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#REDIRECT[[Repudiated ideas about race#When did the "mark of Cain" become associated with black skin?]]  
==Question: When did the "mark of Cain" become associated with black skin?==
===The biblical “mark of Cain”  associated with black skin by Protestants to justify slavery===
The idea that the “mark of Cain” and the "curse of Ham" was a black skin is something that was used by many Protestants as a way to morally and biblically justify slavery. This idea did not originate with Latter-day Saints, although the existence of the priesthood ban prior to 1978 tends to cause some people to assume that it was a Latter-day Saint concept.
Dr. Benjamin M. Palmer, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church in New Orleans from 1856 until 1902, was a "moving force" in the Southern Presbyterian church during that period. Palmer believed that the South's cause during the Civil War was supported by God. Palmer believed the Hebrew history supported the concept that God had intended for some people to be formed "apart from others" and placed in separate territories in order to "prevent admixture of races." <ref>Haynes, ''Noah's Curse: The Biblical Justification of American Slavery'', p. 127-8 citing Palmer, "The Import of Hebrew History," ''Southern Presbyterian Review 9 (April 1856) 591</ref> Palmer claimed that, "[t]he descendants of Ham, on the contrary, in whom the sensual and corporeal appetites predominate, are driven like an infected race beyond the deserts of Sahara, where under a glowing sky nature harmonized with their brutal and savage disposition." <ref>Haynes, p. 129, citing Palmer, ''Our Historic Mission, An Address Delivered before the Eunomian and PhiMu Societies of La Grange Synodical College, July 7 1858'' (New Orleans: True Witness Office, 1859), 4-5.</ref> Palmer declared:
Upon Ham was pronounced the doom of perpetual servitude&mdash;proclaimed with double emphasis, as it is twice repeated that he shall be the servant of Japheth and the servant of Shem. Accordingly, history records not a single example of any member of this group lifting itself, by any process of self-development, above the savage condition. From first to last their mental and moral characteristics, together with the guidance of Providence, have marked them for servitude; while their comparative advance in civilization and their participation in the blessings of salvation, have ever been suspended upon this decreed connexion [sic] with Japhet [sic] and with Shem. <ref>Haynes, p. 132, citing Cherry, ''God's New Israel'', 179-180 who in turn is citing one of Palmer's sermons.</ref>
Unfortunately, among some, the Protestant concept that God has separated people by race has persisted even into modern times.
God has separated people for His own purpose. He has erected barriers between the nations, not only land and sea barriers, but also ethnic, cultural, and language barriers. God has made people different one from another and intends those differences to remain. (Letter to James Landrith from Bob Jones University, 1998) <ref>Haynes, p. 161.</ref>
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Latest revision as of 21:39, 27 May 2024