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*{{Detail|Jesus_Christ/Divinity_without_a_body|Jesus Christ—divine before mortality}}
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*{{Detail|Jesus_Christ/Lord_of_the_Universe|Jesus Christ—Lord of the universe}}
*{{Detail|Jesus_Christ/Lord_of_the_Universe|l2=Jesus Christ—Lord of the universe}}
*{{Detail|Jesus_Christ/Alpha_and_Omega|Alpha and Omega—the influence of Greek philosophy on Hebrew categories}}
*{{Detail|Jesus_Christ/Alpha_and_Omega|l3=Alpha and Omega—the influence of Greek philosophy on Hebrew categories}}
*{{Detail|Jesus Christ/The "Mormon" vs. the "Christian" Jesus|l1=The "Mormon" vs. the "Christian" Jesus}}
*{{Detail|Jesus Christ/The "Mormon" vs. the "Christian" Jesus|l1=The "Mormon" vs. the "Christian" Jesus}}

Revision as of 13:21, 9 March 2010

A FAIR Analysis of:
Watchman Fellowship

Index of Claims in "Hinckley Claims LDS Worship Different Christ"

The authors use Gordon B. Hinckley's statement to "prove" that Latter-day Saints believe in "another Christ." President Hinckley stated that Latter-day Saints

do not believe in the traditional Christ. No, I don't. The traditional Christ of whom they speak is not the Christ of whom I speak. For the Christ of whom I speak has been revealed in this the Dispensation of the Fulness of Times.

Author's source(s)

  • LDS Church News, June 20, 1998. off-site


  • The "Traditional Christian Christ" is "Eternally God."
  • The "Mormon Christ" was "not always God" and "became a God."


  • The "Traditional Christian Christ" is "Only God."
  • The "Mormon Christ" is "One of Many Gods."


  • The "Traditional Christian Christ" is "Creator of All Things."
  • The "Mormon Christ" "Was Created; Spirit Brother of Lucifer."


  • The "Traditional Christian Christ" is "Begotten Miraculously, of the Holy Spirit"
  • The "Mormon Christ" is "Begotten Sexually, by God the Father"

  • There is no LDS doctrine on the method of Jesus' conception, save to say He is literally God's son.
  • In LDS doctrine, "the virgin [Mary]...is the mother of the Son of God, after the manner of the flesh....she was carried away in the Spirit; and after she had been carried away in the Spirit for the space of a time" she bore Jesus, the Son of God (see 1 Nephi 11꞉18-19).
  • For a detailed response, see: Conception of Jesus Christ
  • For a detailed response, see: The "Mormon" vs. the "Christian" Jesus

  • The "Traditional Christian Christ" is "Not Married."
  • The "Mormon Christ" is "Married with Children."


  • The "Traditional Christian Christ" is "Atoned for Sin by Death on the Cross"
  • The "Mormon Christ" is "Atoned by Sweating Blood in Gethsemane."

  • This is false. Latter-day Saints believe that Jesus' atoning sacrifice began in the Garden of Gethsemane, and was completed by his death on the cross. Furthermore, Jesus' entire perfect life formed part of his offering and mission in our behalf.
  • For a detailed response, see: The Garden and the Cross
  • For a detailed response, see: The "Mormon" vs. the "Christian" Jesus

  • The "Traditional Christian Christ" is "Justifies the Ungodly."
  • The "Mormon Christ" "Requires Godliness before Justification."

  • The authors here regard their late, rather idiosyncratic brand of conservative Protestant Christianity to be the same as "traditional" Christian views. But, in fact, there have been multiple Christian views on this point throughout history.
  • In LDS doctrine, one is initially justified by the receipt of the Holy Ghost at baptism (see Moses 6꞉60). This requires faith in Christ, repentance, and baptism. The Book of Mormon contains account of wicked, ungodly individuals receiving this blessing prior to any change in behavior (see Mosiah 27꞉8-31; Alma 36.) Even in these critics' theology one must "do something" to be justified: accept Christ.
  • For a detailed response, see: Early Christians agreed with the Latter-day Saints on this point
  • For a detailed response, see: Salvation by faith alone
  • For a detailed response, see: The "Mormon" vs. the "Christian" Jesus

  • The "Traditional Christian Christ" is "Offers Full Salvation Unconditionally."
  • The "Mormon Christ" "Offers Full Salvation Only on Conditions."

  • The authors here regard their late, rather idiosyncratic brand of conservative Protestant Christianity to be the same as "traditional" Christian views. But, in fact, there have been multiple Christian views on this point throughout history.
  • The critics' theology does not offer salvation without any conditions: it requires that one accept Jesus. Latter-day Saints likewise believe that one must accept Jesus' sacrifice—those who do so sincerely will keep the conditions which the scriptures require: faith in Christ, repentance, baptism, being born again of the Spirit, and enduring to the end.
  • For a detailed response, see: Early Christians agreed with the Latter-day Saints on this point
  • For a detailed response, see: Salvation by faith alone
  • For a detailed response, see: The "Mormon" vs. the "Christian" Jesus