vol. 2. Kirtland, Ohio. March, 1834 No. 18.


From the beginning of the world, since the plan of redemption was communicated from heaven to man, the righteous have, almost unceasingly been persecuted. But persecution is not a heavenly principle: it was never inculcated by the inspiration of God: it never emanated from HIM; but must have came from the prince of darkness; and can never find countenance except in his followers. However many may have been persecuted for their religion, and whether they were really the righteous followers of Christ, being founded upon the true principles of his gospel, we shall not here go into a lengthy discussion of this point; but this we can say, that whether the persecuted were righteous or unrighteous, the persecutors were actuated by the spirit of antichrist, and of course they were not the children of God. How long was it from the time that the system of salvation was communicated to Cain and Abel, before Abel, because he was righteous was slain by the hand of his brother? And why was he angry with Abel? because Abel was righteous, and he himself was not. A strange notion has almost invariably pervaded the minds of men-a wild desire to seek the blood of the innocent. What urges men on to the commission of such inhuman [inhumane] acts? Is it a liberal spirit which seeks the blood of innocence? Is it a kind, humane, disposition that prompts men to slay, or drive from the face of society their fellow creatures, to wander in solitude and seek a reffuge [refuge] for life in wildernesses and in mountains? Is this the religion which God has given to men to prepare them for a mansion on his own right hand, in his glory, which consists in butchery and rapine? Did the apostles and primitive saints ever recommend such an order of things as this? Did the Lord Jesus in all his communications from heaven to earth ever command it? No! Who does, or ever did? POPES and PRIESTS! followed by a gang of obsequious wretches, who, if they ever had any respect or reverence for the divine Majesty, or a just sense of a reward for every act of violence committed upon their species, have lost it by the vain flatteries of such individuals as teach that, to expel a heritic [heretic], or massacre such as do not yield to their oppressive hand, is no crime; but a certain expiation for the blackest deed, and a sure means of obtaining the rich rewards of the kingdom of heaven! It is in vain to deny that this has not been the case century after century. The horrid scenes acted by the instigation of men, (or demons, we might more properly say,) who have professed holiness, is sufficient to shock the senses of every feeling man. The forms and plans for torturing atheists, (as the Pagans used to designate the followers of Christ,) and heritics [heretics], (as the Catholics are pleased to call all who do not worship as the followers of the "Whore of Babylon,") must have caused the angels to blush, and the heavens to weep! But with all their boast of religion, those who have professed to be the followers of the Lamb of God, have approached nearer the purposes of the father of lies in inventing torments for their victims, than the Pagans. Witness the horrors of the Inquisition; or as the Catholics call it, "The holy office," or as others call it, "The holy apostolical court of inquisition," and see men accused without a crime, and condemned and put to the rack without a witness! See their goods and estates confiscated, and the money put into the coffers of the subjects of demons, called POPES and PRIESTS! See mothers deprived of their infants, and children left orphans! See cities and provinces depopulated by the express command of those who profess to be infallible; and witness at the same time a ruthless soldiery trample down the helpless and defile the virtuous! Notice the flow of blood from the cruelty of Herod of Judea, to Pope Sylvester, and from his time to the outrage in Jackson county, Missouri, and ask, Is this the religion of heaven, which teaches men to array the strong against the weak, and to put the torture men who do not believe the popular creed? Did God ever give to men the power to compel their fellow beings to believe contrary to their own minds, by putting into operation a system of cruelty where the most shocking excesses of torments were inflicted, to cause them so to do? For a moment witness the self righteous and hypocritical fiends, clothed with the (pretended) garments of the sanctuary, professing to be the shepherds of the Lord's flock, exulting in the afflictions and pains of men, who were made to suffer for no other reason than a disbelief in the popular creed: see them scoff at the groans of misery, and witness them turn a deaf ear to the cries of helpless innocence; see them walk over the ashes of the dwellings of their victims, and see them laugh at their calamity: see them trample upon the wounded and dying, while they wade through blood, and stain their (sacerdotal) garments with the same; and ask, Can such men inherit the celestial glory? Do such men hold the keys of the kingdom of heaven? Have they power to fasten the mansions of glory against those whom they persecute? If they have, may heaven grant that we may not enter with them; for we have no desire to be locked into a habitation with such blood-defiled monsters! God never gave so bloody a picture to his creatures, and called it his order to prepare them to inherit his rest. He never inculcated such for gospel principles, nor left on record that such persons should have a place on his right hand in his glory. It is only the invention of those who love the glory of this world better than the pure riches of eternity: it came from such individuals as make merchandise of the souls of men to gratify a vain and wicked ambition, and under a cloak of sanctity fill up the cup of their own iniquity, sporting with the doctrines of the gospel, to carry on their own schemes of murder and barbarity till God takes them from this stage of action to deceive men no more. Can such be the religion of heaven? No; the very reverse; for had all men that religion no acts of cruelty or violence would be committed: no blood would stain the earth, shed to gratify the ambition of tyrants and priests! No wars would fill our hearts with sorrow, nor the cry of helpless innocence and virtue, salute the heavens for vengeance upon the perpetrators of such crimes! No ambitious, hypocritical pretended doctors of divinity, would ride over the ruins of men in gilded coaches, to lord it over God's heritage! But every man would be on a level with his fellow-man, the great adversary of righteousness who leads men to destruction, would then be bound; the holy choir who now rejoice in heaven, would mingle praises with the saints below, and the earth would rest.

