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#[[/1|What the Gospel Teaches—Revelation from God Necessary—The Faith and Doctrines of the Latter-day Saints]] by John Taylor (1-4)
#[[/1|What the Gospel Teaches—Revelation from God Necessary—The Faith and Doctrines of the Latter-day Saints]] by John Taylor (1-4)
#[[/2|Living Faith in God—The Providences of the Almighty in Behalf of His People—Lay up Treasures in Heaven—The Meek to Inherit the Earth—The Word of Wisdom]] by Orson Hyde (4-14)
#[[/2|Living Faith in God—The Providences of the Almighty in Behalf of His People—Lay up Treasures in Heaven—The Meek to Inherit the Earth—The Word of Wisdom]] by Orson Hyde (4-14)
*[[/3|Remarks to the Young]] by William C. Dunbar (15-24)
#[[/3|Remarks to the Young]] by William C. Dunbar (15-24)
#[[/4|The Kingdom not Organized by Man—Man Utterly Unable to Organize the Kingdom of God on the Earth Without Revelation—The Nephites and Lamanites Had All Things in Common—Consecration—The Danger of Pride—The United Order]] by Orson Pratt (24-36)
#[[/4|The Kingdom not Organized by Man—Man Utterly Unable to Organize the Kingdom of God on the Earth Without Revelation—The Nephites and Lamanites Had All Things in Common—Consecration—The Danger of Pride—The United Order]] by Orson Pratt (24-36)
#[[/5|Cease to Bring in and Build up Babylon—Separate Yourselves from Sinners and from Sin—Have not Come with any New Doctrine—We Must be One—Without Works it Cannot be Proved that Faith Exists—The Time Come to Organize the Saints—The Time and Energies of the Saints all that is Wanted—Geological Researchers of Professor Marsh—Scientific Demonstration of the Truth of the Book of Mormon]] by Brigham Young (36-47)
#[[/5|Cease to Bring in and Build up Babylon—Separate Yourselves from Sinners and from Sin—Have not Come with any New Doctrine—We Must be One—Without Works it Cannot be Proved that Faith Exists—The Time Come to Organize the Saints—The Time and Energies of the Saints all that is Wanted—Geological Researchers of Professor Marsh—Scientific Demonstration of the Truth of the Book of Mormon]] by Brigham Young (36-47)

Revision as of 19:36, 29 September 2009

Journal of Discourses
Volume 17

Journal of Discourses Volume 17












WE take great pleasure in presenting to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints the Seventeenth Volume of the JOURNAL OF DISCOURSES of President Brigham Young, his Counselors and the Twelve Apostles. In doing so we feel confident that the work will be received by the Saints with much satisfaction. It is replete with good teachings and wise counsels, and it may be read with profit by all lovers of truth.