In past ages, few were privileged with reading the holy scriptures: the art of printing was not then known among men; and the poor, the low, and indeed, we might say, many who professed to be teachers of the gospel, scarce knew a syllable of that book now called the bible. It has ever been the policy of tyrants and despots to keep their subjects in ignorance, the more easily to effect their own purposes. The popes and priests of the Romish church have sought, (more particularly perhaps in former days,) to keep the true knowledge of the word of God from their flocks; at the same time assuming the privilege of teaching its meaning, strenuously inculcating, that it was dangerous for the common people to think for themselves. And instead of teaching their congregations the doctrine of the bible, they have taught them a long round of whims and fabulous traditions, the decrees of popes and councils; the ridiculous worship of images; the celebration of mass; the prayers and intercessions for the releaf [relief] of the souls of the dead from purgatory; the invoking the virgin Mary and other departed saints; the suffering of penance for sins; and one thing as strenuously as all, that they themselves were infallible, that they were invested with the power and authority of the apostles; yes, more than the apostles; because the apostles never claimed the authority of crowning, and of dethroning earthly princes; of regulating the affairs of empires, and of offering pardon for the most atrocious crimes, in the name of the Most High, to all who should take up arms and assist in the extirpation of heretics-and the popes have. But in this age, and more especially in countries where the word of God may be had freely by all classes of men, we are surprised at the ignorance of many on the subject of religion. How it is possible that any can suppose, that religion consists in dispising [despising] men for any belief whatever, is unaccountable, unless we have in our country a set of creatures who are led blindfold by ambitious priests, who regard nothing but their own personal



aggrandizement, and live without the fear of God before their eyes. From our own observation, we doubt not but there are such in our own beloved country, and may heaven grant that their numbers may be few: for religion consists in doing good, and not in doing evil; and the scripture is plain, that that which is pure and undefiled before God and the Father is, To visit the widow and the fatherless in their afflictions, and to keep one's self unspotted from the world. If then, this is the acceptable religion in the sight of heaven, how is it that men can have the hardihood to make a profession of it, and instead of visiting and relieving the wants of the widow and the fatherless, seek the destruction of fathers; and when that is effected, drive the helpless to perish in the open air without food or raiment? Is heaven filled with such a religion as this? to persecute and destroy? If so, may we be delivered from it here and hereafter; for our hearts revolt at this system, and so would every man's if he had but one feeling of sympathy. But this is not so, such precepts are not contained in the gospel, to persecute men for their belief, deprive them of the goods of this life, and expose their widows and children to death. Men degrade themselves by their actions, and bring upon their own heads the judgements [judgments] of the Almighty; yet they have, notwithstanding this, the privilege of believing in whatever system they choose, and heaven has never given to another man to say that they shall not enjoy this privilege, and act according to the dictates and influences of their own consciences. Why is a man to be dispised [despised] for any belief whatever so long as he conducts himself with propriety, as a citizen? Suppose him to be a Mussulman, shall he be dispised [despised] on the account of it? It is only his belief that we may discard, not the individual, who has never harmed any man; because he is also a man, and has his own way of believing, which to him, no doubt is as near as our own to us. It is not the Catholic that we dispise [despise], it is only that we do not fellowship him in his belief; believing it to be incorrect according to the written word of God; and so we might say of every other sect who do not think as we do; and when this is said, all is said with us: they have a right to enjoy the blessings of their belief without molestation from us, or any one else: It is what heaven gave to them; they may enjoy it: If our neighbor is more righteous than ourselves, we rejoice because of his righteousness: we seek not his destruction because of it: If he is not as righteous as we are, we are sorry; it is our privilege to persuade him to be better; and if we can persuade him so to be, we rejoice; but if not, we judge him not, neither do we persecute him, nor threaten his life because he does not believe as we do; for this would not be the religion of heaven. Men cannot be forced into religion: their bodies may be bent, but their minds are their own: that intelligence is the gift of God, and when once it discovers an additional ray, it cannot be chained, it cannot be brought into subjection to a lesser power of intelligence; for it soars above it: when once turned to hate a system, force will only cause it to detest it the more, if used to cause it to receive it again. The body may be racked upon the wheel till each joint is dislocated; it may be confined in dungeons and solitary cells, yet the conscience cannot be bent-it may be consumed in the pan, or by the fagot, and yet, "mens invicta manet." It is the height of folly to undertake to destroy any system of religion, be it ever so fallacious, or contrary to that which has been revealed from heaven, by persecution. The sword has not the power over the conscience, nor the fagot over the mind: it has been effectually tried in past ages: and from the ashes of the martyr who is slain to day, an army may rise tomorrow, break the tyrants chain, and defy his power.

Our readers will have noticed in former numbers of the Star, many items purporting to be facts relative to the shameful outrage in Jackson county, Missouri, and they may remain assured, that nothing has been exaggerated by us relative to that subject. If doubts remain upon the mind with regard to this event, they may ask, where, now, are those inhabitants who settled peaceably in Jackson county, upon lands which they purchased of the Government and of individuals? Are they not driven from their homes by a lawless band of ruffians, who have defied the power of the civil law? Witness the desolate homes, raised by the industrious hands of lawful citizens; see the once fertile fields covered with crops which their economy and industry had prepared for their support, now lie open and waste to be destroyed by beasts, unless those murderers have seized upon the same for their own aggrandizement; and ask, why have these people fled, and what is the cause of this destruction and desolation? If they were disturbers of the public peace; if they were obnoxious to society, where are the records of legal courts to demonstrate the fact?

As we previously promised in a former number of the Star, that we should give the names of certain individuals concerned in this outrage, we give the following in this, with a statement of their standing and profession, &c. and shall continue in subsequent numbers to relate the acts of the leading characters of the mob, generally, as our limits and knowledge may enable us, with such remarks as the enormity of an outrage of this magnitude, in a republican Government, shall be thought appropriate.