  1. What the Gospel Teaches—Revelation from God Necessary—The Faith and Doctrines of the Latter-day Saints by John Taylor (1-4)
  2. Living Faith in God—The Providences of the Almighty in Behalf of His People—Lay up Treasures in Heaven—The Meek to Inherit the Earth—The Word of Wisdom by Orson Hyde (4-14)
  3. Remarks to the Young by William C. Dunbar (15-24)
  4. The Kingdom not Organized by Man—Man Utterly Unable to Organize the Kingdom of God on the Earth Without Revelation—The Nephites and Lamanites Had All Things in Common—Consecration—The Danger of Pride—The United Order by Orson Pratt (24-36)
  5. Cease to Bring in and Build up Babylon—Separate Yourselves from Sinners and from Sin—Have not Come with any New Doctrine—We Must be One—Without Works it Cannot be Proved that Faith Exists—The Time Come to Organize the Saints—The Time and Energies of the Saints all that is Wanted—Geological Researchers of Professor Marsh—Scientific Demonstration of the Truth of the Book of Mormon by Brigham Young (36-47)
  6. The United Order—We Want the Most Perfect Union—The Working of the Order to be Such that all Honest Men can Sustain it—Home Manufacture by John Taylor (47-50)
  7. The Things of God Known by the Spirit of God—The Light and Intelligence of God Without Money and Price—No True Religion Without Science—All Will be Saved Except the Sons of Perdition by Brigham Young (51-56)
  8. The United Order—A System of Oneness, Economy and Wisdom in Becoming Self-sustenance by Brigham Young (56-58)
  9. Zion to be Redeemed Through the Law of Consecration—Persecutions of the Saints—A Oneness Among the Saints Necessary—The Hearts of the Fathers to be Turned to the Children, and the Children to the Fathers by George A. Smith (58-63)
  10. The Position the Saints Have Occupied has been a Peculiar One—The Unity of the Saints—Home Manufacture Preferable to Importation—Organization Necessary to Self-sustaining by John Taylor (63-68)
  11. Union is Strength—United Order Will Bring About Temporal Salvation—The Time has Come to Favor Zion—The Judgments of God Are at the Door of This Generation by Wilford Woodruff (69-73)
  12. The United Order of Zion Affords the Utmost Freedom and Liberty, Brother Love and Goodwill to Man—True Riches Relate to Eternity—Establish Confidence in Our Hearts With God by Erastus Snow (74-80)
  13. The Blessings of Eternal Life Attained at the Sacrifice of All Things—Tithing—Economy Necessary to Self-sustenance—Home Manufacture by George A. Smith (80-84)
  14. Education of Children—The Necessity of Supporting Home Publications—Ladies’ Relief Societies—St. George, and Salt Lake City, Temples—Sabbath Schools by George A. Smith (84-90)
  15. General Doniphan’s Connection with the Early History of the Church—Persecutions of the Saints—Mormon Battalion—Hardships Experienced in the Settlement of Utah—Plurality of Wives by George A. Smith (90-102)
  16. Interest Manifested Relating to Temporal Affairs—Revelations Pertaining to Being One in Temporal Things—Consecration—Stewardship—Jackson County—Sanctification by Orson Pratt (103-113)
  17. The Calling of the Priesthood, to Preach the Gospel, and Proceed with the Organization of the Kingdom of God, Preparatory to the Coming of the Son of Man—All Good is of the Lord—Salvation and Live Everlasting are Before us by Brigham Young (113-115)
  18. The Belief of the Saints in the Mission of the Savior—Pertaining to Inheritances Upon the Earth that Shall be Everlasting—It Takes a Higher Power Than a Bill of Divorce, to Take a Woman from a Good Man by Brigham Young (115-120)
  19. God has Created Us to be Happy—Experience as Delegate from Utah in Congress—There is Nothing Like Communion with the Holy Spirit by George A. Smith (120-130)
  20. It is of Little Import How we Leave This World, so That we are Prepared to Live or Die—God has Ordained that all Men Must Die by John Taylor (130-133)
  21. Faith of the Latter-day Saints in Relation to the Resurrection by George A. Smith (134-138)
  22. Nothing Strange or New to Live and Die—Must Die in Order to be Quickened—The World of Mankind Ignorant of Immorality—The Righteous Should Live to Enjoy the Light of the Spirit—All People are the Children of God—They Learn by Contrast—Worlds to be Organized and Peopled in Future Existence by Brigham Young (139-145)
  23. All Nations Believe in a Future State of Existence—All Inherit the Curse in the Death of the Body. The Zion of Enoch Taken to the Bosom of God—Celestial, Terrestrial and Telestial Sphere—Baptism in Water Essential to Salvation—Divine Authority—Eternal Marriage Ordained of God by Orson Pratt (145-154)