S. D. Lucas, Colonel, one of the Judges of the county court, and a professor of religion, a Presbyterian! who had taken a solemn oath to act according to law, and preserve inviolate the constitution, signed an article which we have heretofore published, and which we have called the secret constitution of the Jackson co. mob, which says, "The arm of the civil law does not afford us a guarantee, or at least a sufficient one, &c." What an honorable man! what a fine citizen! what an impartial magistrate he must be! how firm his mind must be in the cause of justice! what a high veneration he must have for the laws of his country! what a WASHINGTON he would have made! what a worthy member of society! what a heroic and patriotic nation ours would be were it composed of such men! what a fit subject to inherit-what? not the kingdom of God! Such monsters betrayed, led to the cross, and slew the Lord Jesus Christ! Such infernal-influenced beings martyred the ancient saints, and marked their own course with the blood of innocence! Robert Fristoe, a Judge of the county court, a member of the Baptist church, also signed the same writing, was present and assisted in conducting our six friends, of whom we have had occasion to mention, up to the slaughter, (except they would deny the faith, or agree to leave the county,) on the 23 of July, last. How holily [holy] and majestic he must have walked by the side of these men; how beautifully he must have adorned his high and holy calling, being a professed follower of the meek and lowly Lamb, in assisting to destroy men who had never harmed an individual nor violated the laws of their country! A man whose profession teaches to relieve the wants of the afflicted; to visit the widow and fatherless, was now engaged, yes, had bound himself to assist in making widows and orphans, and then drive them from their homes to perish! Where was his oath, or where was his profession? His oath was violated, and his profession as a christian was lost in his wicked desire to destroy men who did not believe as he did. Samuel C. Owens, Clerk of the court, (and if we mistake not one of the number who composed the delegation at the time the constitution of the state of Missouri was framed,) was also engaged in this same tragedy, and signed his name to the same instrument, binding himself to expel, to the sacrifice of his "property and bodily powers," peaceable citizens from their homes. Owens has been a clerk in the Legislature of that state during, if we mistake not several sessions.-What an honor this must reflect upon his character! What a worthy legislator, and how peculiarly well qualified to assist in framing an instrument which reads like the following: "That no human authority can control or interfere with the rights of conscience; that no person can ever be hurt, molested, or restrained in his religious profession:" See the constitution of the state of Missouri, which Owens had sworn to defend, (not break,) and ask, whether this will not be an evidence to the rising generation, that we were fast marching into reform? John Smith and Samuel Weston, Justices of the peace, residing in the town of Independence, were so forward to act in the discharge of their duties as magistrates [magistrates], that they used their influence to effect a removal of those peaceable inhabitants, by signing the same instrument. Weston's conduct has previously been noticed; and it is to be remembered, that when applied to for a peace warrant he refused to grant one, when the mob were engaged in stoning houses, destroying property, and threatening lives. This was the republican who refused to give a warrant that M' Carty, who was taken in the act of breaking open Gilbert Whitney &, CO's store, might be dealt with according to the law of the land. Weston emigrated from England, if we mistake not, and if his character is not altered materially since he left that country, his native countrymen, have reason to be thankful that there is another place on the earth beside the isle of Great Britain. Smith is a native of ---we know not where; but presume that he must have come up among a race where mob laws were the supreme statutes of the land, by his forwardness in the affairs of this outrage. We noticed some other names attached to the same secret constitution, which had J. P. affixed to them; but our memory is not sufficient at this time to enable us to name all. Neither can we give the characters of all who were engaged in this affair, in this article, nor every unlawful and wicked act committed by them; but we shall give extracts of some from time to time, until we can fulfil [fulfill] our promise previously made, to give in pamphlet form, in full, the general characters of the inhabitants of that country. By giving the conduct of a few of the more influential, our friends may draw their own conclusion relative to what the others undoubtedly are. Gen Johnson, a very devout, holy, (would be called,) Presbyterian, stood by and assisted in demolishing the printing office on the 20th of July, last. There is one act of this man, in this affair, which entitles him to our notice in this place; and were it not for this, we know not as we should mention his name at this time. And as all great men, who have rendered themselves famous and conspicuous in the eyes of the world, are favored with privileges of appearing before the public in print, we think, considering this man's profession and standing in society in that county, that a failure to give him a passing notice, would be treating him with too much neglect. After the office was partly demolished, this Johnson, (with the cross bar of a printer's chase in his hand,) was placed to see that nothing belonging to the office was taken by the owners from the hands of the mob; for, said they, "Destroy, or keep from them everything, so that they shall not be able to print any more." Think for a moment, reader, how this professor of religion appeared, with a bar of iron in his hand to keep from the hands of the lawful owners, every thing belonging to the establishment which he was then assisting to destroy, while you reflect, that he was then surrounded by an innocent family who had just been dragged, (and some of them sick,) from the same building by those ruffians! Do you not think that he must have thought himself well imployed [employed], considering his profession and standing in society? How his bosom must have glowed with christian love while he was thus depriving women and children of a dwelling, and exposing them, though afflicted with sickness, to the inclemency of the weather under the open canopy! What better is an immediate death, than a lingering one? Which would have been the