  24. The United Order is the Order of the Kingdom of God and Christ Dwell—The Law of the Kingdom of Heaven Protects all People in Their Religious Worship—In Obeying Counsel There is Salvation by Brigham Young (154-160)
  25. Prayer Must be Remembered in Families—Elders to be Sent on Missions—Building Temples—Temples Necessary to Salvation. Home Manufactures—The United Order by George A. Smith (160-165)
  26. Crime a Transgression of Law—Saints are Under Divine Law—The Gospel a Perfect Law—The Constitution of the United States Government a Just Instrument—Saints Must be Patient and Long-suffering—Latter-day Saints Prepare by Good Works to Meet the Savior by Albert Carrington (165-168)
  27. Guard Against Temptation—Those Who Trust in God will not be Disappointed—Joseph Smith a Prophet of God—If There Were no Cause Creating Evil, There Would be no Evil Works by Charles C. Rich (169-172)
  28. Knowledge Received by Immediate Revelation—Co-operation in Temporal Affairs—The Saints are Heirs of God and Joint-heirs with Christ by John Taylor (172-181)
  29. All Men to be Judged Out of the Books—Adam the Ancient of Days—In the Days of Enoch the Righteous Gathered Together from the Ends of the Earth to One Place—The Great Prophet Joseph Smith Raised up by God to Reveal Hidden Mysteries by Orson Pratt (181-188)
  30. The Gospel of Christ Unpopular in Every Age of the World—We Have to Live by Faith—God Has Decreed that His Kingdom will be Established—The Priesthood Conferred Upon Joseph Smith by Holy Angels—All Blessings to be Obtained from the God the Saints Worship by Wilford Woodruff (188-195)
  31. Individual Salvation—The Success of the Work of the Lord not Dependent on Man—Encourage Home Manufacture—Build Temples—Safety on the Old Ship Zion by George A. Smith (195-200)
  32. Saints are Living Witnesses of the Truth—The People of God Preserved by Divine Providence—Persecution—Individual Salvation by Brigham Young (200-204)
  33. Destruction of the Wicked by the Flood, Wisdom in God—Priesthood—Temples—Intelligence Comes from God—The Lord will Take Care of the Saints—Angels Operating with Men in the Work of Human Redemption by John Taylor (204-214)
  34. God’s Ancient People Polygamists—Marriage Relations are to Continue Forever—No Power Binding in Marriage But That of the Holy Priesthood Possessed by the Latter-day Saints by Orson Pratt (214-229)
  35. Seek for Perfection—Reign of Righteousness—Live in Union—The United Order by George Q. Cannon (229-244)
  36. Saints are Chosen—Eternal Life Worth More Than all Things Else—Works Must Correspond with Faith—Prayer to God a Duty by Wilford Woodruff (244-251)
  37. Faith Without Works is Dead—Pray to God—Keep the Sabbath-day Holy—Encourage Sunday Schools by George A. Smith (251-260)
  38. Saints are the Light of the World—Live Down Falsehood—Union in the Church All-important by George Q. Cannon (260-264)
  39. The Gospel Restored From Heaven—Signs Follow Believers—Fulfillment of Prophecy—Book of Mormon a Divine Revelation by Orson Pratt (264-277)
  40. Joseph Smith’s First Visions—The Book of Mormon—American Indians Descendants of the House of Israel—Prophecies Fulfilled by Orson Pratt (278-288)
  41. Redemption of Zion—Persecution—Baptism of Indians—Second Coming of Christ—Every Jot and Every Tittle of Divine Revelation will be Fulfilled by Orson Pratt (289-307)
  42. Second Coming of Christ—The Kingdom of God—Immediate Revelation—A Highway Cast Up—Gathering of Israel—One Universal Government on Earth by Orson Pratt (307-321)
  43. Man is the Offspring of God—Truth is Eternal—The Doctrines of Christ—The Law of Gravitation—Free Agency by Orson Pratt (322-333)
  44. Congress and the Saints—Efficacy of Prayer—Strength of Character Necessary—The True Church—Gathering to the Mountains] by George Q. Cannon (333-343)
  45. The Saints Have the Priesthood—The Kingdom of Heaven to be Set up in the Last Days—The Saints Must be Self-sustaining by Daniel H. Wells (343-349)
  46. Education Necessary—”Mormonism” is Truth—Conversion of Indians by Orson Hyde (350-356)
  47. The Gathering—Knowledge of Salvation Enjoyed by the Latter-day Saints—Build up the Kingdom of God by Charles C. Rich (357-361)
  48. Temporal Affairs—Consistency Necessary in Business by Brigham Young (360-361)
  49. Self-reliance—Help the Feeble—Keep Out of Debt by Erastus Snow (363-368)
  50. Man the Offspring of God, a Dual Being—Immediate Revelation—Operate with the Priesthood by John Taylor (369-375)