most aggravating, think, in the sight of heaven, for this man to have fallen upon this helpless family with that bar of iron, and killed them at once, or do as he did, deprive them of the means of life, and drive them out to perish? Supposing a ruffian attacks a family, takes the live [life] of the man, and deprives the remaining part of a dwelling, or even a means of subsistence, where in all human probability they must perish, is he not guilty of the blood of the whole? Where, reader, do you think such men will be sent when they are called from time? do you think they will be permitted to inherit those mansions which Christ told his disciples that he was going to prepare for them?

Since the foregoing was put in type the following letter has been received from the west, which will show that our conjectures were correct relative to criminal prosecution in Jackson county, which were, that no bills of indictment could be found against the mob. It could not reasonably be expected, that after binding themselves to violate the law they would now act according to it, and find bills against their own accomplices in those deeds of murder and violence. The mob may flatter themselves that all is over as regards criminal prosecutions, because they hold the power in their own hands; but the day may come when that county shall be inhabited by virtuous citizens who will "magnify the law and make it honorable:" Justice may come in an unexpected hour upon the guilty. It yet remains for our friends to sue for damages, &c. and in all probability the suits will be removed to another county, which will give them a chance to obtain redress for the destruction of property. Enough is transpiring almost daily to show the public that the individuals composing that mob are on a level with the most abandoned savage. We are happy to have it in our power yet to say, that our friends in all cases have only acted on the defensive, and have already born more than the law of man or heaven ever required, without resistance.-[Editor of the Star.]

Clay Co. Feb. 27, 1834.

Dear Brethren.-The times are so big with events, and the anxiety of every body so great to watch them, that I feel some what impressed to write oftener than I have done, in order to give you more of the "strange acts" of this region. I have just returned from Independence, the seat of war in the west. About a dozen of our brethren, among whom were br. Partridge, Corril [Corrill] and myself, were subpœnaed in behalf of the state, and on the 23d (Feb.) about twelve o'clock we were on the bank, opposite Evrit's ferry, where we found Capt. Atchinson's company of "Liberty Blues," near fifty rank and file, ready to guard us into Jackson county. The soldiers were well armed with U. S. muskets, bayonets fixed, &c, and to me the scene was one "passing strange," and long to be remembered. The martial law in force to guard the civil! About 25 men crossed over to effect a landing in safety, and when they came near the warehouse, they fired six or eight guns, tho' the enemy had not gathered to witness the landing.

After we were all a cross, and waiting for the baggage wagon, it was thought not advisable to encamp in the woods, and the witnesses with half the company, marched nearly a mile towards Independence, to build night fires, as we were without tents, and the weather cold enough to snow a little. While on the way the Quarter Master, and others, that had gone on a head to prepare quarters in town, sent an express back, which was not the most pacific appearance that could be. Capt. Atchinson continued the express to Col. Allen for the 200 drafted militia; and also to Liberty for more ammunition; and the night passed off in war like style, with the sentinels marching silently at a proper distance from the watch-fires.

Early in the morning we marched strongly guarded by the troops, to the seat of war, and quartered in the block house, formerly the tavern stand of S. Flournoy. After breakfast, we were visited by the District Attorney, Mr. Rees, and the Attorney General, Mr. Wells. From them we learned that all hopes of criminal prosecution, was at an end. Mr. Wells had been sent by the Governor to investigate, as far as possible, the Jackson outrage, but the bold front of the mob, bound even unto death, (as I have heard) was not to be penetrated by civil law, or awed by Executive influence. Shortly after Capt. A. informed me that he had just received an order from the Judge, that his company's service was no longer wanted in Jackson county, and we were marched out of town to the tune of Yankee doodle in quick time, and soon returned to our camp ground without the loss of any lives. In fact much credit is due to Captain Atchinson, for his gallantry and hospitality, and I think I can say of the officers and company, that their conduct as soldiers and men, is highly reputable; so much so, knowing as I do the fatal result, had the militia come, or not come, I can add that the Capt's safe return, refreshed my mind, with Zenophon's retreat of the ten thousand. Thus ends all hopes of "redress," even with a guard ordered by the Governor, for the protection of the court and witnesses.

Before a crop is harvested, it becomes ripe of itself. The dreadful deeds now done in Jackson county, with impunity, must bring matters to a focus shortly. Within two or three weeks past, some of the most savage acts, ever witnessed, have been committed by these bitter branches. Old father Linsey, whose locks have been whitened by the blasts of nearly seventy winters, had his house thrown down, after he was driven from it; his goods, corn, &c, piled together, and fire put to it, but fortunately, after the mob retired, his son extinguished it.

The mob has quit whipping, and now beat with clubs. Lyman Leonard one of the number that returned from Van Buren, had two chairs broke to splinters about him, and was then dragged out doors and beat with clubs till he was supposed to be dead but he is yet alive. Josiah Sumner and Barnet Cole were severely beat at the same time. The mob have commenced burning houses, stacks, &c. and we shall not think it out of their power, by any means, to proceed to murder any of our people that shall try to live in that county, or perhaps, only go there.

Such scenes as are transpiring around us, are calculated to arouse feelings, and passions in all, and to strengthen the faith and fortify the hearts of the saints for great things. Our Savior laid down his life for our sakes, and shall we, who profess to live by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God; shall we, the servants of the Lord of the vineyard, who are called and chosen to prune it for the last time; shall we, yea, verily, we, who are enlightened by the wisdom of heaven, shall we fear to do as much for Jesus as he did for us. No; we will obey the voice of the Spirit, that good may overcome the world.

I am a servant, &c,



Died on the 4th of December, last, near Pontiac, Michigan Territory, of consumption, brother WILLIAM SCOBY, formerly of Fayette, Seneca county, N. Y. aged 22 years. Brother S. received and obeyed the everlasting gospel, in Fayette, after which he emigrated to this country in 1831. For the last two years of his life he has resided in Michigan. Our personal acquaintance with bro. S. was very limited, but we are credibly informed that he was a worthy member of the church of Christ, and that he died as he lived, in the full assurance of a glorious resurrection at the appearing of our Lord. His death should have been noticed by us ere this; but the letter which gave the intelligence of his decease did not bring the account of his age, &c. Our friends from a distance wishing us to notice the death of their relatives, should make no delay in communicating such information.


"Saco, Maine, February 12, 1834.


I drop you this line to inform you that I am well: the Lord is present with me, and his work is prospering in this place: many are desirous to know the truth. I have calls on the right hand and on the left: there is need of faithful laborers in this section, who are qualified to stand against the wiles of satan, and are finished workmen in the gospel of Christ; yes, in the new and everlasting covenant, and have faith like the brother of Jared. The Lord seems to be baptizing the church in this place with the out pouring of his Spirit: they are strong in the Lord and rejoicing in his love."

"I have just returned from paying the last respects due from us to sister MARY BRADBURY, who was a worthy member of the church of Christ. She died yesterday morning after a consuming illness of about sixteen weeks, aged 26 years. During the latter part of her sickness she manifested a calm resignation to the will of a divine Providence; and when death was about to grasp her in his icy arms, she stayed herself on the promises of HIM who is able to save, and who gave himself a ransom for her soul. In her last moments, when kindred spirits waited round to escort her spirit to the Paradise of rest, she said, 'I am dying-glory to my Jesus, even so Lord Jesus come quickly:' then on the breast of her Redeemer she reposed her weary head, and without a sigh or struggle,--

'Breath'd her life out sweetly there.'

"I have nothing more at present to write only, that I feel strong in the Lord, and am determined to press my way to the celestial kingdom. Yours &c.


Thus are mortals called from this to another state of existence, the present, like all other generations, passing off to try the realities of eternity, after having been permitted to dwell in the flesh-and others rising up to fill their place. This life, seemingly, is but a dream; for soon, our friends, though near and pleasing, droop into the dust: our affections cannot stay the hand of death, nor our tears prevent their exit. In all these dispensations of God, we are reminded of our own approaching dissolution, and the final consummation of all these earthly objects. Short is this life which is allotted to man; but there is a sweet consolation, that the one to which we are fast approaching, has no end. And why should we seek to cling to the saint, when he is called to leave us only for a moment, and when a little space will bring us together where parting will not be realized? For soon this earth will rack by the mighty power of its Maker; soon creation will tremble; soon will the tribes of the earth mourn; soon will the wicked call for the rocks and mountains to fall upon them, to cover them from the face of HIM that sitteth upon the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb, and soon will the saints be caught up to meet the Lord in the air, mingle praises with the church of the first born, and death shall be swallowed up in victory!-[Editor of the Star.]

-> OPINION.-OUR readers are, no doubt, acquainted with the proceedings of the municipal court, held some time since in Boston, Ms, in the case of Abner Kneeland, editor of the "Investigator," who was sentenced, on a charge of blasphemy, for expressing a belief that there was no God, no future existence, &c. to three months imprisonment in the common jail, and to recognize in the sum of $500, with sufficient security in the like sum, to keep the peace for two years. "The Hartford Times," in making some comments upon the remarks of "The Universalist," which justifies the court in the case of Mr. Kneeland, says:

"Paul was a 'pestilent fellow,' in the eyes of some of the ancient authorities, who thought 'a mild enforcement of the laws' necessary. We do not mean to compare Mr. Kneeland with Paul; but to say that error is ready at all times to prop itself with the legal arm. It is not for man to set up a standard of belief for his fellow man, and to enforce that belief with stripes, dungeon bolts, or the scaffold itself."

We have previously read the "Investigator," and were not a little surprised at the folly of Mr. Kneeland; indeed, we may say, that we were disgusted with the foul calumny with which he assailed the subject of revealed religion, so much so, that we laid down his paper, and probably for the last time. If the good people of Massachusetts would do the same, none of them would have even been troubled with it to this day.-Believing as we do, in the divine authenticity of the bible, and the religion therein revealed, we cannot see where it authorizes the state of Massachusetts to defend it by enacting laws to favor their own particular opinions, and lock up all others, whether they believe or disbelieve it, unless they have a mount Sinai, and lately from its summit have heard the trump of the Almighty, declaring his statutes and judgments. We are unacquainted with the constitution of that State; but any law interfering with conscience in the least, is directly opposite to the Constitution of the U. S. States, and is an infringement upon the rights of every citizen over which it claims jurisdiction. If they have a right to lock Mr. Kneeland into jail for his opinion, or even for expressing it, they have an equal right to hang him for the same, as their progenitors did the Quakers. In no instance does man show his weakness sooner, than when he has recourse to the civil law to enforce his opinion; and in no case whatever can he quicker and more effectually show that his system never came from God!

The "Times" says, In that year 1828, the Judges of the Supreme court of the State of Connecticut, declared that Universalism was an immoral and dangerous doctrine, and that those who believed in it should be outlawed." This we could reasonably expect from the land of "Blue laws;" and the other from a country where they formerly murdered persons for their opinions; but we are thankful that none of them will be appointed to judge the world, nor receive power to shut heaven from any one. They may make bolts and bars here, and here is the only place where they can ever use them. God is to be thanked, that the religion which he has revealed for the salvation of men, is in no want of being bolstered up to keep it from falling, or from becoming untrue, by employing Massachusetts or Connecticut to enact laws to shut from society such men as Kneeland for fear they will investigate it! [Editor of the Star.]

